Chapter 9



There is seriously no privacy anymore. Luckily it’s only the end of the incident which is why I think it did not go viral. Thank God for that! I swear I tried not to watch the video but I couldn’t help it. I had to laugh somewhat, while watching, especially at Curtis’ expressions.

A ding on my laptop alerted me to an email. I pull up my notification to see an email from Asia. I open it right away. I’m sure it’s the trip information her and Whitney have been working on for the last two weeks. I had been wondering about the destination for a while. They wouldn’t tell us where we are going so everyone has been in the dark but excitedly guessing since the lunch at Big Momma’s.

“White sandy beaches, clear blue water and sunsets to die for. You can not beat that!” 

Just from that statement alone I know where we are going. Got to admit that it sounds so perfect. We have both wanted to go to St. Lucia since Grandma told us about her times there. I could picture everything with the detail Grandma would describe everything. Couldn’t wait to see the places for myself someday. Looks like that day is five days away. I already know I want a new swimming suit for the trip so I pull up A to O website and began shopping. 

Just as I finish my order I hear the front door open. “Babe you home?” I just loving hearing his voice everyday. “Living room!” I yell back. It’s not long after that he is crossing the room to me, holding Brook, with Marshall in tow. “Hey guys. Marshall, what are you doing here? I thought you were in New York.” I ask suspiciously as Curtis and Brook settled down next to me. “I’m hear to see you actually. I need your help with something special.” The smile on his face causes my own. He then sits down, across from us, to tell me his plan.


A vacation is a great idea and I’m glad that Asia thought of it. I need to get my family way from prying eyes for a while. Although everything seems like it’s alright with us I cant shake this feeling like we never really bounced back from the cheating accusations. Which is still my fault. This wasn’t the first time things have been put out there about us and I just ran with it. Like a dumbass. What can I do to make this up to my Wife?

I sat there mostly listening to the conversation Em and Myk are having throwing in suggestions here and there. My mind though was not in this room rather over thinking how I can make my relationship better. I talked to Grandma about it and she thinks I should talk to Myk about it. Which is what I plan to do on this trip. Although, my creative mind is thinking of something much more public.

About an hour later Em and Myk finish up their conversation. I can not even believe that Em is planning something like this. I could never see him venturing into something like this ever again. I’m happy that he has found what I consider to be his other half. Keeping him balanced the way she has been. I don’t even think she has been trying to either. Sometimes I still laugh thinking how I thought he relapsed again when he was hiding his relationship with Asia. No one saw that coming. Sometimes I still cant believe it. 

“Babe you alright?” I look up at Myk to see concern on her face. I smile at her causing her own smile to surface. “Yeah I’m fine baby. Just thinking about the vacation is all.” Her smile brightens even more as she takes Brooklyn from my arms. “I just ordered some things online. They should be here sometime tomorrow.” My head tilts to the side in question. “Nope you have to wait and see.” My little man jumps at the smile she is sending my way. Anticipation begins to course threw my veins.

“On that note I think I should leave.” I forgot Em was even in the state let alone the room. Myk broke out laughing at his statement. “No stay for dinner.” Myk requested to which Em readily agreed to. It was then I notice the tale tale signs of dinner being cooked. I take a long deep breath. “Smells like lasagna and garlic bread.” Laughing, Myk stands at the sound of Brook crying. No doubt she is hungry now. “With extra cheese!” She yells from the kitchen. Em nor I have to be told as we got up to head for the kitchen.  

After dinner we settled in the living room to watch a little television. Football season doesn’t start for a couple more months and there isn’t any boxing matches I want to watch. So I’m absently flipping through the channels while Myk is putting Brooklyn to sleep and Em is lounging on the couch practically asleep. Since the family isn’t with him he most likely will chill in the guest room, like pre-Asia. 

Something on the television catches my eye so I stop. Then partly wished I hadn’t. The news is on and they are, for some idiotic reason interviewing Lillian a.k.a. party crasher and her brother Charles. I turn up the volume to hear clearly. “What the hell?” I hear Em say but I’m far from listening to him.

“So you’re telling me that she faked the whole thing? The ex-husband trying to kill her? That was all a set up?” They both nod their heads in confirmation. “So the law enforcement in these cases are just covering up for her?” Another nod from Charles but Party Crasher speaks up. “That’s right! No one is doing a thing about this crazed lunatic roaming the streets. But poor Jaeson gets thrown in jail for trying to attend a party he was invited to. How messed up is that?” The video cuts back to the Tonight Show where the crowd is booing the video footage. 

“Once again the video we just ran is a taping that was never suppose to see the light of day. An anonyms source sent this video to us.  Lets make one thing clear. Just because we show it does not mean we believe it. This “bubble gum head” girl and her “follow the leader” brother should be locked up and the key should be thrown in a volcano.” The crowd applauded its agreement. “I mean seriously I have met Mrs. Jackson on an occasion or two and the nicest woman you will ever meet.” Jimmy then turns to the camera. “Hey Fifty and Mykaela if you ever want to come on and talk about this you have an open invite.”

I heard a sigh coming from the hallway then she steps into the room fully. “Oh my God my life would just be so much better if she would just drop dead already!” She exclaimed the ending. “Brooks down so I’m going to be too. Goodnight guys.” Myk turns on her heals and walks away. My eyes traveled over to Em, who is writing in his note book, telling me that something just hit him lyrically. I set the remote on the coffee table then stood. “I’m going to sleep too.” Em looks up briefly before looking back down. “Alright. I think I’m just going to crash in the guest room.” I just nod with my back to him heading for my Wife.


