SunKi: Special Chapter

I decided to do a special chapter like the lovely Sunoosoupz suggested! Enjoy! 

 "I hate you," I said and ran out, not looking back. "Sunoo! Wait!"I heard Ni-Ki yell, but I didn't care. I wanted to get as far away from them as I could. I couldn't believe it. Ni-Ki did know all this time and kept it from me. Tears were flowing down my face as I continue to run. Luckily for me, I didn't run into that blonde again. I didn't stop running until I reach the park to catch my breath. I few kids waved to me as they ran around with each other. One boy with hazelnut hair came up to me. "Are you ok, sir? Why are you crying?" He said in a high-pitched voice. I wiped the tears from my face. "I'm fine, it's nothing. Go back and play with your friends." When his mom called him, he was about to ask me something else. "Jihoon! Come here!" He hurries back over to his mother.

I walk down the streets and back to my house. I fumbled with the keys, finally, finding the right key, and letting myself in. The house was quiet as usual since my parents weren't back yet from their business trip. I went upstairs and to my bedroom. I stared at my bed. All the plushies I had were from Ni-Ki. I picked up each one and threw them on the floor, chanting " I hate you " repeatedly. Each one I threw on the floor. I jumped on my bed and landed face first. I cried into my pillow. 

Hours went by. I didn't have any more tears left. My pillow had dried tear stains on it. I just have to forget about him. All about him. His smile. His hugs...His kisses...

If it was possible.

Ni-Ki's POV

I left Jay and Jungwon to themselves and went after Sunoo. I knew I should have just told him the truth at the beginning. This is all my fault. I can't be mad at anyone but myself. Now my soulmate doesn't want me anymore. I felt my eyes sting at the thought. I'm not one to cry, but my heart was really breaking right now.

I knew Sunoo was home. I could hear him crying. I was going to knock on the door, but I decided to wait.

Hours went by. I didn't hear him crying anymore. I got up from leaning on the door and knock softly on the door. I don't hear any movement. I knock again...I hear him coming to the door. I suck all my breath, preparing myself for what I should say. The door squeaks open and Sunoo comes into view. We both stare at each for what seemed like an eternity. He was about to slam the door shut but I put my foot in the way. "Please, Sunoo. I'm sorry." "Yeah, you told me." He says while rolling his eyes. "I really mean it. I didn't want to keep it from you, really." "Then why did you?" "Because.." I have an answer, but it doesn't seem he'll care either way. Sunoo sighs. "Please move your foot and let me close my door. I don't want to talk to you." I look at Sunoo with pleading eyes, but I do what he asked. As soon as I moved my foot, the door closed.

A few days go by...

Authors POV

Ni-Ki was trying his best to get Sunoo to forgive him. He bought him more plushies, flowers, and even mint chocolate, though he vowed he would never buy such an abomination. But nothing worked. In Ni-Ki's mind, it was like Sunoo wasn't even trying to give him a second chance. Maybe he just wanted to forget all about him and find someone else. But Ni-Ki couldn't forget about Sunoo. He loves him. But it seems Sunoo doesn't feel the same way. Not anymore. Ni-Ki played with his phone in his fingers, wondering if he should text Sunoo for the millionth time today. 

But he decides not to.

Instead, he goes to their meeting place. Which is open field wildflowers and bugs. But that never bothered the two. They just liked being alone together. 

After a long, tiring, questioning walk, Ni-Ki makes it. In the distance, he sees Sunoo, staring into the sky. Ni-Ki walks over and sits down next to Sunoo. Neither of them looks at each other. "It's been a while since we've been up here," Ni-Ki says, trying to break the ice. "Yeah....." There was silence between the two again. The wind blowing through the flowers, and the sound of bugs flying by every few minutes was all that was heard. Ni-Ki risked a glance at Sunoo. Sunoo was still looking straight ahead. Ni-Ki took a deep breath. "Sunoo I- "I think it's best if we just move on." Ni-Ki blinked. His breath seemed to stop. 

Sunoo swallowed hard but continued. "I'm sorry you felt the need to lie to me, more than once. If you can't trust me then... I guess we aren't right for each other." He finally looks at Ni-Ki, but he couldn't look at him long. He gets up to leave. 

"Sunoo, please no. We-we can't just end it like this." Sunoo turned to Ni-Ki with a sad smile. "You're right." He wraps his arms around Ni-Ki's neck and kisses him softly on his lips. Ni-Ki immediately kisses him back, not wanting the moment to end.

But it had to.

Sunoo pulled back with the same sad smile. 

"Goodbye, Ni-Ki."

And Sunoo walked out of his life forever.....

JK they made up in the school bathroom 🤣Had you going there for a second huh?
