Chapter 3 (revised)

Picture on the side is of Marnie.


I absolutely can not believe that Asia has a long lost sister. Although after hearing the story from Aunt CoCo I’m not surprised that Paul has another kid out there. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more. It wasn’t long for Asia to get the DNA test that proved that they are in fact sisters. Unfortunately, Evelyn had no idea where Paul was. Apparently, Evelyn’s mother had given her up to her Aunt. Life had not been the greatest for her growing up.

Of course Asia being the person she is took care of her even before the results came in. Set her up in a condo near the studio so she wouldn’t have to go to far. They had been spending all their spare time talking on the phone kind of leaving me out. Which let me tell you I am grateful for. Brooklyn takes up half my time and Curtis takes up the other half. 

Juggling the family life is somewhat of a challenge but I met it head on. Its not as if Curtis isn’t here for me but he does work a lot. Especially lately, he has been shooting videos for the last album he released. Which should have come out a long time ago. He is finishing up the next to last one today and we are set to start filming Never Land next week.

“Hey babe, you okay?” I look up to see Curtis standing in the entry to the living room. “Yeah just thinking about stuff.” Seeing him brings his surprise party to the front of my mind. I have been working with all the guys to put together the best birthday party for him. The guest list is completely out of control at this point. So the venue has been really hard to get down. “Thinking? About what exactly?” I can see the wheels in his mind going. “How you still haven’t given me a kiss yet.” I smiled warmly at him causing him to chuckle out loud. He knows something alright. I can see it in his eyes.


I didn’t have to be told twice to kiss my wife. I moved quickly basically jogging over to where she is sitting on the couch. I know something is going on with her although she hasn’t said a thing. Could she be pregnant again? That thought has been running rapid in my head for weeks now.

I lean down and kiss those addictive lips of hers. I still haven’t been able to get enough of her. As soon as she sighed I knew I had to pull back. Which made her groan at the lost of contact. “Where’s my Princess?” A smile lit up her face at my question. “Nursery.” Was all she said to have me rushing down the hall to see my baby girl.

Once I reach the door I slowly open it and step in. I can hear the sounds of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star playing from the mobile. Basically tip toeing over to her crib I look down at her. An Angel. That is the only way to explain it. My little girl is truly an angel.

After watching my Princess sleep for a while I head into the room. I had been up since early this morning and its creeping up on one a.m. I’m just about done with my nightly routine when my cell signals I have a message. By this point Myk has made it to the bed and is sleeping. I’ve made sure the doors and windows are all locked. I know what your thinking you live in New York but I don’t care. I takes no chances when it comes to my family.

Picking up the phone from my night stand I open the message from an unknown number. Not to many people have my number if I don’t already have theirs. Which is why I cant imagine who this could be. The time is coming. That was all it said. What the hell did that mean? I sent a quick text to Dean to check up on the unknown number. I have a sinking feeling about this. I don’t know what is to come but I don’t think it will be good. Putting the thoughts out of my head I laid down next to Mykaela and fell asleep instantly. 

Myk’s P.O.V.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

Kids grow so fast you blink and they are already grown.

Both statements are so true. Today marks the day Brook has turned six months. Our little Angel truly came from heaven. Life just couldn’t not get any better.

Coming out of my thoughts I spot my munchkin crawling across the bedroom in my direction. I let a contented sigh escape my lips and face back towards the mirror. I’m sitting here in front of my vanity putting the finishing touches on my makeup. Tonight is my first night away from Brook. Although I’m excited to go out I hate leaving my baby. 

A tug on my shoe causes me to look down. Brook as made her away across the room to me. She’s getting faster. I bend over picking her up and settle her on lap. Facing the mirror. Immediately she begins to grab for my makeup causing me to laugh. I hand her a tube of mascara that instantly goes into her mouth. I smile pick up my phone snap a picture and send it to Asia, Lenny and Tyler. 

“How are my two favorite girls?” I look over my shoulder at Curtis standing in our bedroom doorway. He looks so good in his black ripped jeans, black with gold SK shirt with matching hat and chain. “Well” I started “Brook is good but I’m having some separation issues.” Being the guy he is, he chuckles. “She will be fine baby. Come on lets go.” Curtis walks up to me and pulls Brooklyn from my arms. I stand to check myself in the mirror.

Tonight we are heading out for a promotional event. Curtis is set to perform at a launch party for RAZR’s newest phone. Thankfully tonight is not a formal wear kind of night so I keep it simple black baggy pants and a loose fitting shirt with black heels. (Yeah if you want to see what they are wearing check out the cover for Fate….50 Cent Fan Fic)

I step into the living room to see who our baby sitter is for the night. I nearly fell over from surprise. “Marnie!” In the blink of an eye I am on her like white on rice. I haven’t seen Marnie since before I moved to Anaheim. 

Marnie is Aunt CoCo‘s daughter but the two don’t see eye to eye. Marnie feels that Aunt CoCo is to old for the way she lives her life. I have stayed clear away from that argument. I try to never bring up one around the other.

“Nice to see you too big cousin. It’s been far to long.” I finally pull back at her statement. “That it has.” Curtis clears his throat gathering our attention. He cocked an eyebrow at me. I couldn’t help but to giggle lowly. “This is my cousin Marnie.” He nods his head in understanding and moved closer to us. “Nice to finally meet you Marnie. I have heard some things about you.” He offered his hand to Marnie which she took. “Curtis.” They shook briefly and released each other. “Babe, we’re going to be late. We have to go.” I nod my head and we move to the door as Curtis gives Marnie instructions. Brooklyn was already asleep in her crib and shouldn’t wake again so there wasn’t much to say. 

