Chapter 8

|The next year|

You and Draco walk into hogwarts you looked completely different you ditched everything your whole old life isn't you anymore everything has changed

Neville sees you as some guy is flirting with you "Can you not? Draco come on let's go I wanna get this done already we have stuff to do, and you sir are just plain annoying I hope you jump off a bridge and die." You say and Draco nods and you both walk off

Your mother and you ended up becoming close again over the summer your mother tried to make it up to you for the years she's been gone

But now you are helping Draco with his task he's your best friend and your not letting him do it alone

You walk past Neville ignoring him and he looked at you and Draco looked back looking at him weirdly "The fuck he want?" Draco says and you looks at him

"Huh who?" You say and then you looked at Neville confused "who's he?" You say and Neville was shocked he was actually gonna make it up with you because he realized he was wrong but now you don't remember him?

"No one." Draco says and you nod *Bellatrix decided to erase Neville from her mind and creating false memories without knowing about him nothing was stopping y/n from becoming a death eater, and now she's one nothing stopped her if she doesn't remember the person she loves* Draco thinks as you smiled at Draco

"Let's just go ok I don't know why some random guy is staring at me and it's kinda creeping me out." You say as Draco felt bad for you but Neville broke your heart and doesn't deserve his pity anyways

*Why doesn't y/n remember me? What's going on? Why is she dressed in that dress and why has she completely changed? What happened over the summer*
