Chapter 14




Its been a little over three months since the shooting at the Hip Hop Shop. Things have calmed down considerably. It turns out that the people in the car were the two people from Curtis’ past. Which meant that Anton was on the run somewhere. Though Curtis has been acting somewhat normal which is strange for him. Dean however wouldn’t let up. Which means more body guards. Which is fine because I haven’t been going any where. I started physical therapy about a month ago. My therapist says that I’m progressing really well. 

Right now I’m preparing dinner with five of Deans’ people standing in different positions. Lasagna sounded nice so that’s what I’m finishing. “Honey, I’m home!” Curtis’ voice echoes through the house playfully. I couldn’t help but laugh. Curtis stepped into the kitchen in his three piece pinstriped suit. My God my husband looks so good! “Stop looking at me like that unless you want dinner to burn.” I smirked back at him in response. He stepped extremely close to me. “You are a bad girl and I will be spanking you for that later.” 

The thought of that had my entire body igniting. Feels like its been forever since we’ve been together. Curtis kind of reverted back to when we were dating. For a minute I thought I would have to tie him up and have my way with him. The oven timer dinged effectively pulling us out of our moment. 

After dinner we decide to watch a little television before bed. The house is so quite without Brooklyn. Unfortunately for me, her Grandparents have taken her for a few days. I was more than happy to let her go, with a guard/nanny of course, for some out of the house fun. 

“What do you want to watch?” Curtis asks from beside me. I don’t know how he can see what’s on he’s flipping the channels so fast. I just shrug my shoulders in reply. After another full round of channel surfing he settles on ESPN. I relax into the couch as I lay me head on his shoulder. “Is that Detroit and Denver?” I ask. Curtis looks up from his phone that is suddenly in his hands. “Looks like it. Wonder if Em is watching.” I comments going back to his phone. 

The beginning of fourth quarter was just starting when my cell started ringing. I don’t check the caller ID because I know the ring tone. “Hey Ty-” I’m cut short by hysterical crying. Instantly I sit up straight. “Tyler, what’s wrong?” More crying. I can tell he’s trying to tell me something but its so incoherent. “Tyler, I cant understand you. Please calm down.” He takes several deeps breath. I can hear the hiccups even before he speaks. “They found him. He’s in jail Myk. I just thought I should tell you.” Tyler whispers. I know who he is referring to without asking. For a moment I couldn’t really respond to that. Part of me wishes he died with the other two. They tried to kill me and leaving my daughter without a mother and my husband with no wife.

After taking a deep breath, I sigh loudly glancing at Curtis whose attention is solely on me. “Well that’s good news, right? You have been so worried that he was dead. Have you seen him?” I put as much sincerity into that statement as I could. Even though I felt the way I did it was no reason to take it out on my friend. “Yes.” He said tentatively. “Ty, I’m your friend. Don’t be hesitant to talk to me. No matter what.” He sighs in relief, I think. “It was for the last time. I find it hard to love him when he tried to kill my best friend.” There was a brief pause. “He was beaten to pulp. The police found him recovering in a Nevada hospital. It wasn’t until he healed more that they realized who he was.” 

I talked to Tyler for a little while longer. I promised to visit him soon before we said our goodbyes. I sat the phone back done on the coffee table. “You ready for bed?” I could only nod. My mind was in some sort of chaos as we walk down the hall to our room. “What are you thinking so hard about?” I look over to Curtis who is standing on the other side of the bed. I cross my arms and say, “Just after we came home from Detroit you went on a short business trip. Where’d you go?” 


I know exactly what she was thinking before I even asked the question. I just don’t know how much I should tell her. She has already been through too much already. Although, half truths is still a lie. Like my Grandma always tells me. So I sat on the foot of the bed and pat the space next to me. Myk sits down letting her arms fall to her side as she does. 

“Your thoughts are right. I don’t want to lie to you so I will tell you what happened.”


My phone started ringing in my pocket as I drove to the studio. It was my turn to work with Evelyn and I was already late. I answered the phone without thinking about it. “Jackson, speaking. What can I do for you?” There was a faux deep chuckle on the other end. Like a kid trying to make their voice deeper than what it is. “I think I can do something for you. Heard you were looking for someone. I found them for you.” I had to look at the phone and I saw that the number wasn’t saved on my phone. “Who the hell is this?” Another faux deep chuckle. “You looking for somebody not me. If you want what I got call me back at this number.” They hung up the phone with no other words.

