Marriage Part 1- Drarry

 Draco yawned, stretching his arms up and blinking at the morning sun that shone brightly through his curtains. The sound of the world waking up filtered in from the street below. The sounds of the family that lived in the flat below rose through the floorboards.

Harry squirmed and groaned in annoyance. "Draco, my love, the light of my life, the one that I love the most, why in God's name are you awake?"

Draco smiled and patted Harry's messy hair lovingly. "It's almost 10 a.m., love."

Harry groaned again. "Do we have to get up?"

"My parents expect me home tomorrow, darling."

"Must you leave me?"

"I wish that I didn't, but one of my father's business partners is visiting and bringing his daughter with him."

Harry looked up at Draco and scowled. "Another?"

"I know, it's not ideal, but if my parents were to find out about us, they'd have you arrested in an instant, and have me married off to some rich thing." Draco ran a hand through Harry's hair. "I don't want to lose you."

Harry sighed and sat up. "I hate this."

Draco leaned in and kissed him softly. "It is the law, my love."

"I don't see how this can be illegal," Harry kissed Draco back. "Our love is no different than that of a man and a woman."

Draco leaned into the kiss. "The government knows nothing of love."

Harry kissed Draco hungrily. "Don't leave me."

"I must," Draco whispered breathlessly.

"You practically live here already. Just move in."

"It's a one-bedroom flat, love, it's not suspicious if I spend a few nights here while I'm visiting London. There'd be more than a few questions if I moved in permanently."

"I'll get a bigger flat." Harry rolled over so that he straddled Draco's lap. "But I can't stand spending so much time apart from you."

Draco let his hands drift to Harry's hips as they kissed. His eyelids fluttered as he let out a breathy moan. "I . . . I have to leave soon," He stammered.

"Stay," Harry's head dipped as he kissed along Draco's jaw.

Draco let his head drop back. "I-."

"Stay," Harry whispered again, his head dropping against Draco's chest.

"I can't," Draco lifted his lover's chin with gentle fingers. "You know I can't, my love."

Harry bit his lip and his green eyes shone brightly. "Come back to me."

Draco felt a sharp pain in his chest as he looked at Harry. "I promise," he said, knowing it was a lie even as he spoke the words.

Harry grinned and leaned in for another kiss.


The clopping of horses' hooves surrounded Draco. His father's carriage jolted along the crowded road at an agonizingly slow pace. Draco let his head fall back against the seat.

He hated lying to Harry. He knew he'd have to tell him eventually, Draco didn't want to change anything about their relationship. Telling Harry there was a time limit on what they had was a sure way to end everything that Draco loved.

This was the fifth girl in almost as many months that Draco's parents had introduced to him. His father wanted him tied down so that he couldn't duck out of inheriting the family business. His mother wanted grandchildren. Draco had told them that he just wasn't ready for marriage, but he didn't know how long they'd believe his lie.

They'd started growing suspicious of his frequent visits to London, and Draco was fearful of what they could find out about him and Harry. He knew he'd been indulgent. He'd have to be more careful about when he visited Harry.

The road began to clear around noon. A pit of dread began to form in Draco's stomach, growing larger as the carriage drew nearer to his parent's estate. As a distraction from his anxieties, he tried to remember the girl his mother had written to him about.

Her name was Astoria Greengrass. He'd met her a few times already at various parties throughout the years. She was pleasant enough as a child, though she'd become significantly rebellious as a teenager and had spent the last few years at a finishing school in France. Draco didn't remember much about her personality as she had always been very reclusive.

There was a knock on the side of the carriage and Draco looked up.

"Almost there, sir," the driver said before turning back to the horses.

Draco closed his eyes and prepared himself for the inevitable.

Draco's parents were standing on the stairs of the Manor when Draco's carriage rolled to a stop. His mother waved and smiled at him as he got out while his father stood next to her with a slightly bored expression on his face.

"Hello, darling!" Mrs. Malfoy called as Draco approached them. "How was the ride? How was London? Have you been eating enough?" She hugged him and continued peppering him with questions.

