Tiny Trigger Warning for pedophilia and murder

Bens POV
I need you both to fulfill this task. I will send Ben the info but until then, get ready and get your weapons. Me and Toby head to our rooms to get ready. Just as I'm about to finish I hear a knock on my door. "I'll be there in a second!" I yell so they can hear me. I run to to the door to find Toby leaning on the wall by the door. "Oh, hey." I say with a smile. "Hi, sorry, I just wanted to let you know Slender told me there's actually more than 1 person we have to take care of," awesome. "Yeah i was actually thinking about that because why would he send the 2 of us for one dude. "  he nods, "true, so wanna head out now or do you need more time?" "Nope, I ready." And with that we head off.

Toby's pov👹
About five minutes after we left Ben stops walking and his eyes turn into a glitchy- grey color. "Its a group, three men three women, all in their 30s or 40s, they're all pedos." US both gawking at the end, "damn, can't wait to kill these fuckers." "I second that" He agrees.
     Just as we enter the house we see 6 coats. Assuming they belong to these, things, I can't even call them humans, and I get that almost all the creepypastas kill, I don't think any of us get off to children. Also, like half of us aren't even human.

We went to the basement and saw all six of them, fire burns out of my hand as I hit the first one. Toby leaves a gash on the of their stomachs, that'll be enough to kill them but he gets their chests to make sure. Killing off the other two we both sat being worn out. Toby let's out a laugh that he wasn't trying to hold. It's so cute, and contagious. Now we are both laughing, covered in the blood of our victims.


"Wanna head home? We can have another sleep over!" I guess he really likes sleepovers, me too. "Oh my God yes!"
  On the way home it's dark, probably because it's like 11:30 at night, not that late but it's still dark. "So what's your favorite game?" I ask looking up at him. "Oh, uh well I really like the plot and style of sally face but but my favorite game to play is probably omori." "Good choices all good choi-" I'm stopped as I trip over and overgrown root in the ground. "Oh shit, are you okay?" He ask pulling me closer after catching me. I feel heat rising up my neck to my face. "Oh... um yeah I'm fine!" I quickly push him off of me as I realize whats happening. 

He pushes me off of him and I stumble back a little "sorry" he mumbles softly. "Its fine" I let out a nervous-sounding laugh. We get to the mansion  and I hold the door open for him. He nods, signaling a thank you. We head to our rooms after deciding that we would be in Ben's room, because of the games and the kitchen being in close proximity. After I got my stuff, which I didn't need much of because I changed before I started heading over to his room and we don't sleep anyway, I knock on his door and he answers. I can tell he was rushing to clean his room. "Uh hey, um... you can come in"  still catching his breath. I walk in and sit on one of the bean bags he had pulled out. "Sooo.... wanna play omori?" I smile at the thought of him remembering from when I told him. "Uh hell yeah!"

I smile at his excitement and get my PC out. "So you wanna play?" I ask remembering it's a one player game. "Do you want to play? If you do it's fine I like watching you play" I smile feeling a warmth cross my cheeks. I get it set up and start playing

Through out the game I turn to look at Toby. This time when I turned he was look straight at me instead of the monitor. "Yo, you good?" I ask giving him a confused look. He grabs my face and presses his lips against mine. It feels like heaven, but it ends just as fast as it started.

I can't stop staring, God he's so cute. He gets so focused. He keeps looking back but I've been able to turn my vision to the monitor before he notices. This time was different. "Yo, you good?" The look of pure concern on his face threw me over the edge. I quickly grab his face and push our lips together. Pulling away quickly after realizing what I've done. "I-I'm sorry. I should go." I get up speed walking towards the door but he grabs my wrist. "Please... don't go." He pleads. I stop turning back to him. "I'm sorry" he smiles and pulls me back into a hug. "Its okay. I liked it"


word count~ 898<33
