Request 3 - Rarry

A/N: Requested by yourlocalpsychopath_. Couldn't find the angsty one I wrote for this ship, so I'll just make do.

"Ron, wait!"

Ron stormed up the staircase, his maroon dress robes dragging behind him. His heart thundered in his chest as he rounded a corner. A hand clamped down on his shoulder, spinning him around.

"What is your problem?" Harry panted, hand still clenched painfully on Ron's shoulder.

"Let me go," Ron grunted, trying to free himself.

Harry only tightened his grip. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing. It's fine."

"Obviously it's not." Tears sparkled in Harry's eyes. "Just tell me what's wrong."

Ron bit his lip. "Fine," he took a steadying breath. "I saw you."

"Wh-what?" Harry's face paled instantly.

"Snogging Malfoy."

Harry's hand loosened and Ron shook away. "I-"

"Whatever, it's fine. It's not like he's our sworn enemy or anything."

"Please, Ron-" Harry grabbed Ron's hand. "Don't tell anyone."

Ron scoffed. "Fuck off!"


He sounded so broken, begging like that. Ron's heart tightened. Their friendship was so fragile as it was. But Malfoy of all people.

"You didn't even tell me that you're gay," Ron muttered.

"I didn't think it mattered."

Ron snorted and rubbed at his eyes. "Didn't think it- and they say I'm the dense one."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Ron grabbed the front of Harry's robes, the emerald ones that his Mum has got him for the ball. He'd been jealous, he'd never be able to afford anything that nice.

Jealousy, how stupid.

Ron pulled Harry into him, crushing their lips together. He'd never kissed anyone before, he wasn't entirely sure he was doing it right. He most have done something because Harry leaned into it with a groan, hands knotting in Ron's hair.

Ron's heart clenched as Harry tore away, breathing hard. His eyes were wide. Full of pain, terror, and something even Ron couldn't read.

And without a word, he turned and took off down the corridor.
