"What the fuck?" Now I was stuck with my somewhat crush, I don't even know what he is to me. "Umm well, what do you wanna do. The exits are kinda blocked off I think. E.j. is a favorite so he probably asked Slender. " I look around to the exits to see they were blurred. "So..." I hear toby say "what do you wanna do?" I feel slightly uneasy as there is a huge fucking lake right by us. "Wait. .. OH MY GOD I CAN TELEPORT BACK!" I yell. "Oh wait never mind... I can't bring back 2 people." Toby nods. "You got anything else to do?" I ask sitting down in defeat "Well I mean, there's trees around, we could make like little houses out of the sticks. It one of the few things I remember from... well before. " I kinda feel bad for some of the other creepypastas because they remember what happened to them. "Cool, I'll go gather sticks." I say finger gunning my way out.
Time skippp
Toby's POV
Ben starts to comeback with a pile a sticks, I got some too but I was just quicker than him I guess.

We start building the foundation of the house. We thought we could make a house for Sally and Lazari to play with, even though they are creepypastas the are really young still. "Ah shit-" I look back at the house and realize the roof broke. "Oh, it's fine we can fix it" I say reassuringly. "Are you sure sorry..." Ben mumbles. "Yeah totally, at least we can spend more time with eachother now." I see a slight blush run across his cheeks.
Bens povvv
"Yeah totally, at least we can spend more time with eachother now." He states. I feel my face heat up. God dammit.. I think as I try to hide my face from him and go back to fixing the roof.
We finish the first house and start on the second one. I see Toby has stopped working on his part of the house but seemed to be focused on something else...

Toby's Pov
I suddenly start staring at Ben. Just staring, and maybe admiring his little freckles that are sprinkled around his face and ears, it's kind of like that one flower that wherever you plant it it spreads. He seems to take notice of this as he stares back at me with a concerning look. And I quickly go back to building, a small "sorry" just barley  escaping my lips, a pink tint covering my cheeks.
Time skipp(sorry)
"YOU HAVE TO PUT THE THING ON TOP. SEE ITS LIKE-" Ben says as he grabs the top half of the house, we have finished like 3 houses now and we are working on a mansion, he puts it on top off the base as it crashes down. "BAHAHAHAHAHSGHDJT I AM SO SORRY" We both burst out laughing, over these past few hours we've become more comfortable with eachother, which I find nice. We both stop as Slender talks to us. You guys can come back now if you want, E.J. said he would do extra killing if I locked you guys in this eReader. Sorry about that. "Ah fuck I wanted to finish the mansion," I say as Ben speaks up. "Well I mean we still can he said we didn't have to be back now."
Time Skip sorry again.
Bens POV
We finished the mansion and start to head back. We walk in and Jeff and E.J. are on the couch. "Did you guys have fun being locked in there for 5 hours?" Jeff asks smugly. "Yeah we had Hella fun!" Toby says showing him our houses. "You got that don't in 5 hours?" E.J. asks sitting up. "Yeah, yeah we did, jealous much." I joke.

Sorry to end it off like this but I feel bad for making you guys wait a while it's just school sucks a lot. Thanks for reading though I really appreciate it. And I'm sorry if the next chapter takes a while to get out too I am trying. :(
691 word count