Draco hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He answered her questions with short, one-word answers.

He greeted Mr. Malfoy with a nod and a firm handshake. "Good morning, sir."

Mr. Malfoy nodded at his son briskly. "The Greengrasses will be arriving in a few hours. That will give you plenty of time to clean up and put on something nice."

Draco bowed his head. "Of course, sir."

Mr. Malfoy turned and walked back into the house stiffly. Mrs. Malfoy stayed and linked her arm with her son's.

"You'll just love Miss Greengrass. She was such a dreadful child, it's amazing to see how she's grown."

Draco nodded absentmindedly. "I'm sure."

"She's gotten pretty too. Her older sister has always been the beautiful one in the family, but Miss Greengrass has grown into quite the remarkable young woman."

"Yes, yes," Draco mumbled. "I think I'll go get ready for dinner. I'll see you later, Mother."

Mrs. Malfoy sighed and let go of his arm. "Alright. Goodbye, dear."

Draco patted her hand gently and made his way into the house.


Halls that had once seemed grand and exciting, seemed cold and unwelcoming. Coming home had felt like that since Draco had returned from his first visit to London and Harry, and this house hadn't felt like home since long before then.

His room was just as he had left. He hadn't been gone long, yet it felt like he hadn't been in this room in years. It was like that when he was with Harry. The days flashed by, yet when he returned to his parent's home, it felt like he'd been gone a lifetime. Draco trailed his finger's across his desk, half expecting them to come up covered in dust. But nothing was ever dirty at Malfoy Manor, not with the legion of servants that swept through the rooms every day.

Draco collapsed in his bed and closed his eyes, wishing Harry was with him. He'd never let Harry into this house though, not when the chance of being caught was increased with every servant and business associate that entered the Manor.

He knew that he'd spend the next few days wishing he was with Harry. It was inevitable. It happened whenever he was away from him, not that he was away very often. Draco's parents never cared where he was when he wasn't at home.

Draco sighed and dragged himself to his feet. It would be nice to have a proper bath, rather than dumping buckets of water on himself in Harry's flat. His parents had installed running water in all of the bedrooms a few years ago and it was a blessing every time he visited. Draco let out a groan as he sank into the tub of steaming water. He'd been in that carriage for almost two days. He was stiff and spattered with mud. It'd have been faster if his father allowed him to ride a horse down himself.

Draco didn't know why he listened to his father anymore. He was 25 and his own person. He didn't need to stay attached to his parents and listen to their rules. He didn't need to marry some girl just to appease them. He could buy a flat with Harry and they could live out the rest of their lives. Together. But Draco would never do that. He loved Harry, but he was a coward. The risk that came with forsaking everything he'd ever known was too great. He wouldn't do it, not even for the man he loved.


Someone was pounding on the door to Draco's room. Draco blinked awake. The water in the tub was cold and Draco shivered as he stepped out and into a towel.

"Just a moment," He called out as he looked for a shirt and some pants.

"Dinner starts in an hour, Mr. Malfoy," an unfamiliar voice called from behind the door. "Your father requests your presence in his study in fifteen minutes."

Draco swore and searched around for a clean pair of shoes. "I'll be there!"

He stopped in front of his mirror before he left. His hair was unbrushed and hung around his ears. He tied it out of his eyes and prayed that it looked presentable. He scanned his outfit. It wasn't up to his father's standards, but nothing ever was. The light blue shirt and pants were nice enough for an informal dinner.

His father opened the door to his study just as Draco reached. Mr. Malfoy took in Draco's rumpled appearance and sighed heavily before gesturing for Draco to follow him into the study.

Draco took a seat on a stiff-backed chair in front of the big mahogany desk that his father sat behind. He fought the urge to cower as he looked up at his father. It was like he was seven again and had been caught stealing sweets from the kitchens.

"How was London?" Mr. Malfoy asked.

"Same as always, sir," Draco said.

"You stayed with an old school friend?"

"Yes, Harry Potter."

