Chapter 1

You jump on Neville's back and scare him as he was reading a book on plants "Oh read to me?" You ask and he nods and you then sit on his lap and he reads to you about plants

You don't really like plants but he finds it interesting so you let him talk your ears off about it because it's something he enjoys

"Ooh." You say after he went on a tangent about some kind of herb

"Am I boring you?" He asks and you shake your head

"No it's fine keep going." You say but then Draco walks over

"Hey we need to talk." He says and you looked annoyed people your trying to make people not know you both are cousins then people would find out your real last name

"Idiot go away." You say as Neville was always confused why you and Draco were close

"Why are you both so close? I never thought about it until now." He asks and you look at Draco like don't you dare say it

"We're child hood friends you can say and she's my best friend isn't that obvious longbottom." Draco says and you grab Draco by the ear and pull him off

"You wanna talk ok lets talk if your gonna say you want me to bake you cookies again I'm gonna throw you out the window." You say and Draco starts saying your pulling his ear off so you pull harder

"Stop it y/n you crazy bitch!" Draco yells as you then push him into a room

"Call me that again malfoy!" You say angry and Draco was now scared yeah he should be your his cousin his terrifying slightly crazy cousin who can and will beat his ass if necessary

Neville smiles as he went back to reading knowing it's gonna take awhile for a fight between you and Draco to finish

*Y/n is so amazing like she can go from being a sweet girl to being a complete badass and I love her so much*
