
Jay's POV

I stare at Jungwon as I exited his thoughts that he was still in. Normally, it would bring a vampire pure joy to see their misbehaving pet suffer. But that wasn't the case. I felt.... bad. I felt bad that he had to experience all those things at a young age and now has to relive all those moments. I pull Jungwon out and his head hangs. I first, I thought he had passed out, but then I heard him sniff. Then again. I saw droplets fall from his face to his pants, leaving a water stain. He was crying, and I can understand why. I think he forgot I was there because he just kept crying, which caused my heart to break even more. This was bringing back memories I never wanted to revisit...

I haven't had this feeling in a while. I didn't want to have it. I hated the feeling of sadness and crying. I didn't want to seem like a softie. Not anymore. The last time I had this feeling, was a few years back when I got my first pet. It didn't go so well...

It's been a week or so since I got Ta-Ki. My very first pet. I was more excited than I should have been. "How are you feeling," I ask and rub his cheek. He jerked away from me, almost hitting his head on the pole he was tied to. "Don't touch me." I pout. He doesn't seem happy with me. "Well, tonight we are having a party in my world, and we get to bring and show off our pets. Of course, I'm bringing you along." He just glares at me.

After a few hours of getting myself and Ta-Ki ready, we are set to leave. I do my little power thing and the portal forms in front of us. Ta-Ki had never seen me do this before, so he had a surprised look on his face, but quickly changed it when he saw me smiling at him. I bring him along inside with me. The streets weren't filled as usual would be. "Everyone must be inside alright," I say and drag Ta-Ki with me.

I look around the place for my friends, Jake and Sunghoon. I spot the two standing awkwardly next to a bowl of fruit punch. No, we don't drink blood all the time. I walk over and Sunghoon looks relieved. I know Sunghoon likes Jake, but he never had the never to tell him. So whenever they're alone, like they were before, he tells me how awkward it is. "Hey, Jay!" Sunghoon says and hugs me. I greet them and then they look over at Ta-Ki. I do too, and he looks pale on the face. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I say concerned and touch his shoulder. He jerks his shoulder away from me but continues to stare at the bowl. "I-is that a bowl full o-of b-b-b-blood?" He looked like he was getting ready to throw up. "No, no! That's fruit punch." I say quickly. He started to get color back on his face. "I'm going to the bathroom really quick," He says. I nod. Once he walks away, Sunghoon speaks. "Jay, don't you think you're being too soft with him?" I look at him confused. "Like, you take care of him too much. I mean, he didn't even ask to go to the bathroom. He just told you. You should be rougher with him, to make sure he stays in his place," Jake says and takes a sip of his fruit punch.

I wave them off. They've told me this many times. "Oh, please. He knows his place. There's nothing wrong with being nice." "You're a softie, Jay. Something seems... off about him. Just be careful, I can sense something on the horizon," Sunghoon says. He didn't explain what he meant by that, and I don't think I want to know. Ta-Ki and I talk with a few other vampires with pets of their own. Well, I talk. The pets seemed so...depressed. They held their heads low and didn't make eye contact with anyone. Not even Ta-Ki, who was in the same situation as them.  But he seemed to be taking it differently. He stood tall and looked at all the people I talked to. A few times, I saw him try and talk to the humans, but they never responded. I must say, he always seemed different in a way, but I could never figure out what it was. Like he was hiding something behind his eyes... 

After the party, I caught up with Jake and Sunghoon. Even though they're awkward together, they're always together. "Hey, guys. Ta-Ki and I are getting ready to leave." Jake and Sunghoon give me a hug. "See you later," Jake says. Ta-Ki and I walk out and the streets were filled as usual. I look up to see the stars, but there wasn't any this time. It's always nighttime here. Ta-Ki and I go through my portal and go back to my house.

"I want to sleep in a room this time. The floor is cold and hard. There's no way to get comfortable in there," I think about it for a second then nodded. "Sure, you can sleep in my brothers' room." I show Ta-Ki the room, and he goes inside and closes the door. I don't think to time him up, since it's also night in the human world, and I don't think he would go into the woods at night.

I go to my room take a shower, put my PJs on and get in bed. I look at my phone for a little while and then slowly doze off, my phone still in my hands.




"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" I jump out of my bed from the sound. It sounded like a growl. Then I hear more. Hissing and screaming. "What is going on?!" Then someone brakes through the window, causing the glass to fly everywhere. "JAY, COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" Sunghoon says in a panic. I decide right now is not to ask what's happening. We leave out the window he just broke, and I see a whole bunch of vampires running for their lives. I stop in my tracks, slipping a bit. Sunghoon turns. "What are you doing, we have to go!!" "Ta-Ki is still in there!' I say and start to run back, but Sunghoon grabs me. "No, he's not.." and he points to someone on top of someone else. It was Ta-Ki. He just stabbed one of the vampires with a big smirk on his face.

"B-but how??!" Sunghoon and I start running again. "I told you to be careful, Jay! Apparently, this kid had some powers you didn't know about," I look around. Ta-Ki had gotten the whole police force and whatever else the humans have to get rid of us. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "He was able to get back to our town with his team of vampire killers and started to destroy everything. They pretty much run us out of there!" Sunghoon finishes. "Where's Jake??" "He's already in the new place."

As we continued to run, Ta-Ki appeared in front of us. He shot a stake arrow right at Sunghoon. Sunghoon moved his head to the side and the stake arrow just missed him, hitting the very surface of his face. Sunghoon ran straight to Ta-Ki and tackled him. I run to help him but he pushed me away. "Go! I *grunt* can handle this!" Make sure *scuffle* Jake is okay!" I didn't want to leave my best friend like this, but I knew Sunghoon wanted to make sure Jake and I were safe. 

I run and finally reach the portal that had been opened to relocate us somewhere. I run through and fall to the ground. I breathe heavily in and out still worked up from what I just saw. "You! This is all your fault!" An older vampire came over to me and grabbed me by the collar. "You couldn't keep your pet under control and now look what you've done! You've cost hundreds of other vampires' lives!" He says and points behind me. 

You could hear their screams and cries, ones that didn't make it to the portal. His grip on me got tighter and it was starting to hurt. I looked at all the vampires behind me. Their eyes filled with anger and sorrow. Amongst them, I saw Jake. He was staring at me, but his expression, I couldn't read. We didn't look at each other long as he walked away. There was a throbbing pain I felt in my heart. What have I done? I cost many vampires' lives, and maybe even....my best friend's. 

The older male stops me when someone comes up to calm him down. The portal would be closing soon, and Sunghoon still hasn't come through. I fell on my hands and knees wishing and praying Sunghoon would come through. A woosh sound is heard. I look up and there was Sunghoon. He looked beat, but he could stand. We made eye contact and again I couldn't read the expression. Then he looks over at Jake. He runs over to him and for the first time I've ever seen, they hug.

They both look over at me and this time I could tell what they were saying. "You've messed up this time, Jay." Was Jake's expression. "We tried to warn you." Was Sunghoon's. They walk away and I was left there alone. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to comfort me...

No one to tell I'm sorry...

Wow, this is the most words I've written for this book, or probably in general. 1600! And at this time Heeseung wasn't for the same reason he isn't in the present. It's a yearly thing he has to do. Hope this all made sense. Anyway, ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR THAT'S NOT A REAL WORLD TOUR BUT IM STILL EXCITED!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
