Chapter 32

You had faked being sick which got you sent back to Malfoy manor and Draco immediately noticed you were out of the spell

But you pretended you weren't

"I have to run away." You say and Draco nods

"I know but please be safe." He says and you nod and Neville had agreed in a few days to meet you somewhere he said he got all of gryffindor on his side to help him escape Hogwarts

You remembered the death eaters in Hogwarts schedule it's a timed thing they just follow the same path every day same time and everything

And no student noticed their pattern yet which is shocking

But you told Neville exactly how to escape

And Neville said he'd be at the meeting spot and wait for you to run away with you and hide

'I love him so much and I'm so happy soon I'll get to be with him without worry anymore.'


You escape through the window and get to the meeting place and you feel arms wrapped around you immediately and Neville kisses you and you kiss him back

"I'm so happy to be back with you." You say and Neville nods

"Don't worry I know exactly where we can hide out now let's go." Neville says as he grabs your hand and you run off with him dragging your stuff behind you

'I'm so glad I'm with Neville again and I'm away from my mom and dad, I love my mom but she doesn't see that forcing me to be someone I'm not is just pushing me further and further, I know she loves me but I wish she'd show it more, and not in her smothering type of love but a normal mother's love, but I'll never get that because my mom isn't normal.'
