Marcus Kruger Imagine

You were standing outside the locker room waiting for your brother Jonathan Toews to get changed. You were looking at your phone and not paying any attention until you felt someone pull your body close to theirs. Looking up quickly you saw it was Marcus. You smiled up at him as he held you close. His face was inches from yours when you said, “Marcus. Jonathan is going to walk out of there any second. He’s going to see us.”

You and Marcus had been seeing each other in secret because your brother was over protective of you and had a stupid rule about you not dating any of his teammates. But you couldn’t help it when it came to Marcus. You guys met at one of the team dinners and instantly hit it off. You guys had almost everything in common and he made you laugh until you were sure you had six pack abs. He was great and one of a kind and you didn’t really care if Jonny approved. Unfortunately, you both had decided to keep your relationship a secret just for the fact that Jonny would kill Marcus.

“He’s still in the shower we have some time.” He said before he kissed you. Your hand went to the back of his neck and started to play with the damp hair at the nape. His tongue licked your bottom lip asking for entrance into your mouth which you of course gave him.

You both got lost in your kisses until you heard a loud “What the hell?” coming from Jonny.

“Shit.” You said as you pulled away from Marcus.

“What the hell are you doing to my little sister, Kruger? Jonathan said walking up to get in Marcus’s face. You stepped in front of Marcus before Jonny got to him.

“Stop it, Jonathan.” You said sternly.

“What are you thinking, Y/N? Are you stupid? Do you not remember my rule?” He said, spit flying from his mouth because he was so angry.

“Can you calm the fuck down, Jonny? I’m 22 fucking years old and I can make my own decisions. I don’t need your approval. And Marcus is a hell of a guy and deep down you know that. So just chill out.” You spit back at him.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Jonathan said, softening a little.

“I know, Jonny, and I love you for that, but Marcus is a good guy. He treats me well.”

“I’m not going to hurt her, Tazer. I wouldn’t do that.” You heard Marcus say from behind you.

“How long has this been going on?” Jonny asked, sounding hurt now.

“Three months.” You say looking at the ground.

“Why didn’t you just come to me? Why did you have to go behind my back?”

“I’m sorry, Jonny. I thought you’d go crazy and keep me away from Marcus if I told you. I’m sorry you had to find out like this, but now you know.”

“And you’re happy?” Jonathan said to you.

You looked behind you at Marcus and smiled, “Very.”

“Ok, ok. I guess if it had to be one of them I’m glad you picked a clown like Kruger. Now come here.” Jonathan said as he held his hands open for a hug.

“Thanks Jonny.” You said into his chest as you hugged your big brother.

“If you ever hurt her I swear to God it will be the last thing you do.” Jonathan threateningly said to Kruger.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Tazer.” He said as he looked over at you and smiled.

“Also, I never want to see you sucking my sister’s face off like that again. Do that somewhere less public would ya?” Jonny said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

You and Marcus both laughed and promised it wouldn’t happen again. You were relieved that you didn’t have to hide anymore.
