Chapter 13 (revised)



BEEP…..BEEP……BEEP! What the hell is that incessant noise? Why wont it stop? Is that an alarm clock? We don’t have an alarm clock. Curtis is the human alarm. So what is that noise? I began to shift on the bed ready to kill what ever was making that sound but my body protested loudly. Nothing wanted to move. It was like I had the ultimate physical training when I never exercised a day in my life.

Slowly I open my eyes to see a pure white ceiling. My brows furrow in confusion. Since when have we had pure white ceilings? Curtis doesn’t like the sterile look. BEEP…..BEEP…..BEEP! Where the hell am I? What wont stop that beeping? I cautiously turn my head to the left and right. I see the heart monitor next to the bed. A hospital room? Where the hell is Curtis? Last thing I remember was the parking lot.

Curtis asked anybody and everybody if they saw who shot me. I really didn’t want to but I had to say something. So with a sigh I responded. “I did and you’re not going to like it.” Everyone crowded around me as the distant sound of sirens filled the air. I looked right at Tyler as I said, “It was Anton.” I could see Tyler’s eyes go wide as his head slowly shakes in denial. “It was him Tyler. I don’t know who was driving or shooting. When that van pulled up Anton is the one who opened the left passenger door. I looked him right in the eyes. For a moment I was to shocked to move but when he tried to pull me in the van. I snapped right out of it and I started to fight with him. For a moment he pulled me in then I elbowed him in the face. Felt like I hit the nose. He quickly let go and I ran as fast as I could. Something hit my back. Right after I got hit the second time I hit the ground and rolled under the car. 

My room door opens causing me to look up. My spirits died when a nurse came in. I was hoping it was Curtis. “Well hello there sleepy head. I’m Tiffany your day nurse. You are the most popular patient I have. The waiting room is filled with people here to see you. They come everyday to see you.” My eyes widen and the beeping rhythm speeds up. How long have I been here? I wonder to myself. “Its okay. Calm down. Breath in through the nose and slowly out of your mouth.” I did as instructed and the beeping slowed down. “You’re fine. No need to panic. Let me check your vitals, then I will call your doctor and see if I can find your husband.” I nod slightly in agreement. “Here let me sit you up.”

Less than a minute after the nurse left Curtis came rushing into the room. I heard the sigh of relief when he saw me sitting up drinking water. I sat the cup down just as he reached me. He sat cautiously on the bed causing me to smile. I cleared my throat before I spoke. “No treating me like a porcelain doll, Mr. Jackson.” I cringed slightly at hearing my voice. Which causes Curtis to jump up. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” His voice borderline panic. “No, no. It’s just the sound of my voice.” Another sigh of relief and he tentatively sat back down.

We sat there for a moment just looking at each other. I felt his hand slide up the bed until our hands interlocked. “I thought I lost you.” There was a slight catch at the end of his statement. He cleared his throat to stop it. “You really have to stop scaring me like this.” He pulled our interlocked hands up to his lips but I pulled back at the last second. That move caused my back to burn in pain. I’m surprised that I held the wince in. His brows scrunched in confusion. “If you’re going to kiss any part of me make it my lips.” To my statement he smiles a 50 type of smile. He leans down and presses his lips firmly to mine. I can tell he’s being really careful to not jostle the bed. 

Finally he pulls back to let me breath. “How long?” I ask. “Have you been in here?” I nod in response and he continues. “Forty-eight hours.” Again I nod in response. “So who’s out there?” I ask as my body fully relaxes into the bed. “Mostly family.” Was his reply. 

Knocking on the door stops my next question and soon the door opens. “Hello Mrs. Jackson I’m Doctor Kumaresan you can call me Doctor K.” Curtis stood at the side of the bed as Doctor K moved further into the room. “Hello Doctor nice to meet you. So don’t beat around the bush. What’s the damage?” Doctor K exhaled loudly. “Well you were hit twice in the back.” I felt Curtis’ hands tighten around mine but neither of us made a comment. “Missed just about everything. You will need some physical therapy for you lower back. Some of the muscles weren’t so lucky but will heal in time. There are no fragments to speak of. With surgery we were able to remove the bullets.” 

