“The place looks so beautiful Hails. You did a really good job.” That husky voice she loves to hear so much whispers in her ear. She turns to face him with a smile. “Thank you, Andrew. I’m glad you could make it.” The sound of her phone receiving a message draws her attention away from her best guy friend for the last five years. Looking at her phone she sees a message from the driver. ‘Two minutes away.’ She turns conveying the message to the room. Everyone takes their places and waits in silence. 

It isn’t long before they could hear the sound of a car pulling up and car doors shutting. Moments later foot steps approach the door. Light singing could be heard as the door began to open. Hailie could feel the laughter of those around them as Asia sings to Marshall. Ten years to the day since they got married and they still act as if its their honeymoon. 

They step further into room when Hailie turns on the lights and everyone yells out SURPRISE! The look on both of their faces is hysterical. A few people even laugh at their shocked faces. Its not long before guests engulf the couple then congrats and hugs are shared. Hailie patrols the room making sure that food and drinks are flowing properly before heading to greet her Dad and Step-Mom. 


Why does time seem to fly by in a blink of an eye? One day I see my future through a music store window at a mall. Then the next we’re celebrating our anniversary. Currently we are heading home from an impromptu honeymoon. It was completely Asia’s idea to do this but I agreed as soon as she told me where we were going. British Virgin Island is a beautiful place to visit. Definitely have to make it there with the wife soon. Maybe next time we can actually take in the sites. 

I look over to Asia and can’t help the sigh. She is such a workaholic, like me. That damn phone is still attached to her ear. “Well Mrs. Carter, I’m glad that you loved your dress. You have no idea I happy I am that you contacted me to make your vow renewal dress.” Guess Queen B loved the dress Asia made for her. From the sounds of things one of her A-List friends wants a dress to. I couldn’t help but to groan. That means she’s getting on a plane and going somewhere. After pictures of Asia’s wedding dress surfaced A to O became the it brand for wedding dresses. Which you can only get at one of the many stores, including Australia .

The car finally pulls up to the house just as Asia ended the call and let out a sigh. “I really needed this break.” She whispered out loud. I don’t respond to her statement. I open my door and get out of the car taking the duffle bag with our clothes. I walk around to her side and open her door holding my hand out to her. Asia smiles over to me and takes my hand. Just as we stepped up to the door Asia starts to sing. She has been doing that the whole trip. Always something different. Today it’s the Anniversary song by Tony Toni Tone’s. 

I put the key in the lock and open the door. I pull her into the house dropping the bag at the door. I shut the door  with my foot as we both move into the house. Its extremely quiet since the girls moved out and Lady and Ronnie are in New York with Mykaela and Fifty. All of a sudden the lights are turned on and we’re faced with a room full of people. SURPRISE! We both freeze in shock. I’m sure our faces display just how shocked we are as family and friends move in giving hugs and saying their congratulations. 

Hailie finally makes her way over with Andy at her side. I cant help but wonder when the two of them will get together. I have always liked Andrew. “Hi Daddy.” She whispers in my ear as we hug each other. “I want to ask if you where surprised but I can tell that you were.” She laughs out. “Well you definitely got us. Thank you for putting this together. I’m really proud of you baby girl. I hope you know that.” She gives me a bright smile after hearing my comment. 

I turn to greet Andrew and Hailie went to Asia. Music starts up and the party begins. About an hour after me and Asia arrived the door opens. In walks the other part of the family. Lady, Ronnie, Whitney, Lainie with her boyfriend, Mykaela, Fifty, Marquise and Brooklyn. Along with Kim and my mom. I’m not surprised to see them at this point. Automatically I open my arms up for my other three girls. They don’t hesitate to come to me. 


“Sorry we’re late.” I whisper to Dad. “You should be. Its all your fault we’re late.” Lady complains for the millionth time already. I apologized but she wont hear it. “I missed the look on Dad and Mom’s faces thanks to you.” Lady unlatches herself from Dad and runs off to find Asia, no doubt. I watch her walk away then turn back to Dad once she disappears. I can tell by the look on his face he wants to know what’s up. 

Instead of saying something I just hold my left hand up. Showing off the huge diamond engagement ring. “About time. He asked for permission about seven months ago.” My jaw dropped instantly. “What?!” I question loudly attracting attention from the guests in the room. 

Dad pulls me and Tyson up on the landing in front of the door. “Can I get everyone’s attention please!” Dad quickly claps his hands loudly gathering the attention of the rest of the people in the room. “I am so happy to announce that my daughter Lainie is finally getting married!” The entire room erupted into applause and whistles. I could feel my face heat up and I turn into Tyson’s chest to hide. I could feel him laughing as he put his arms around me. He then leaned down to whisper in my ear. “How do you think he will react once you tell him we’re expecting?”


It’s always good being around the family and friends. Today is no different as I mingle around Uncle Marsh and Aunt Asia’s anniversary party. Thinking about that just makes me feel even worse about my secret. I mean you would think a person would get over a crush after three years but nope the sh*t just wont go. I have tried to do everything I can. Distancing myself from her and even getting with other girls. Those relationships never last long at all. My heart never left her and I don’t know what to do to get it back.

I haven’t nor will I ever tell anyone about my feelings for her. Part of me has hope that the feelings will go away. A bigger part of me knows it wont and their aint sh*t I can do about it. What am I gonna do?

