Bens POV
"Sooo" I dragged out as we both stopped in the hallway. "Um... do you wanna like I don't know, hangout like later or something?" I asked, nervously. "Sure! So when were you thinking?" He says with a big smile. "Well I don't really know just anytime your free." I mange to blurt out. "Well its only like 7 pm so how 'bout in an hour or so?" I didn't even realize the time. "Sure, that's fine" I smiled back.

Toby's POV
We are hanging out in an hour but I don't know where we are hanging out. I think it'll just be in one of our rooms but I don't know who's. I start to clean my room just in case, making the bed, putting away stray clothes, etcetera,etcetera. Putting away my hatchet, we'll not really putting them away just hanging them up.
Before I know it its already 7:55. Five more minutes and then I'll start heading toward his room.  In the mean time, I'll just continue to move little thing around my room. I look at my watch again to see the little hands at 7:59. I start to head down early but I run into someone. "Shit, sorry." I lend them my hand to help them up but realize it was Ben. "Sorry, thanks" He replies. "I was just heading to your room." "Oh, I was heading to yours." He says looking down at the floor. "Okay, do you wanna head to my room since you're already halfway there?" I ask, seeing he's uncomfortable, or maybe nervous. "Well, we were in my room last time, so I just thought it would be cool to use urs..."

Bens POV
Toby's room was bland, but it still looked nice. We have very different rooms mine is full of posters and games but the biggest piece of decor he has is a candle holder, it's kinda like one of those cult-y ones. Im pretty Sure Toby is a pyromaniac so he always has at least 2 or 3 candles lit. He always smells like them and I find it comforting.  Enough of me blabbing about Toby. "So, is there anything you wanna do?" He asks tilting his head just a bit. "Oh um... I don't really know, sorry"  he nods, thinking... "Maybe we can watch a movie or something?" I nod in agreement. "Okay! Do you wanna watch the Conjuring?" "Sure!" I'm a fan of horror movies, though they still make me sleepy sometimes. Toby pulls out his laptop(idk man ig they have laptops but not phones idfk) , opening up Netflix.

Halfway through the movie, I can tell that Ben is started to get a little tired but I just leave him be. I feel his head starts to slowly lean against my shoulder, falling asleep. I pause the movie and lay his head down on my pillow and put my blanket over him. He really is cute when he sleeps... Anyway, I head down to the kitchen for a little late night snack. I come to find E.j. and Jeff sitting on the couch. "Hey Toby." I think E.j. can sense people. "Hey Twitchy!" Jeff shouts. "So Tony, how are you and ben~" E.j. drags out. "Um... were good." I reply back. "Okay, I just thought I heard you guys in your room." My cheeks heat up. "Oh well uh... we were just watching a movie." "Well why are you leaving your date up there all by himself?" Okay, he was kinda right. "Um... well he fell asleep." E.j. just chuckles. "GAY!" Jeff yells jokingly. "Weren't you and e.j just making out?" He just rolls his eyes at my comment. I go to the kitchen, and grab a snack, head back up the stairs and make sure to quietly open the door to not wake up Ben. It seems he's made himself comfortable seeing as the blanket is pulled all the way over him. God, he's cute when he's asleep.
Ayo man, that's kinda sus. (I'm sorry pls😩)
Ah, shit, where am I gonna sleep? Eh, I guess the floor is fine. I go to grab and extra blanket and pillow, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to the bed, pAtting on the open side next to him. Ah, fuck.

So ik this is a shorter chapter but whatever I'm gonna start working on the new chapter as soon as I can, but uhh cliffhanger ig. Peace✌

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