
I open the house door and go inside. "Heeseung? Are you here?" I call out to him. No answer. I walked to the kitchen and on the table was a note. I had to leave early for the training. Hopefully, I'll be back early. Don't do anything crazy, Jay, especially with humans. I'll call when I can. -Heeseung. I sigh and place the note down. If only he knew. I go to my room, lay down on my bed, and sigh, more deeply this time. I think about the young boy. I was having mixed feelings about what happened. What if I had bitten him harder? Would I have been able to stop myself? Probably not. But then again, why didn't I bite him? It was the perfect opportunity. I made up my mind.

I need that boy.

Jungwon's POV

I woke up with a major headache. I slowly sit up and look around. I'm in Sunoo's room. I sit on the edge of the bed. "Oh! Your awake!" Sunoo says as he enters the room. I groan. "W-what happened?" "I should be asking you that. I found you basically naked in one of the rooms." Then his worried face turned into an amused one. "Who was it? Is it someone I know?" I shake my head. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say and attempt to get off the bed, but I fall back since my head was hurting so badly. "How about I make you something to eat?" I nod. "And there's something I want to talk to you about when you get back," I say.

I told Sunoo what happened at home yesterday and that I had planned to leave. "Wow, Jungwon. I'm proud of you for taking a stand." He said and punched me on the shoulder. "But where are you going to stay?" I clear my throat. "Well. I was hoping I could stay with you for a while." I say softly. "Of course, you can!" Sunoo said and hugged me. "But when my parents come back, you'll have to ask them." "When will that be?" He shrugged. "It depends on how the trip goes." I nod. "Thanks, Sunoo."

A little later on

"Shouldn't you go get your things now?" Sunoo asked. "No. They'll still be home now. I'll go at 8:00. 10 minutes. They go to dinner at the time every Sunday." Sunoo nodded and went back to his phone. Meanwhile, I was thinking about last night. I could only remember a few things, which was no help. I remember getting hella drunk and dancing with Sunoo and Ni-Ki. I barely remember walking into a room with someone, but I don't doubt that I did, knowing the state I was in. "I'm going to the bathroom," I said and walked out. 

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself through the mirror. My eyes were a bit red, and my hair was messy. I took one of Sunoo's brushes to brush my hair. Before I can, "Don't use my brushes to brush your dirty hair!" Sunoo yells. I roll my eyes and put the brush back down. I use my hands instead. As I'm doing so, I feel a pain in my neck. I look closer in the mirror. There were two marks, not deep looking but they still hurt. And they weren't even circles. They were triangles. I place my fingers on it and I immediately get my headache back. I groan as I grab my head. The headache doesn't last long.

I walk out of the bathroom, grab my phone, and head out the door. "Be careful!" I hear Sunoo shout right before I close the door. It was dark outside, but the streetlights were on, so it was okay. Since we don't live far away, as I said before, I was there in a short time. When I got there, I saw the car was gone. I unlock the door and quickly go up to my room. I pull the suitcase from under the bed and walk out of my room.

I close and lock the door to the house and start walking, rolling my suitcase along. I'm a block away from Sunoo's house when someone comes from around the corner. I let go of my suitcase as they push me against the brick building. I look at the two guys in front of me, which were very handsome, I'll let you know. "What do you want?" I said trying to sound brave, even though my voice was shaking. "Can't you tell?" The taller one said and bared his fangs. Oh, why me? "Don't worry, you won't remember a thing. You'll be dead." And they both laugh like that was the funniest joke. The red-haired one got closer to my neck, and I could feel his breath. 

I close my eyes tightly, getting ready to feel the pain. No, I was not going to fight back. For numerous reasons. Before he can bite me, I feel a really cold breeze on my arms. "Ah, Jihoon and Yoshi. I expected you guys to do this soon enough. Step away from him." We all look over and I'm the only one shocked. It was the boy from the restaurant. I looked closely at him. Then it all came back to me. He's the one I was with that night. The one I bumped into. The one I let touch me and I touched him. His name is Jay. I was so shocked I almost passed out.

"Oh, come on Jay. I know you want his blood too. Seeing you already tried." Jihoon said pointing to my neck. "You're the only one who has triangle bite marks," and he chuckles. He's...a vampire?  At this point, I really pass out.

Jay's POV

I had fallen asleep thinking about the boy. I just woke up and I walk out of my room. I was getting ready to call Heeseung to talk to him about what happened when I remember he wasn't home. "Well, then. I guess I'll use my second therapy. Going on a walk." I say to myself and leave the house. 

I walk past my favorite restaurant. They were obviously closed. I walked past the park where I saw two teenagers playing around. I look up at the sky. The stars were beautiful. And so was the night. Then I look at the moon. How big and bright it was. How brightly it shined. I small smile appears on my face, and it quickly disappears when I smell a familiar smell. One I've been thinking about, and one I disapprove of very much.