Once I reached the studio I called Dean to see what he could tell me about the number. Unfortunately, it was a prepaid cell so therefore couldn’t be traced. The entire day I was distracted. I kept thinking about who the caller was and who they had. I could only think of one person I wanted. 

So after my day was done I called the number back for information of where to meet. The next day I was on a plane to L.A. Told Mykaela I as going to Los Angles for some promotional meetings when in reality I headed to Vegas. After I landed I had a friend pick me and Dean up and we drove to our destination.  

The moment we hit Vegas city limits I called the number back. I was give an address to what I found out to be a donut shop on the end of a residential area. A few minutes later a black SUV pulls up. A man jumps out of the car. Someone I would have never thought would be caught up in something like this.

I got out of the car once Chester started walking toward the car. “Chester?” He nodded with a sly smile on his lips. “Hey, Fifty. Sorry I had to be vague about all this. Follow my car. I take you to him.” We both returned to car.

The ride wasn’t to long. We headed to what some would describe as strip mall but no stores had been set up or they went out of business. The entire parking lot was empty when we pulled up and parked. Everyone got out and we followed behind Chester into the building.

I had to pause my story right there. I really didn’t want to tell her this last part. I didn’t want her to be afraid of me or disgusted with me. I love my wife. I only did it, well I guess for my own stupid pride but it tied into to her. How could I let his punk ass get away with shooting my wife? The only reason he’s alive is because Tyler’s pain would hurt her. No matter how she felt about Anton. 

I felt her soft hands glide into mine. Effectively interlocking our hands together. She gently squeezed my hand with hers. A silent plea for me to go on with my story. I just nod my head and start up with where I left off. 

Entering the building I see that there are about five dudes standing or sitting around. Chester continues walking without acknowledging anyone and I followed him into a back room. Chester opened the door and steps in pointing to something in a corner diagonal from the door.

The room wasn’t lit well so at first I didn’t recognize him but he saw me plain and clear. His eyes went wide when they landed on me. I could see him visibly shaking in the corner. I stood there for a moment trying to reign in my anger but it didn’t help. I snapped. Went into a rage where my fists were connecting with his face as fast as I could make them. 

Dean and Chester with a few others had to pull me away from Anton. I could hear that bastard wheezing and knew he lived. I tried my hardest to get back at him they wouldn’t let me. They pushed me into the room across from Anton where I finally settled down. I was covered, basically head to toe, in blood spatters. I looked down to my fists. They were covered in blood. Whose? I had no idea. I couldn’t feel any pain. The adrenalin wouldn’t allow it if there was anything to feel. 

Luckily my suitcase was still in the car. So I cleaned as best I could. Changed my clothes, thanked Chester and we left. When we got back to L.A. I went to my friends house and burned everything I had on. I had any jewelry I had on cleaned. A few days later I came home.

Myk just sat there for a while still holding my hand. Although, lightly now then before I finished the story. I tighten my hand around hers trying to keep her here with me. I swear it was forever before she said anything. “I love you, Curtis.” I wanted to smile at that declaration but I knew more was coming. I just didn’t know if it was good or bad. “I hate to say it but part of me feels pissed that they stopped you from killing him.” 

My brows shot up in surprise. At the look on my face she explains herself. “I’m just feeling vengeful right now. I’m sure it will pass. Despite the vengeful feeling I am happy you didn’t kill him. I don’t want anyone to die because me. Even if they tried to kill me first.” I let her hand go and wrapped my arms around her waist as hers went around my neck. 

I gently planted my lips to her shoulder trailing up to her neck. When I hit that sensitive spot she shivered slightly. Causing me to pull back but Myk was having none of that and held on. I chuckled lightly at her antics. I know what she wants but I’m not sure we should. “Babe we need to get ready for bed. It has to be somewhere around one in the morning.” I felt her breath against my neck as she sighs. “Do I have to tie you to the bed again?”

A deep groan escapes my lips as my mind went back to our earlier days together. Without warning I reach down and grab her thighs. Hoisting her up in my arms. “Naw lets just skip to the end.”
