Jonathan Toews Imagine

You were exhausted from giving birth and you were in and out of sleep.

“Shhh.” You heard Jonathan say to your baby. You opened your eyes to see him standing over her basinet that was next to your hospital bed. “It’s ok little girl. Shhh momma’s sleeping.” He said as he rubbed his finger across her cheek. The baby kept whimpering and she was about to start crying. Jonny looked lost at what to do. This was your first child and Jonny was super nervous about it.

“Pick her up. She wants to be held.” You said with a scratchy, dry voice.

Jonny’s head snapped up at you with wide eyes, “You want me to pick her up?”

You smiled, “No, Jonny, she wants you to pick her up.”

“But what if I drop her? Or don’t do it right? What if she doesn’t like me?” He said as his eyebrows creased with worry.

“You’ll be fine. You’ve held your nieces before. It’s the same thing.”

“No it’s not. She’s so small and tiny and beautiful. What if I hold her too tight?”

“Jonny.” You said.

He looked at you and you knew you had won. He sighed nervously as he carefully and slowly picked up his baby girl.

“Just make sure you support her head. The rest is cake.” You gently reminded him.

The baby immediately stopped whimpering and curled up to Jonny’s chest. He smiled down at his baby girl as she grabbed onto his finger with her tiny hand.

“Oh my God.” Jonny breathed out in astonishment. “This is my little girl.” He said looking at you with tears in his eyes. “And look, she’s not crying. I’m doing it right.” He smiled his famous crooked smile at you.

You watched on with sleepy eyes. “I knew you’d be a pro.” You winked at your husband.

Jonny walked over to the other side of the bed where his uncomfortable hospital chair was. He sat down in it carefully, never taking his eyes off of your baby. “I could do this forever. Ya know, holding her.” He clarified.

“Well, good because I’m about to fall back asleep. I love you. Oh, and Happy Father’s Day.” You said smiling. Your daughter’s birth just happened to land on Father’s Day weekend.

Jonny smiled at you and said, “Get some rest, my beauty. I think I can handle things for right now.” He said, seemingly far less nervous.

You closed your eyes and just as you were almost asleep you heard Jonny speaking to your daughter, “You are so beautiful. I’m going to protect you and take care of you and never let anything hurt you, just like I do mommy. You and mommy were the best thing to ever happen to me.”

You smiled as you drifted off to sleep.
