Jamie Benn Imagine Part 2

Jamie and Tyler walked out of the locker room a few minutes later.

“Hi, I’m Tyler.”

“Y/N and Y/BF/N.” You say with a smile.

“Should we go? I know this great pizza place down the street.” Jamie said.

“Pizza sounds good to me.” Said your best friend.

“Same here.” You say.

“Great.” Jamie said and grabbed your hand and started walking you towards the door. You assumed your friend and Tyler were behind you, but you honestly could have cared less at that point in time. You guys decided to walk there because it was only a block or two over from the arena.

“So did you enjoy the game?”

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Nice goal by the way.” He smiled at your compliment and looked away bashfully.  

When you got there Jamie made sure to pull out your chair for you when you sat down. He sat across from you and Tyler sat next to him and of course your best friend sat next to you. The pizza place was pretty laid back, there weren’t many people there and there was music playing quietly in the background.

“So are you guys from around here or are you just visiting?” Tyler asked.

“Born and raised in Dallas” you both say in unison. Looking at each other you burst into laughter. “We’ve been friends since we were four.”

“You’ve lived here your whole life and you are only now just going to your first game?” Tyler sounded shocked.

“Well, Y/BF/N has been to a few games. This was my first game. I wasn’t really into hockey that much growing up, but for some reason I picked it up in the last few years and now it’s my favorite sport.” You smile politely.

“Who is your favorite player?” Jamie asks.

Your face immediately burns red and you look down at the pizza on your plate, “You kind of are.” You slowly raise your eyes to look at his face. Jamie is smiling from ear to ear and his cheeks are a light shade of pink.

“Cool.” Is all he says as he continues to smile at you.

“Cool? That’s all you have to say, man? Cool? I could have thought of something better to say than that. Jeez, dude. You’re embarrassing.” Tyler says to Jamie. Jamie turns to him and gives him a death glare, his face now a bright shade of red to match yours. Your best friend is snickering beside you and you elbow her hard in her side, “ouch.” She whines.

“You deserved it.” You say smiling.

“Do you want to get out of here? Go take a walk or something. Away from this idiot.” Pointing at Tyler.

You look at your best friend to make sure she’s ok with you leaving.

“I’m good here, Tyler said he’d take me home. Have fun.” She smiles at you.

“Hey, no funny business you understand Segs? Get her home safely.” Jamie said to Tyler.

“Yes, dad.” He joked, “I’ll make sure she’s safe and sound.” smiling over at Y/BF/N.

Jamie threw some money onto the table and grabbed your hand to walk out of the pizza place. When you stepped out into the cool night you shivered and Jamie asked you if you were cold.

“No I’m ok, thanks though.” You smile at him.

You guys continue to walk down the street in silence for a few minutes until Jamie says,

“So, Y/N, I really enjoy spending time with you, would you maybe want to go out again, just me and you this time?”

Stopping to look at him you say, “I’d love that Jamie.” As you reached up to softly kiss him on the cheek.