There was a brief silence as Doctor K allowed me to take the information in. “Are you in any pain?” Doctor K probes. “Only when I move to quickly.” I respond. He nods in understanding. “Good, that’s good. Take it easy or you will bust a stitch. I think you can be released in the morning as long as you’re up to it.” With my smile and nod Doctor K laughs out loud. “I will check on you before I leave tonight then I will be back to see you tomorrow morning.” I nod as Curtis verbalizes his thanks.

The day went on uneventful, thankfully. I had a steady stream of visitors the entire day. It wasn’t until Marshall and Asia came into see me that I started asking questions about Anton. “So what’s been going on the last two days? Where’s Tyler?” Asia lets out a heavy sigh, “Tyler has been distant. Probably ashamed about Anton. He’s in the waiting room. He wont come in. Uh um, he told us about Anton.” My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Marshall clears his throat. “Yeah we know all about bat shit crazy Anton. Jealous of your relationship with Anton. I don’t get it. He’s gay. Don’t think you can get more secure than that.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “I know that sound. I’ll drag him in here if I have to.” Curtis leans down planting a quick kiss on my smiling lips before walking out the door. Marshall followed right behind him. Leaving me and Asia alone for a moment. “Okay before they get back. Listen without interrupting.” I nod so she continues. “Tyler is not the only one feeling guilty. The word on the “street” is that the driver and passenger are people from Curtis’ past. Eavesdropping on everyone’s convo so I don’t know how true that is.” I let out another sigh. I just can not wait to go home.

Three weeks later I find myself back in New York. I was released the next morning per my request. I just wanted to get back home. Get things back to normal. Curtis must have felt the same way because Mr. Overprotective is back and worse than the last. Basically the couch is my new best friend and the TV is a close second. I have resigned to watching reruns of Friends and any episode of Supernatural.

Currently Curtis and I are sitting on the couch watching television. I needed a break from Ross and Rachael but Supernatural isn’t on tonight. So I settle on Catfish. The episode was just going off but I couldn’t stop laughing. Curtis kept making jokes about how the guy should have known.

We were still laughing and joking when MTV News came on: 

Two bodies were found in a burned out van in a deserted part of downtown Detroit. Police believe that the van is in connection to the shooting in front of the Hip Hop Shop. Where numerous of rap artist gathered for Eminem’s release party. It is also reported that Mykaela Jackson, wife to rapper 50 Cent, was just released from the hospital due to injuries-.

Curtis turned the television off and left the room. He didn’t like to hear about the shooting. Brought back to many memories for him. 

Its only been three weeks since the conversation in the hospital but I can remember every single word.

Curtis, Marshall and Tyler stepped into the room. I could see that Tyler had been crying his heart out. Marshall made his way over to Asia and Curtis came to me. Tyler didn’t even take five steps into the room. “Curtis tells me that you’re going to be alright.” I nod my head not taking my eyes off his face. He couldn’t even look at me. “Yeah Doctor says I should be going home in the morning. Tyler don’t even make this your fault. I swear I will walk over there and beat the guilt out of you.” I could see the small smile playing on his face. Finally he picked his head up and his eyes met mine. “You haven’t threaten me like that since we were kids.” I let the laugh come out. I knew that holding it in would hurt more. “I mean it just as much now and will follow through with it again.” 

The entire time me and Tyler talked I could feel Curtis standing next to me. It was like I could feel all of his emotions. So I waited until we were completely alone before we talked about it. The nurse had just left from taking the dinner tray. “Curtis.” He didn’t answer me. Lost completely in his thoughts obviously. “Curtis!” I called him a little louder and this time got his attention. “Talk to me. What’s bothering you?” He started to shake his head no but before he could say anything I interrupted him. “If you say nothing you will regret it.” A smirk graced his face for a split second. “Sometimes I think that a lot of things that happen to you wouldn’t if I would have just kept my distance at the hotel.”

My eyes went wide and I could instantly feel the tears coming. “You mean like you never met me.” He broke eye contact with me then nodded. “Do you wish that you never met me?” He sighed. “Please don’t hate me but yes. Richard would have never came after you. That in itself is a enough.” He started pacing the floor. “I feel like all these bad things keep happening to you because of me.” He then paused staring right at me. “I’m selfish. I love you with all my heart and cant let you go.” I beckoned him forward and held him tight. All the while letting him know just how wrong he was. 

I don’t think it worked.

