Chapter 23

You were in your room when your mother walks in "Right before I forget again you and neville will never happen again a lestrange and longbottom? Honestly no they'll never accept you and we will never accept him he's a stupid mudblood lover." Your mother says and you look at her emotionlessly

"Honestly still gonna date him once this war is over." You say and your mother shakes her head

"No you won't." She says and you roll your eyes

"I can do what I want! You went and got locked up so shut up you didn't raise me and all you did was give birth to me and ruin my life by making a toddler kill people!" You say and your mom shrugs

"I don't see anything wrong with how I raised you I needed to teach you that mudbloods deserve to die same with muggles and mudblood lovers." Your mom says and you roll your eyes

"Whatever your terrible." You say and your mother frowns "Leave me alone I don't wanna talk with you." You say as you cross your arms on your bed as you stare at the ceiling feeling as if your gonna cry because you missed neville *I don't wanna ever be like my mother I never wanna turn out like her, but she's my mother and my father is just as bad, so I'm probably just as messed up as them and I don't want to be, I don't wanna be crazy or insane or messed up, and I'm scared I am and why would neville love me if I'm so messed up and crazy like I think I am* you think as your mom was yelling at you to listen to her

You sigh as you just waited until she stopped once she did she leaves and you sigh

*I hate how my life is right now*