 I tried to sleep I promise I did but I kept dreaming of beating the snot out of the Crasher. I mean it seriously consumed my dream. I look over to the clock on Curtis’ side of the bed. Ugh! 2:13 in the morning and I cant get back to sleep. 

An arm around my waist tightens bringing my attention to Curtis. “Cant sleep?” With a huff I shake my head letting out a low sigh. “Would you like some help?” A smile instantly lights up my face giving him the green light. The moment his lips makes contact my entire body is on fire. It elicits a moan as my head tilts to give him better access. The trail of kisses he is leaving behind adds more fuel to the fire. We haven’t been this way with each other for a while now. Even before the accusation and I have to say that I really miss my husband. 

I’m completely aware that Curtis is removing his muscle shirt from my body followed by my blue silk shorts. My anticipation grows with every kiss up my legs once the shorts are gone. He finally reaches my core and glides his tongue over the thin material of the black thong I’m wearing. Causing my fists to grip the sheets for dear life. My breath is coming out in short pants at this point. “Curtis please!” I beg. Just wanting for him to give me the one thing my body cant go without any longer. I can feel him smile into my stomach as he continues to make his way up.

His hands reach for my bra and pull them down under my breast thrusting them up slightly. I gasp as his tongue swirls around the nipple as his manhood grinds into my core. My hips come off the bed to meet his making Curtis groan out loud. He let go of my breast and came for my lips. Letting go of the sheets I hook up arms onto his shoulders and wrap my legs around waist noting only then that his pajama pants are gone. 

I just cant wait another moment. I let go of one his shoulders and reach down for his manhood. I push my thong aside and rest him just at my entrance. Without another kiss he instantly pushes forward causing us both to moan in ecstasy. “Damn we really missed you.” Curtis breathed in my ear. I just couldn’t help it and laughed out loud. Which was cut short by Curtis next thrust.

The next morning was very eventful. After breakfast Marshall, Brook and I headed to work on his surprise for Asia. I am just so excited about all of this I can barley stay in one spot. Marshall has a couple of connections and we were able to have the store to ourselves. Picking something like this is somewhat nerve wrecking and tedious. You have to make sure you pick out the right one or the entire thing could be disastrous. Luckily the store is huge so I’m sure we will find a great match for Asia. 

“Hey Myk.” I look up at the sound of my name. “I think its this one.” I smile to myself Marshall didn’t even look at me when he said that. I make my way over to him with Brook on my hip. I look down in the display cabinet. “Oh my God that is B. E. A. utiful.” I whisper as if I spoke to loud it would disappear. That ring screamed Asia in my, well, both of our opinions. “Hey Antonio. I want this one and the wedding bands that match.”

The rest of the week was uneventful, well mostly. My package arrived a date later than I intended it to. I would not let Curtis see what was inside. I took it along with Brook and hid in her room. I opened it making sure everything I ordered is inside. Of course it always is from A to O. I tried Brooklyn’s new gold and white two piece swim suit on her. She looks so adorable just like a baby goddess. I also tried on my suit which didn’t quite fit as well as I hoped. Which caused me to start running again.

Here we all are on the plane headed to St. Lucia. Asia has not stopped smiling since we boarded the plane. Although, according to Whitney, she has been like that since they finished booking everything. I have to say that her mood is very contagious. Its almost like none of us have ever been on a trip before. 

Thankfully the three little ones slept most of the way. Creating a mostly quiet plan ride. We have a plane full of people. Curtis, Myk, Asia, Em, Lanie, Halie, Whitney, Marquise, Lady, Ronnie, Brooklyn, Nathan, Dean and five his security team. Even with everyone talking with their indoor voices it was still kind of loud. 

I wasn’t in the mood to really hold a conversation with anyone. So I sat their with my arms wrapped around one of Curtis’ and my head on his shoulder. Watching Brooklyn and Marquise trying to hold a conversation with each other. Brooklyn is a very smart little girl but it can be hard to understand her at times. I chuckled when Marquise finally understood what Brook had been trying to tell him for about ten minutes. She slaps her little hand to her forehead as if she is so exhausted after that. 

Curtis laughs next to me as well then leans down and kisses the top of my head. I close my eyes at the feel of that contact.


 I honestly have no idea when Mykaela fell asleep on my shoulder. I hadn’t noticed until Marquise got up for a blanket and laid it over her. She hadn’t been sleeping all that well this past week. When I ask she says nothing but I know something has to be on her mind. “Dad.” My mini-me leans toward me whispering. “Is everything alright. You seem like your in deep thought. Like you’re trying to solve a problem you don’t know that even exist. What’s wrong?” I shrug slightly. “I cant say son she wont tell me. She‘s running again” He sighs and sits back in his seat with a thoughtful expression. I know in this moment we will both be wondering what’s going with Mykaela.

We finally landed in one of two airports on the island. A party bus is their waiting to take us to our destination. Asia decided that it would be better to stay in rented houses on a private beach instead of a hotel. We agreed, especially when we saw the house. Mansion, is a better word for it though. We walked through the house choosing rooms as we went. Taking in the beauty of the this place.

We are bringing in luggage when one of the girls lets out a shrill scream and its like a stampede heading in that direction. Only to get there and realize Hailie is screaming at the sight of the back of the house. Which you really cant blame her for. The house is right on the beach. Not that you really need the beach seeing how most of the house looks to be floating on the infinity pool. “This is a going to be a great vacation.” Mykaela whispers from beside me. “I couldn’t agree more.” I stated throwing my arm around her shoulders and pulling her in close.