"Hm," Mr. Malfoy's expression was displeased.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Mr. Malfoy spoke again.

"I hope you will find Miss Greengrass more pleasing than the last four girls."

Draco suppressed the urge to sigh. "Yes, sir."

"Her father is an important man. A marriage between our families would be beneficial for everyone involved."

"Yes, sir."

There was another breath of silence.

"I know you are not interested in marriage yet, but your mother is having a harder time finding eligible females that are suitable for someone of your social class."

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just not interested in any of the girls."

Mr. Malfoy sighed heavily and closed his eyes. "As you've said. Though I'm beginning to suspect that there might be another reason."

Draco stiffened. "I'm sorry, I don't understand?"

"You've been spending more and more time in London. I wonder if there isn't a girl there that you've been seeing?"

"Oh," Draco mumbled.

"Don't mumble, sit up straight," Mr. Malfoy snapped.

Draco complied quickly.

"I don't care what you do with your spare time. But you will not shame our family. Miss Greengrass is the fifth girl your mother has found. If you are not engaged by the end of this month, you can forget about any inheritance that you may have been counting on."

Draco gaped at his father. "But-."

"That is final," Mr. Malfoy snapped. "Now go. Fix yourself up before dinner, and do NOT be late." Draco sat back in the chair, his eyes wide and his mouth still open. "Father- please." Mr. Malfoy looked down at some papers on his desk in obvious dismissal.

Draco stood shakily and made his way to the door. He stopped and looked over at his father once.

Mr. Malfoy's face was stormy as he scratched savagely at his papers with a pen. With his long, blond hair and icy gray eyes, he was an older copy of Draco.

Draco turned, shaking at the thought of one day becoming his father.


"Your mother tells me you like painting," Miss Greengrass perched her head on her hand and looked at Draco with a simpering smile.

"A hobby from my school days. I don't have the time for it now," Draco smiled tightly.

"And what do you do instead?"

"I help my father mostly," Draco looked at his hands uncomfortably.

"I hear you spend a lot of time in London too. I didn't think your father had any factories in London."

Draco let out a short laugh. "Yes, that is more personal business. I have an old school friend who lives there."

"Ah, yes. Your mother mentioned him. What is his name again?" Miss Greengrass's smile looked painted on, and she spoke as if reading from a script. She liked this about as much as Draco did.

"Harry Potter," Draco took a long drink from his glass, wishing desperately for the evening to be done with.

"Dreadfully common name, isn't it?" Miss Greengrass wrinkled her nose.

Draco bristled. "Not particularly."

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to offend. I'm sorry!" Miss Greengrass turned bright red. "I always manage to do this. I'm absolutely dreadful at small talk."

"Oh, it's alright. He thinks it's common too."

"It's not a bad name," Miss Greengrass tried for a smile.

"No, I always tell him that. Not that he listens to me," Draco let out a small laugh.

"So you spend a lot of time with him? You must have known each other forever then!"

Draco laughed truly then. "Actually we hated each other for most of school. We really stopped and got to know each other in our last year, and that's when we became . . . friends." Draco's heart pounded. He'd nearly given them away by saying lovers instead.

"I can't imagine anyone hating you," Miss Greengrass said, somewhat flirtatiously.

"You'd be surprised," Draco said. "I was quite a nuisance when I was a child. My mother spoiled me and it took one of the strictest women I've ever met to straighten me out."

"I was much like that too," Miss Greengrass laughed. "Madame Maxime had her hands full with me."

"Ah, but Mrs. McGonagall was a wonderful teacher," Draco sighed blissfully. "I'm sure she was happy to see me go, but I will never respect anyone more than I respected her for putting up with Harry and me."

Miss Greengrass giggled. "I imagine the two of you were perfect little devils."

"That we were."

Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Greengrass were engaged in a heated discussion about some politician or other, and their wives were both on their third glass of wine. They were all but ignoring their children.

Draco looked over at his parents and back at Miss Greengrass. "What do you say we go for a walk?" He asked.

Miss Greengrass's eyes lit up. "Why I'd love that, Mr. Malfoy."


