Toby's pov
I walk down to the kitchen of the mansion and here a pop! God sure Sally's adorable but if she eats waffles for breakfast again one more time I'm quiting. Now child, calm down its just sally. Please come to my office now. Okay. I start down the hall to get to those high doors. Slightly ticing on the way.

"Hello, sir" Ah, thank you. Now child, you know Ben right? "Yeah..." I mean sure we've crossed paths but we haven't really talked since he got here and I mean maybe he's kinda cute but now like that you know. Well I was hoping if you to could train together. "But, I don't even know any of his powers." Well that'll just add to the fun you could get to know eachother better. "And no one else can do this because...?" Because I want you to do it. "Okay fine when are we supposed to start?"   Now just get ready first. Also e.j. and Jeff are going with you so just follow them. Ugh Jeff's a bitch. I can still hear you. I slap my hand over my mouth. Whoops.

"Hey twitchy boy! You ready?" I hear Jeff call from the end of the hallway. "Yeah" I yell back. "Okay then get that elf twink out here." I can hear e.j. slapping his arm at that statement. Do I really have to work with him? Yes now go get Ben.


I could hear toby walking up to my room. Yes I can memorize people by their footsteps picked it up when I was alive, guess it just stook with me. I hearhim knock and say "Hey Ben we gotta get going. Jeff is starting to get bitchy." He said the last part a little louder to get Jeff to hear.
Time Skip to training
I was up against Toby which was kind of hard because he didn't feel pain therefore, couldn't get tired in a fight. On the other hand I could get tired. Before I could teleport toby pinned me down, winning. I sighed in defeat as I heard Jeff yell "so you guys gonna get up or make out, and I swear to Satan if you two start making out I'm quitting!" Toby looks back at me "I mean he's kinda annoying we could be the ones to make him quit." He said holding in a laugh. I just start laughing. Toby gets off of me and laughs along. Toby's kind of cute when he laughs, wait I mean that in a gay way or anything its just- uhh Ben? Oh shit, forgot he could read my mind. Yeah..? I was just checking in on how it's going. Oh it's going great Yeah totally. OK child. "Anyways I think we should head back now." E.j. can be responsible, sometimes that is. We start walking back and I seem to realize Jeff and E.j. are holding hands.
When We get back to the mansion Toby and Jeff run straight to the kitchen, leaving me with E.j. "Hey can I ask you a question?" I break the silence. "Sure, shoot." "Are you and Jeff dating because I saw you two holding hands on the way here." He looks shocked. "Um. I mean yeah." He says hesitant. "Oh, cool."

Training was fun. I guess Ben isn't that boring after all. I make my way to the kitchen again to find Ben making something for Sally. "Hey guys." I wave to both of them. "Hii Toby! Look wanna see what I made?!  It's a doll!" I look as she hold up a Barbie but instead of regular limbs and torso it's forks. "I love it, UT looks great!" That was genuine, I did not know she could do that. "I know right" she said with a toothy grin. "Very humble" I joke. I can hear a slight chuckle from Ben, Sally is just confused. "Bon apitete[???]" He puts a giant waffles sunday on her plate. Okay, I hate waffles and I hate to say it but that looks good. Sally stares in awe as I look at Ben admiring his own work. "Hey wanna hang out?" I asked him. "Oh, yeah sure. We could go to my room I have some video games there." I nod implying that we could go. "Bye Sally have fun eating *that*" I say you her. "Oh this baby is loaded with sugar I will have fun eating it"  Me and Ben both laugh at that.
We walk by the living room to see Jeff sitting of E.j's lap and e.j. playing with his hair. "Hey twitchy boy, hey elf twink." He waves. "Oh shut it you have no room to talk."I say flipping him off.

Bens pov
We walk into my poster filled room, Toby taking the chair and I just sit on my bed. "So what do you wanna do?"I ask. "Oh uh... I mean we can play video game if you want." I could tell he was nervous because he was twitching a bit more. "Okay, I have like every single game ever, do you want to look through them?" He nods his head and starts to go through the games.

After a few minutes he picks one. Danganronpa v1. "Cool game. That one about like murders and stuff!"

Toby's pov
I just picked a random game, we'll, I thought the bear on the front looked cool. "Cool game. That one about like murders and stuff!" When I get excited I tic, like, a lot. So I tried to suppress them but a few were let out.

We've been playing for a while and we've made it to the last trial. Ben is slightly drifting off so I try to Finnish as fast as I can. I look back over at him and he's already asleep. Shit. I finish the game and put Ben completely on his bed, tucking him in. I go to walk to the door but he starts tossing and turning. Is that a tear?

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