Bens pov
I wake up and see Toby sleeping next to me. I quickly sit up, obviously flustered, to find a room that's not mine. What happened last night? I'm too tired to remember whatever. I fall back onto the pillow to get at least another hour of sleep in.

Toby's poovvv
I wake up to the sound of someone's head hitting the board of the bed. "What the fu-" my sentence cuts off as I realize who it is. "Yo man, are you okay." Ben is holding the back of his head mumbling swear words. "I don't think so, my head kinda hurts!" He whisper-yells "Well, by the looks of it, that sounds like an understatement..." I try and hold back a laugh. "Shut the fuck up " He jokes. "What do want like an ice pack or something?" I ask him, laughing. "What the fuck is an ice pack gonna do?" "I don't know man! It like numbs Your brain I guess," he gives a confused look, "I don't know! I've never need an ice pack before I don't feel pain!"
We are in the infirmary and Ben is holding an ice pack to his head. I can't hold in my laugh, "I swear to God shut the fuck up you idiot."

word count: 227