Gaining entrance into SIR Stage 37 was an event within itself. Paparazzi were there as if they were throwing the event. Me and Curtis had our picture taken together and apart. I still haven’t gotten use to the attention but I’ve gotten good at hiding it. 

We have been at the party for a little over two hours now. I have been enjoying myself profusely meeting new people and reconnecting with others. Tasting all the food they had to offer but sticking to soda. I’ve never been one to “drink” especially in public, have to keep my wits about me.

Curtis was due to perform at this event and we are currently waiting for him to take the stage. I was more than thrilled when they didn’t ask for him to perform Never Land. I’m not exactly shy but I do have a bit of stage fright. 

I am swaying and singing along to Best Friend when an arm tries to snake around my waist. They had barley touched me when I took hold of their hand. If someone had blinked they would have missed it. I had one hand in between their shoulder blades and the other had their wrist locked in a weird angle. Every time they tried to move I would add pressure to their wrist making any movement from them to cease. 

I still hadn’t seen their face so I had no idea who the person was. “Who are you?” I ask in a very pissed off tone. Everyone hear already knows that I’m married to Curtis. Media has been talking about us for quite a while now. Instead of answering the person just laughs. Which took my anger to another level. So I added a little more pressure. 

The laughter cut off and then I heard Tyler’s voice. “Ow, Myk let go its me.” I released him immediately. Not feeling even a little bit embarrassed. He should know better than to sneak up on a person like that. When he stood I smacked him on his arm. “Don’t sneak up on me like that. Next time announce your presence before you touch me.” His eyes finally landed on mine then shifted to something behind me. “Sorry Dean.” I turned to see that Dean was right behind me. “I’m fine.” He just nodded but didn’t leave my side.

Curtis’s P.O.V.

I so badly wanted tonight to be a great night. After that text last night I felt something wasn’t going to go right. Just a little fun for me and Mykaela, my wife. I love being able to say that. She is mine and no one will ever take her away from me. She has been taking care of our little princess and me, not leaving any time for herself. I had to get her out of the house. I just knew she would need someone she could trust. Which is why I had Dean to find someone. I never expected the person he found would be related to her but it made everything better.

The beat for Window Shopper rings clear through the speakers. Causing my head to nod on its own accord. Without thinking about it I spit every word of the song not missing a beat. Watching as the crowd sings along with me causing my smile to break out on my face. Even after all this time people still like my music.

As the song was ending a devious idea came to mind. I walked over to the band and one of the stage handlers, gave them instructions for the next song. She is going to hate me for this but I’m sure I can get her to forgive me.

I see the stage handler run over to Myk. As soon as the band starts the song the crowd starts clapping excitedly when they realize it’s the beat for Never Land. The look on Myk’s face says just how much I will owe her for this. I just smile and she begins the intro to the song. 

Myk’s P.O.V.

Part of me thought this night would never end. Two hours later we are finally leaving. I am very tired and Curtis still wants to go out for breakfast. Its about two or is that three, honestly I can’t tell my eyes wont focus on my watch. 

Eventually I conceded to breakfast. Well actually we compromised. I would go out for breakfast as long as we could go to IHOP. I have yet to eat at one since I moved here and it was one of my favorite places back in Texas. I hope its good here too. 

It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep on the way. I was woken by Curtis kissing me gently. Once my mind was aware I responded to him. After a minute Curtis pulls back smiling. “We’re here. Lets go eat.” 

We got out of the car to head into the restaurant with Dean and few other guards in tow. The place wasn’t crowded but there were a couple of people there. Who all did a double take when they saw us. I took a moment to glance at everyone here as Curtis pulls me to a booth. Just looks like some late night clubbers. 

While my eyes roam the restaurant they land on the restroom. Which causes my bladder to speak up. I try to pull my hand from Curtis but he doesn’t release me. “Sweetie I need the restroom. Let go.” I chuckle at the end. Finally he releases me and I head toward the restroom. I can feel the eyes on me as I walk across the restaurant. Not sure who they belong to and I don’t look around to find out.

I swear I wasn’t in there long, maybe two, three minutes tops. That was enough time for the vultures to come out. I step out of the restroom and notice that Curtis has a visitor at the table. When will these little girls learn?

I don’t get upset. A smile settles right on my face as I approach the table. I can clearly see Curtis and the look on his face has me trying to suppress a laugh. Finally I reach the table. Without a word a push the girl out of the way and take my seat. I look across to Dean and ask, “have you guys ordered?”. 

Dean did something he rarely does, laugh. Out loud projecting through out the entire restaurant. Still keeping my calm façade I shrug my shoulders and look down at my menu. “Eeww!” I scream seeing the panties on the table. Finally I look up at the girl, she seems familiar, who is still standing at the table. “Put those back on!” 

Her face scrunches up in what I think was suppose to be a smirk but looks more like a grimace. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to make facial expressions and she is on the top of that list.

“Well your husband didn’t have a problem when I gave them to him.” I let shock take over my face before I turned to Curtis. His hand raise in surrender when he see my face then I wink at him causing him to laugh. Okay I just couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing along with Curtis which only fueled Dean and now the rest of the guards. Finally the girl walks away.

Once I calmed enough I stood taking the menu with me and threw it on a table across from us. I took my seat once again and Curtis put his arm around me. “Man, you are hell sometimes.” I smiled over to him just as the waitress brought out the food. “I ordered you the breakfast sampler with extra sausage.” I nod smiling still cause how well my guy knows me.

After breakfast we headed home finally. The ride was enough to have me drowsy again. After turning of the television and checking on Brooklyn we went to bed. I don’t remember my head hitting the pillow before I was out.  
