
We walk past all the people on the dance floor. We go inside the first room door we see. "What's your name?" I ask. He looks at me with amusement. "Jay. I'm sure we've met before." I look at him with furrowed brows. "Never mind that, Jay," I say as I take my shirt off. "Let's have fun." I get on the bed and lay down. Jay came closer to me and smashed his lips onto mine. I run my fingers through his black hair as we deepen the kiss. His tongue reached into my mouth and began to play with mine. The room suddenly felt hotter.

I moan as he places his hand on my private area. He pulls away and places his lips on my neck. He searches my neck for my sweet spot and eventually finds it. I moan his name and I feel him smirk against my neck. "Moan it louder, baby." I feel myself getting harder when he called me that. Then he bites me. Not too hard, but enough to make me groan. I hear him groan as well.

He moves his lips down to my chest and started rubbing my member with his hand. He attaches his lips to my nipple and with his free hand, rubs the other. He goes faster and faster. I moan out louder as I have never felt such pleasure before. "A-ah, Jay. This feels so g-good." I moan out. He looks up at me while biting his lip. "You don't mind if we go a bit further...do you?" He said as he slowly unzipped my pants. Me being so out of it at the moment, I nod. He pulls my pants down and then my boxers.

"You're a nice size." He says with a smirk. He licks the tip of it, and I whimper. "P-please, don't-don't tease me." "Well, aren't we aroused? Sit up, baby." I immediately do what he says. He gets on his knees in front of me and begins sucking. I throw my head back in pleasure and rub my fingers through his hair. "G-go faster," I beg and he does so. I guide his head as he goes back and forth. He bites it a few times, causing me to whimper more. "I-I'm going to c-cum." I say quietly. Jay begins to move faster. My moans get deeper and lewder. I few more times and I cum in his mouth. 

My breathing is heavier, and sweat is going down both our faces. I watch as he licks the cum off his lips. I smash my lips onto his, into a messy kiss. He groans as I squeeze his nipple with my hand. Then he pulls away, breathing unevenly. "I-I have to stop" I look at him confused. "Why? We're having fun." He shakes his head but doesn't respond. He looks me in the eyes again and suddenly I feel light-headed. Then it was black.  

Jay's POV

"Woah. This a lot of people," I say to Sunghoon "Well, yeah. It's a party." I roll my eyes and then I see Jake. "Hey. Why don't you talk to your lover over there?" Sunghoon looked to where I was pointing and gasped. "I will do that." I shake my head and walk over to the drink station. I drink a couple of drinks, but nothing too strong. I'm not much of a drinker. I turn to the dance floor and watch everyone carefully. I didn't even realize I was looking for Jungwon until someone bumped into me. I turn around and I'm shocked by the sight in front of me. It's...Jungwon? 

Oh, I'm sorry sir." He says in a raspy voice and starts dancing around me. What the... "Should we dance?" He asked. I don't answer him since I was so surprised to him like this. I didn't picture him doing something like this. He wraps his arms around my neck, and starts grinding on me. And for some reason, I wrapped my arms around him. "Aren't you going to say anything?" We look each other in the eyes, and suddenly he smirks. "Let's go somewhere private."

The next thing I know, I'm giving him a blowjob. "I-I'm going to c-cum." He whimpers out. Wanting to taste him, I moved faster. His moans got deeper and lewder, causing my member to get hard. Finally, he releases it into my mouth. We both had sweat falling from our faces. I lick the cum off my lips, then Jungwon smashes his lips onto mine, into a messy kiss. I feel his hand ride down my chest and squeeze my nipple. I groan in the kiss. Then, I pull away, breathing unevenly. "I-I have to stop," I say. He looks at me confused. "Why? We're having fun." I shake my head and don't respond. I look at him, deep in the eyes. I see him get a bit dizzy, then he passes out.

I quickly walk out of the bedroom, before anyone can see, and go back into the crowd. I walk out of the club, not even thinking to tell Sunghoon. As I get to the street corner, I kick a trash can. "Ugh! What's wrong with me?!" I hit a wall with my hand. "I could have drained him!" I yell, but I didn't know what I really meant. Did or didn't I want to drain him? The more ranting I did the more frustrated I got, but at the same time, more thirsty. I feel my breathing getting heavier, my body getting warmer, and my fangs coming out. "No! Stop!" I tell myself. But it was no use. I needed blood. Now. 

I looked down one way. No one. I look down the other way. One boy is walking in the opposite direction of me. I fix my eyes on him. He's distracted, I tell myself. I start walking towards him. Faster and faster, I pick up my steps. He may not be Jungwon, but this will do. I reached him, grabbed him harshly by the shoulder, and pushed him against the wall. "Ow! W-what are you doing?" I look him in the eyes. "I...Just want a drink," I say with a smile. Immediately, I bring my face to his neck and bite into him. I began sucking the blood out of him. As I did so, I could feel him getting weaker. He started sliding down the wall, so I wrap my arms around him, to support him. 

I'm finally filled enough and pull away from the boy. He slides down the wall. I wasn't worried about it, since I knew he was still alive. I leave the boy there and go home.
