Jamie Benn Imagine

You and Jamie were just getting home from your honeymoon and Jamie pulled into your driveway, turning off the car, “I love you.” He reached over to kiss you.

You kissed him back when you realized he was deepening the kiss. You sat there for a few more seconds kissing your new husband before you finally said, “Let’s get into the house, yeah?”

His eyes lit up and he jumped out of the car and ran over to your door to help you get out. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you close kissing you once more. You giggled and pushed him off of you grabbing your luggage and started walking to the front door. You were in the middle of unlocking the door when Jamie started to kiss the back of your neck, “Jamie, hold on.” You said giggling.

You open the door and walk in. You went to flip on the light and you heard a group of people yell, “SURPRISE!” and you saw all of yours and Jamie’s family and friends in your living room.

“We wanted to welcome you home!” your mother says as she’s giving you a hug.

“Thaaanks mom, that was so sweet of you all. Right, Jamie?” you turned to look at Jamie

“Uh, yeah. Yeah! Thanks guys.” He said smiling politely.

You were walking around talking to your friends and family, sharing stories about your vacation and how blue the water was. You were laughing and having a great time when Jamie walks over to you, “Hey, hun, can you come upstairs with me for a second?”

“Sure, babe. Excuse me.” You said to your aunt and uncle. You followed Jamie upstairs to your room. He closed the door, “What’s up, love?”

Jamie walked over to you and wrapped you up in his arms engulfing you in a kiss. After awhile you pulled away and put your forehead against his, sighing you said, “That was nice.”

“I love our friends and family and I’m so glad they’re so supportive and caring, but I wasn’t quite ready to share you yet.” He said giving you soft kisses on your neck.

You grab his head and guide his face up to yours and start to kiss him again. He licks your bottom lip asking for entrance. You moan lightly and give in. Your tongues fought for dominance in each other’s mouths. His hands travel from your waist up your sides and settle in your hair. You move your hands to his waist and grab onto his shirt. Jamie lightly pushes you over to the bed and tries to take your shirt off. You pull away and look at him, “Our house is filled all of our family and friends, Jamie. We can’t right now.” You say laughing.

Jamie groans, “Really? They probably don’t even know we aren’t down there.” Almost immediately you hear a knock on the door and your mom say, “Sweetie, are you and Jamie coming back downstairs soon? Everyone would like to see your pictures from Cabo!”

You laughed and replied, “Yeah, mom we’ll be right down.”

Jamie’s head dropped into your neck and he groans. “Come on, love. The sooner we show them pictures, the faster they’ll leave. Then we can continue.” You say with a smile.

Begrudgingly, Jamie got up and pulled you off the bed. Grabbing your hand you headed downstairs to show your guests your memories from your honeymoon.
