
I didn't have another pet for years after that for many reasons. But the most concerning and sadness one to me was losing my friends. They should be here for me, was my first thought. At that time, I always decided not to be the soft person I use to be. I change my whole personality...

I didn't leave the house much after the incident. I kept to myself. Not because I wanted to, but because I didn't want to face those vampires out there. Everywhere I went, they were sending me death glares. Sometimes, some vampires my age would chase me and beat me up. I got a sore arm because of it. As I spent more time by myself, and in the quiet, I had more time to think. What could I have done to stop that from happening?

I guess the answer was obvious. I should have listened to my friends. I should have been more careful with Ta-Ki. I was too...soft. I look around my room. Then I start to tear everything up. The walls, my clothes, my bed. Everything. I threw books across the room, ripped a lot of my shirts and I almost drew something on the wall, but the thought of Heeseung seeing made me shiver. I would never see the outside again for real. I just made my whole room into a big mess. Bashing out like that was actually...fun. 

For the first time in a few weeks, I left the house. We haven't all gone to our new location totally because it would seem strange if out of nowhere, a whole bunch of "people" started moving in. We had to go in small bunches at a time. As you would think, I'm still hiding out. I walked down cobblestone streets. I still got glares, but it didn't bother me this time. I glare back at a few people, and they are quite surprised. I was gaining some kind of confidence from somewhere.

I smirked at their shocked faces. I walk inside a store and don't bother to say a word to the store owner, who was staring right at me. I picked up one outfit and looked at the front and back. Not bad. I get a bunch of clothes that all had a certain theme to them. I went to multiple stores to get different things with this theme. Dark and death. I went back home and begin redoing everything. Not just my room. I redid my walk, my hair, my smile, and even attempted to make my voice sound deeper, more intimidating. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't see the obedient, soft-spoken, cry baby I used to be. I was a totally different Jay. And I like it. My doorbell rang. Who could that be? I haven't spoken to my friends. I was too ashamed, but now I'm not. I walked to the door and there they were, standing a few feet from each other. We stared at each other. We all had surprised looks on our faces. They have changed as well. Sunghoon's hair was kind of a blond sliver now, and Jake's was blond as well. They both looked darker around the eyes. Though, my change was a bit more. Before, I would never have worn all black. Ever. 

But now I was feeling more rebellious. I didn't say anything, I moved aside and let them walk in. We sat down on the couch, still silent.



"You look different," Sunghoon says, not making eye contact. I couldn't tell if it was because he was feeling guilty for ghosting me or if he just didn't want to look at me. Either way, I didn't care. "Yeah, you too..."  We're here to say sorry." Jake cuts in but actually looks at me. Okay, Sunghoon must feel guilty. I've known Sunghoon longer than I've known Jake, which is probably the way Sunghoon is acting like this. I roll my eyes. "I'm sure." "Jay, I know we shouldn't have left you like that. You have always been by our sides when we needed it, but we left you when you needed us. And that was wrong. And we're sorry."  I wave him off. "What is this? Why didn't you say that before? I don't need your pity." Jake looked angered, meanwhile, Sunghoon held the same expression. Blank.

"Look, Jay. We all make mistakes. Sunghoon, you and I. We all did," He said and pointed. "And now we're apologizing. We can't fix what we did, but we think we should continue moving on like it never happened. You're our friend, Jay. So stop being stubborn and accept it."  Jake and I stare at each other with fierce eyes. Sunghoon watched our staring contest. I small smile formed on my face. I walked over to Jake and gave him a hug. Of course, I'll forgive them. They're my friends.

I looked over at Sunghoon who fiddled with his fingers. "Don't you have anything to say? I say in a teasing voice. Sunghoon looked up at me. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Jay. As your best friend, I should have checked on you, even if I was upset..." His voice trailed. It does that when he's embarrassed or at a loss for words. I hug him too. "It's alright guys. At least I know I can count on you guys as much as you can count on me." After a few minutes of talking, they had to go. "Bye rock chic," Sunghoon said and ran. "Don't call me that!" Jake smiles and catches up to Sunghoon. I'm relieved that my friends and I we're on the same page again. I didn't realize until this day how much they meant to me.

And how much I meant to them...

I exit my thoughts and I'm surprised. Jungwon's swollen eyes we're staring at me. I looked down and his hand was on top of me. Did he...? Was he....in my thoughts? Neither of us moved, just staring into each other's sad eyes. Now, I can see better what Jungwon's gone through and he saw mine. I feel like we have a better understanding of each other now. I cleared my throat, swallowing a weird feeling in my throat. "Jungwon I-" Bang, Bang, Bang. Jungwon and I both looked overhead. Crash. We looked back at each other, his eyes filled with fear. 

Someone is in the house.






HELLO! Sorry if this chapter is boring 😔. I wanted to tell you guys that I may not be uploading as often as I want to, due to personal reasons. I'll try my best so you all won't be bored, but please bare with me. Thank you lovelys!💖
