Request 2 - Blaise x Ron (I don't actually know the ship name)

A/N: I've got writer's block. Shocking, I know. It appears that all I can write are requests, and since I've gotten a few, that's what I've been writing. This was requested by solangelo_love13. Fantastic username by the way.

"I dunno, I just thought we were in love," Ron said.

Blaise nodded and hummed in agreement. Ron shifted his head from its position in Blaise's lap and scowled. 

"Hey, pay attention to me."

Blaise looked up from his book. "Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?"

Ron whacked him softly. "Don't be a git."

"Oh wouldn't dream of it," Blaise smirked and set his book down beside them. "Alright, so you thought you loved her."

"Yeah," Ron frowned. "Hold on I was going somewhere with that."

"Take your time," Blaise hummed. 

"Right! Anyway, she broke up with me and started going out with Pansy, and I guess I realized that I'd never really fancied her all that much anyway."

Blaise chuckled. "You fell for a lesbian than realized you'd never even really fallen for her in the first place?"

"Strange, innit?"

"Only you, Weasley," Blaise shook his head and picked his book back up. 

Ron pulled out his wand and started fiddling around with it.

After a few moments, he said "I just realized all our best mates are gay for each other."

"Really?" Blaise set his book down again. 

"Yeah, Harry and Draco. Pansy and Hermione."


"Makes you wonder."

"Wonder what?"

"'Bout us."

Blaise let out a rumbling laugh. "Well, it's no secret how I feel."


Blaise looked at Ron incredulously. "Really, Weasley. Have you not figured it out yet?"

"Figured out what?"

"I've let you into my dorm. You've got your head in my lap, and I've been actively pursuing you all year."

"You have?" Ron said dumbly. 

"Merlin's balls, you dense arsehole," Blaise threw his arm over his eyes.

"Wait, you fancy blokes? You fancy me?"

Blaise laughed again, more bitter than anything. "I can't believe I've fallen for an idiot."

"Fallen for- Hey wait a minute," Ron's mind was working a mile a minute. A guy liked him, Blaise liked him. 

And he didn't hate that.

"If you hate me and would rather not be friends anymore, that's fine," Blaise said faintly. "I can live with losing you."

"No, no. Give me a second," Ron sat up.

"Give you a second? For what?"

"I'm thinking, so shut up."

"Oh, asking me to shut up. Arse."

Ron chewed on his lip and looked over at Blaise. He scanned his handsome face, the deep brown eyes, and sweeping cheekbones he'd always hated. Hated was the wrong word, and so was jealous. 

He reached out and swiped a thumb over Blaise's cheekbones. His eyes fluttered closed and he leaned into Ron's touch. His eyelashes were long, framing his eyes and brushing along his cheeks. Ron leans a little closer, his other hand bracing on the couch next to Blaise's shoulder. He'd never been more glad that Slytherins got private dorms. 

"You fancy me?" He breathes. 

"So much, for so long," Blaise mumbled, eyes still clamped closed as if not believing this was really happening.

Ron leaned closer still, lips hovering a breath away from Blaise's. "Oh," was all he said before crushing his lips against Blaise's.

Blaise whimpered into the kiss, running his hands through Ron's hair while Ron's roamed down to clasp on his back, anchoring them firmly together. 

"I'm going to die here, kissing you," Blaise groaned as Ron shifted so that one knee pressed into the space between Blaise's legs. 

"Awful way to go."

"Lovely way actually," Blaise gasped, pulling back. One hand touched Ron's cheek reverently while the other fiddled with the hair on the nape of his neck. "I didn't know you liked guys."

"I didn't either," Ron laughed. "I think I really am dense sometimes."

Blaise's lips curled into a smile. "Shut up," he said, pulling Ron forward for another kiss.

A/N: Thanks for 9k. That's kind of crazy. I'm fully aware that I have a book with over 30k views, but like still. 9k. Lot of views. 

Your genderfluidnighmare. 
