His Mistake

Now that I know,it;s hard to let it by,

The truth I mean, it runs my blood dry,

Now as I hear,it;s hard to control the cry,

The one I have kept inside sigh,

And on that day,cutting didn't stop at thigh,

Time stopped as,I cut one across my arm right,

Blood spurted out right before my eye,

No tear passed me,as I whispered myself to die,

No last words before my bye,

Now as i pass, i may no longer sigh,

Now I would fly and seek the sky,

Never would anyone sly,never a wry,

No more lies, As there would never be an I.

And so his mistake,I lie,

In the cold floor as i die, be happy,my last cry,

ANd thus ,he will no longer regret, this bella,belie,

No longer anyone;s mistake, I seeked high.


Important question guys,help me decide .The current cover or on of these?

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Love you all for reading.

