Brendan Gallagher Imagine

You and Jonathan pull up to the club that Brendan was having his party at and Jonathan looks at you and says, “How long do we have to stay?”

“Jon! Don’t be rude. Brendan has been one of my good friends since we were in school. And it’s his birthday so chill out.”

“I just—I don’t like the guy. He looks at you funny.”

“We’ve been through this, Brendan doesn’t think of me as any more than a friend.”

“I don’t look at any of my friends like that…”

You reach over and kiss Jonathan on the cheek before you opened the door to get out. You both walk into the club and find Brendan.

“Happy Birthday!” you said as you went to give him a hug.

“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it! It’s been too long! I was just on my way to the bathroom, but we have to catch up later!”

“For sure!” you said as he walked away.

“See I told you.” Jonathan said.

“What?” you yelled over the loud music.

“I told you he’s into you. He hugged you for way longer than necessary.”

“Jonny. Stop it. Come dance with me and relax.” You said as you pulled him over to the dance floor and started moving to the beat. You guys had been dancing for a while when Jonathan moved his mouth down to your ear and asked if you wanted a drink.

“I’d love one!” you said as you both started walking towards the bar. You went to sit down at one of the tables while Jonathan went to go get you both drinks. Brendan walked over and sat next to you.

“Hey!” you said excitedly.

“Hey! Having fun?” Brendan said, slurring his words a little.

“Of course!” you smiled at him. Brendan slung his arm around your shoulders and leaned in rather close to you. He was obviously drunk.

“Y/N, I love you.”

“Aw, I love you too Brendan. You’ve been such a great friend to me over the years.”

“No, I mean, I love you. I have since college.”

You were a bit stunned. You gently pushed Brendan off of you and looked at him, “Look, Brendan, I’m flattered and all, but I love Jonathan. I’m sorry.” You said, honestly feeling bad.

“It’s alright. I knew that’s what you were going to say. I should have manned up and told you how I felt in college. It’s cool. You and Jonny are good together. I, uh, I got to go.” Brendan said as he got up and walked toward a pretty blond sitting at the bar.

When you took your eyes off of Brendan and the girl you saw Jonathan standing there with a smirk on his face.

“What.” You said as he sat down in the seat Brendan was just in.

“Oh nothing. Just ‘I told you so’ is in order.” He said, putting his arm around your shoulders.

“Oh, shut up.” You said gently hitting him as you both chuckled.

“I mean I understand why. You’re such an amazing girl. Not only are you sexy as hell, but you are genuine and kind. I can see why any guy would want your attention. I still don’t know how I got so lucky to get you.” Jonny said sweetly.

You blushed and took a sip of your drink, “Let’s go dance again.” You said as you pulled Jonathan from his seat and dragged him back to the dance floor.