A head of blonde hair catches my attention. My eyes lock on her as she leaves the room. I sigh as I lock my hands behind my head and close my eyes. Stay put Marquise do not go off chasing after her. Nothing good is going to come from that. You know what Dad will kill you. A throat being cleared catches my attention and I open them to see my baby sister looking up at me. “She’s not a mind reader you know. Just tell her already.” With that Isabella walks away. At only nine years old she is very insightful.

Its not long before I feel the hand on my shoulder. I turn to Dad as he nods his head indicating for me to follow him. We step into the kitchen were the staff is working and proceed to the back yard. Once the door is shut behind us he folds her arms across his chest and stares me down. “What the problem?” I shake my head. “Nothing.” His eyes narrow slightly. 

I know I’m either going to say something or he will torture it out of me. “Dad, I don’t want to talk about it.” He shrugs his shoulders as if saying ‘so what’. Now I know I have to tell him but before I don’t he speaks. “Is it about Reece? Son you broke it off with her a month ago. Are you seriously still upset over that?” My eyes widen in shock. What the hell made him think that. “No! Dad! God, I cant believe you said that.” I take a deep breath and release it. “I’m in love wi-” I got interrupt by the back door opening.

Uncle Lenny steps out of the house. “Hey! Issy told me you guys were out here.” After hugging him I took the opportunity to escape as they began to talk. Instead of going back to the party I head to the movie room. Once I reach the door I open it to come face to face with the very person I was trying to avoid.


The party is finally over. All the guest have left the only thing left is clean up. Which the whole family is helping with. Well mostly everyone. Lainie and Tyson had to leave to catch a flight. She had to be at the hospital first thing in the morning. I guess that’s just the life of a doctor. I sit up looking around at the aftermath of a party thrown by Hailie Mathers. She has definitely made a name for herself in that business. 

“Hey have you seen Whitney?” Shook my head at Asia. “Um no. Not since just before Lenny and Aunt CoCo came.” I sat the trash bag down and went off with Asia to search the house. We looked around the entire upstairs. “Got to be the movie theatre.” I nod as we both head off in that direction. 

Asia instantly opens the door and we both freeze at the site before us. Marquise and Whitney are laying on a lazy boy recliner cuddled together. “That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.” My eyes widen in shock. “Cute?” I ask bewildered. “I seriously expecting for you to get all momma bear on Marquise.” She laughed quietly until she heard the front door slam shut. Then her eyes widen also. “I maybe cool but I’m not sure about Marshall.” We both race into the room and wake the couple up. They both get up with a start. I pull Marquise out of the room and down the hall and get him in the kitchen.

A minute later Marshall steps in. “Hey. Taking a break from cleaning?” We both nod but Marquise answers. “Yeah just got a little thirsty he says holding up the bottle of water.” Putting my hand on his shoulder I push him out of the room. “Come on lets finish up.”

With the guys and Hailie back from the airport, Marquise and Whitney now helping, clean up is fast. Once done we all settle in the family room for light conversation. “So Whitney how is it going at Michigan State?” I ask trying to bring her in the conversation. “Really well actually. I am just about done. Once I’m finished I will be a full fledged professor.” She answers brightly. “Have you decided where you want to teach?” That question comes from Marquise. “Um, well I was think about Texas but I’m keeping my options open.” She smiles sly at the end of the statement. I can see Marshall out of the corner of my eye. Seem like he knows more than he’s saying. Doesn’t surprise me though.

The sound of feet coming down the stairs grabs everyone’s attention. Lady, Brooklyn, Issy and Ronnie come walking into the room talking excitedly about something. “What’s going on?” Curtis asks. Instantly they all freeze but then smiles graces all four of their faces. “Uh oh, what is it going to costs us?” Asia asks. “Well since you asked Auntie.” Issy starts. I swear that girl’s soul has been here before. “We want to go to this concert. Its going to be in Dallas, Texas and its not until November. It could be a birthday present for me. Since I’m too young to go I was hoping these three could come with.” At the end of the sentence they all smiled sweetly and claps in their hands together in a please manner.

Curtis, Marshall, Asia and I all looked at each other for a moment. Then Marquise spoke up. “Hey is it the Honeymoon Tour with Tonight Alive and Mayday Parade?” Issy nods in answer. “I’m the reason you even like Tonight Alive and you weren’t going to invite me?” Faster than I have ever seen a pout takes over Isabella’s face. Oh how she knows how to work her brother. “Never mind.” Marquise says without waiting to hear what she would say. 

“Soooooooo, can we go?” The four of us get up together in a huddle and talk about it. After a long minute we reach a decision and go back to our seats. “You can go.” Asia announces. “Only if Whitney and Marquise goes with you.” Marshall adds with a knowing smile on his face. Whitney’s face goes down trying to hide the blush on her neck that is slowly creeping to her cheeks. “I’m in.” Marquise says not missing a beat. Whitney just nods her confirmation. The four younger ones all cheer and run back upstairs no doubt to buy the eight tickets.

Soon the guys cells start to ring and they get up heading for the office. Whitney and Marquise get up as well using sleep as an excuse to leave the room. Me and Asia are left alone. “So did you ever think that marrying Richard would lead us to this point in life?” I look over to Asia processing her answer in my head. Seriously, who could have seen this coming? I only shake my head. “Well I guess I could throw that same question back at you regarding Simon. Did you think a ‘break-up trip’ would lead you to Marshall?” She smiles at my question but shakes her head as well. “Fate,” we both say simultaneously then laugh out loud.