It was the end of summer, and the sweet scent of flowers combined with the warm air made everything feel thick and sleepy in a marvelous way. Draco led Miss Greengrass through the maze of bushes and flowers, pointing out his favorites and reveling in the dying rays of the sun.

"This is what I miss when I'm in London," Draco sighed. "The country air and these gardens."

"They are absolutely lovely," Miss Greengrass, sighed. "I'd love to live in a place like this."

"It's not all summer evenings and garden walks, Miss Greengrass."

"Yes, it's much like my own parent's home, isn't it?"

"All business, my dear," Draco laughed bitterly. "Who needs a house that feels like a home?"

"Certainly not our fathers," Miss Greengrass shook her head. "When I have my own home, it will feel like a home, and my children won't feel as I did."

"I fear I'm becoming my father," Draco looked over the paths mournfully. "I'm already the spitting image of him."

"You'd never become him," Miss Greengrass said firmly. "You believe in good too much."

Draco snorted. "Yes I do, and it's almost lost me my inheritance more times than I care to admit. My father is threatening to take it away if I'm not engaged by the end of the month."

"Inheritance," Miss Greengrass scoffed. "Who needs that? Why, if I were a man, I'd have left my parents in the dust and made my own way in the world."

"If only I had your spirit, Miss Greengrass."

"Call me Astoria. I hate being called Miss, it makes me feel like I'm my sister, and I don't want to become her."


They walked in silence for a bit.

"Why don't you run away?" Astoria asked. "You're a man, you can work and survive without your father's money. I can tell you hate this just as much as I do, and you can DO something about it."

"The difference between you and me, Astoria, is that I am a coward."

"Don't say that."

Draco spotted a stone bench off the path. "Let's sit."

They sat down and Draco looked up at the emerging stars.

"You aren't a coward, Draco."

"Yes, I am. I love someone, but I'm too scared to run from my father's money to be with them."

Astoria looked over at him. "Really?"

Draco nodded and swallowed thickly. "I hate myself for it every single day."

"Is that why you haven't gotten married?" Astoria asked. "You're in love?"

"It's not- right," Draco said."

"It's love, what's not right about love?"

Draco chuckled bitterly. "You'd be surprised."

"If you love her, then why don't you just go. Why do you put up with the girls that your parents want you to marry? Just marry the one you love and be done with it all."

"It's more complicated than that."

"I don't see how it could be. The worst that happens is you are disowned."

"No, the worst that happens is my lover is thrown into prison and I am forced to marry some snooty thing who has never worked a day in her life and will never love me as my lover does."

"Oh, I see."

"I doubt you do, no one really does. And it would be very dangerous if someone were to."

"No, I do see," Astoria swallowed and looked at her white-gloved hands. "I have . . . a similar situation."

"You-?" Draco looked over at her quickly.

"I do not have a . . . lover as you do, but I cannot please my parents and be married for the marriage that I wish for is illegal."

"So you-?"



"Your friend, that you visit in London. Is he-?" Astoria looked up from her hands.

"I'd rather not say."

"I understand, I'd feel the same, what with the punishments and all."

They were silent for a while. Draco fixed his eyes on the stars, refusing to turn and look at Astoria, to believe that she was like him.

"What if-" Astoria started. "What if we were to marry. Simply for appearances sakes."

"But I don't want to be-" Draco started.

"And neither do I," Astoria said quickly. "But- if we were 'married,' your parents would leave you alone and I would not become a spinster. You could be with your lover with no suspicion. Neither of us would disappoint our families."

"I- I don't hate that idea," Draco said slowly.

"Think about it. I'm running out of options, and you are the only man I've met that doesn't make me want to run and scream."

Draco laughed and looked back up at the stars.

After a few moments, Astoria looked over at him. "What are you thinking?

"That it would be very easy to be married to you."

Astoria smiled. "It would be very easy to be married to you."

Draco felt a peace settle over his mind. Here was a plan. He could keep what he had with Harry indefinitely, and he could keep his father's money.

He could do this.
