Chapter 14

|Nevilles pov|

I walk into y/ns dorm and lock the door and then look around her stufff when I find hidden away a wilted flower it was the same one I gave y/n and told her I'll love her forever the flower couldn't ever wilt so why did it?

I take it with me I didn't know why it was so hidden


I walk over to everyone after I looked in y/ns dorm and walk over to them as they were trying to keep y/n distracted "You all are losers can you please let me leave already!" She says and they notice me and let her go

She walks off as I noticed something off about her I couldn't place it why didn't I notice it before but something was off with her definitely

"Did y/n always have a scar on her cheek?" Neville asks and everyone looked confused

"No why ask?" Harry asks confused

"Because she has one I would kiss her cheeks all the time no way I wouldn't have noticed it she has so many scars on her body now what the hell happened?" Neville says as Draco passes by to walk over to you

"Hey Lebitch get back here we have to stick together more so stop always walking off on your own!!" Draco says fed up and you laugh

"Ok whatever now let's go my mom expects me to talk with her before dinner so let's get this done as soon as possible." You say and Draco nods

*I want my cousin back I want the girl who treated me like a little brother even if it annoyed me, just because she's 3 months older then me means shit but I miss her and just want her back! Her memories of her Neville were changed so she remembers all her years at hogwarts but not how it went, I just want that stupid annoying girl back*
