Drunk - Drarry

Harry had seen Malfoy vulnerable before.

He'd seen him shaking with grief and terror, his wand extended with the intent of murder. He'd seen him in his act of vicious cruelness more times than he could count. Hell, he'd seen him splayed out in a pool of his own damn blood, barely clinging to life. 

But he'd never seen him like this. 

He was leaning against the wall of the bathroom with a stupid grin etched on his face and a bottle of firewhiskey cradled in his arms. 

"Hello, Potter," Malfoy giggled.

Harry blinked. He'd never seen Malfoy look so- happy. Carefree. It made him look younger and- if Harry was being honest- prettier. Not that he wasn't already pretty. God- Harry was such a useless gay.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked dumbly. 

Malfoy giggled again and took a deep drink from the half-empty bottle. "That's my name."

"What happened to you?" 

Malfoy cocked his head, his lips tilted in a coy smirk that Harry had never seen him make before. "Isn't it obvious? I'm getting absolutely shitfaced!"

Harry walked over cautiously as if approaching an animal and reached out. "I'm taking this," and he reached for the bottle of firewhiskey.

Malfoy gasped and lurched away. "No!"

"Give it."

"No, it's mine! There's a party out there, go get your own!"

The music and chatter pounded outside the door, and Harry had come to the bathroom to escape it. It was a celebration of inter-house unity and the fast-approaching end of their final year of Hogwarts.

Harry sighed and pulled the bottle away without much resistance. Malfoy squawked indignantly but slumped back on the wall, too drunk to properly fight back. 

"Arse," He muttered.

"Speak for yourself," Harry muttered. "Are your friends here?"

Malfoy screwed up his face in thought. "Blaise left awhile ago, either to hook up with somebody or to pass out somewhere. Pansy's back at the common room seducing some poor Hufflepuff girl."

Harry sighed again. "I'm taking you back to your common room."

Malfoy let out a noise of protest as Harry knelt to help him to his feet. "I can still bloody stand on my own, Potter." He stumbled to his feet, wobbled a bit, almost fell, and put an arm on Harry's shoulder to steady himself. 

"Are you sure about that?"

"Shut up, Potter."

They made their way out of the bathroom and towards the door of the Room of Requirement. Burn marks still marred the walls and floors, and Harry doubted they'd ever truly come out. He was shocked that the room still worked at all after the fire that had ravaged it the year before.

Thankfully, no one noticed the former enemies as they stumbled towards the door. Harry kept a tight grip on Draco's shoulders and tried to keep his pounding heart under control. It wouldn't do either of them any good if he's stupid crush was revealed now, when Draco was too drunk to even stand. 

Draco stumbled as they walked down the hallway and let out a high-pitched giggle. "This is fun, Potter. We should hang out more often."

"Sure, Malfoy."

"Call me Draco. I hate my father's name. Draco is mine, and not that bastard's."

"I'll call you Draco when you call me Harry."

Draco stopped suddenly. Harry looked back at him. 

"You're name's Potter though."

"It's Harry, actually," Harry rolled his eyes and reached back. "Now c'mon."

Draco shook his head. "M'not calling you Harry."

"I'm not calling you Draco."

"Please, it's the only thing that's all mine."

Harry was the one that stopped this time. "It really means that much to you?"

Draco rubbed at his bloodshot eyes and sighed. "And this, my friend, is why I drink so much."

"Not really healthy, is it?"

"I suppose not," Draco drawled. He took a staggering step forward. "Let's go then, I feel like being a massive cockblock tonight."


"Pansy is undoubtedly half-way done seducing that Hufflepuff, and it always pisses her off when I show up at inopportune moments."

Harry laughed and shook his head. "Of course you'd like doing that."

They continued down the hallway in silence.

Draco smiled broadly. "So, what do you do when you're not saving the world?"


"What do you do in your free time," Draco said each word like Harry was stupid. "You must have some hobbies. There's got to be something other than being a git and an idiot."

"Well I don't think idiocy is a hobby," Harry laughed. "But I like Quidditch, I guess."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "And that's it?"

"Haven't had much time to pick up any hobbies, what with saving the bloody world, as you so eloquently put it."


"What about you," Harry asked. "What do you do when you aren't tormenting first years?"

Draco gave him a wicked grin. "Tormenting you of course."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Prick."



"I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn stupid and straight."

Harry's heart thudded to a stop. "Wh-what."

Draco's gray eyes flashed and he stuck out his chin. "You heard me."

Harry's mind raced. It could be a joke. It could be a trap. But something in Draco's eyes told him it wasn't. "I-I'd have kissed you ages ago if you weren't such an arsehole."

Draco tilted his head and looked at Harry. At some point, they'd stopped walking and now they stood facing each other in a completely empty corridor. 

"Why don't you kiss me now then?" Draco whispered, his breath brushing across Harry's face. They were close, their noses nearly touching. 

"I haven't because you're drunk, and that would be wrong."

"Screw your Gryffindor honor," Draco growled and Harry shivered at his tone. "Kiss me? Please?"

His tone changed from cocky to pleading. His eyes were wide and vulnerable and Harry knew they were both taking a risk with this. 


"Say no and I'll leave. I'll go back to my dormitory and I won't bother you again," Draco promised. 

"I don't want to say no," Harry sighed.

"Then don't."

Draco leaned forward, his eyes wide and searching. Harry couldn't stop himself from kissing back when their lips met.

Draco half-laughed, half-sobbed into the kiss, his hand reaching up to tangle in Harry's hair. He tasted like alcohol and his lips were clumsy against Harry's. Harry knotted Draco's t-shirt in his hands. And suddenly Draco's tongue was in his mouth and Harry wanted more and more and more.

He broke away panting. "Shit."

Draco let out a surprised, breathless laugh. "Shit." He echoed. 

Harry leaned forward and kissed Draco again, pressing their bodies together, hands roaming over his back and shoulders. Draco groaned into his mouth. 

Somebody stumbled and then they were on the ground, lips still locked in a never-ending battle. 

"Fucking hell, Potter. We should have done this sooner."

Harry tugged on Draco's shirt, wordless and wanting Draco's weight against him again, and his lips on his.

Draco complied easily


-Your OneAndOnlyLesbian.
