3k Views Oneshot - Snowbaz???

Uhhh. Snowbaz is already dating and they're still at Watford. Simon fucked up and nearly got himself killed in a Humdrum attack.

Simon Snow is a fucking moron and I'm going to kill him. 

Or kiss him fucking senseless. Whichever happens first. I'm not picky. 

"Snow!" I shout and it echos through the hallway. 

He turns to look at me just as I slam into him and shove him against the wall. I'm in his face. His stupid face with his smirk and those dumb moles. 

"I'm going to fucking beat you senseless," I hiss. People are staring but I don't care. 

"I'd like to see you try. You couldn't hurt this pretty face," He smirks. 

I tighten my grip on his shirt and growl. His stupidly long eyelashes flutter and he lets out a breathy laugh. 

"You could have been killed!"

"I'm too amazing to die."

I growl again and back up. People are still staring so I grab his arm and pull him into a deserted classroom. 

I run my fingers through my hair and take a step back. I look him over. Once. Twice. Not a hair out of place. Bloody typical. Nearly dies in an attack by the bloody Humdrum and he has the audacity to look unscathed.

"You worried me, asshole."

"Hey, I'm fine," he says gently, taking a step forward. "Baz, I'm alright."

"One of these days you won't be. You can't just throw yourself into danger all the time. You may have been lucky today, but who's to say you won't be the next time. I won't lose you. I can't."

He takes one of my hands and places it over his chest. Right above that steady heartbeat. The thud of it grounds me, bringing me down from my panic. 

"I'm right here," he murmurs. He's getting closer and his lips are a breath away from mine. "I'm not going anywhere.

His lips meet mine. It's soft and sweet, nothing like our first few kisses. I let the few tears that are threatening to fall roll down my face and he brushes them away with his free hand. 

"I'm sorry," he says again.

I pull back and place a kiss on his cheek, right over one of those stupid fucking moles. 

"You're an asshole."

He laughs, a deep rumbling laugh that I feel at my very core. I smile and brush my free hand over his cheek. 

He's a fucking furnace, my Snow. Just another reminder of how deliciously alive he is. My Snow. I feel giddy inside. 

I grin, so obviously, stupidly in love. But I don't care because it's just me and him, him and me. Me and my Simon, forever in this moment. 

A/N: Damn, less then a month ago I was saying thank you for 13k views on Flowers and now it's approaching 19k. This book is starting to gain more views faster and let me tell you this is WILD. I am talented for a 15-year-old who writes fanfiction online (the bar is low y'all)  but I barely edit and definitely don't deserve nearly 20K VIEWS ON A STORY???!!! Anyway, I love you all thank you so freaking much. 

In honor of 3k views on this book, I thought I'd write something kinda different. It's not Harry Potter but isn't Snowbaz just basically canon Drarry?

Sorry for that paragraph you probably didn't read but thank you again. You all have made me so happy. I can't thank you enough and I love you all so much. 

Your genderfluidnightmare
