Pocky game

Who suggested it? Him, surprise or not
- Was curious about it
- Was the one who made the first move
- When you guys reached the distance where you both were already touching noses, he tilted his head and just went for it
- When I tell you he didn't let you pull away to say he is the winner
- Just kissed you till your lungs screamed for air
- Wants to do it again in the future or perhaps now

Who suggested it? Him, of course
- Such a tease
- Went ate it slow just to see how you react
- Kissed you in the end
- Was shorter than Albedo's but
- Enjoyed himself

Who suggested it? You
- Was calm
- Too calm
- It made you nervous because of how calm he is
- Made direct eye-contact
- The kiss was short yet sweet
- Said he wanted to do it again sometime

Who suggested it? Him
- Bugged you until you agreed
- Was his usual playful self
- Made the first bite
- After that he just ate it like a madman
- He really went for that kiss of yours
- The passion I-
- Said he wanted to do it again

Who suggested it? You
- Blushed at you
- Agreed though
- Was pretty relaxed
- Just as you were about to touch noses he grabbed your waist and ate the last bit of the pocky
- A pretty passionate and long kiss may I say
- He liked it

Who suggested it? You
- Blushed like a madman
- Agreed after a little moment of silence
- Kinda stayed still at first
- Made small bites
- Didn't let you pull away that quickly from the kiss though
- Didn't want to admit it but he liked it

Who suggested it? You
- Got red from just hearing of it
- Agreed after a little of convincing
- Was very nervous when you guys got really close
- Gave you a quick peck and went to get ice-cream as fast as possible
- Might as well take a bath in ice to cool off

Who suggested it? Him
- Was very flirty through the entire time
- Made big bites and stopped just as your lips were centimetres apart
- Stared right into your eyes
- Gave you a kiss, not too long not too short

Who suggested it? You
- After explaining what it was he looked excited to try it
- Ate the pocky kinda fast
- Gave you a little peck
- Also a peck on the cheek
- Thanked you for the food
- Enjoyed it

Who suggested it? Both, at the same time
- Is kinda shy at first but eventually makes the first move
- After that it's rather quick
- It seems like his rushing to get that kiss
- Stared into your eyes so he can make sure he has the permission to kiss you
- Kissed you softly
- Pulled away and gave you a quick peck
- I love him.

- Who suggested it? Him
- He was bored
- Ate it quickly
- Very quickly
- You barley got 2 bites of the pocky
- Kissed you deeply
- Pulled away with a satisfied smile

Who suggested it? Surprisingly, him
- Stared into your eyes almost through the entire game
- Made medium sized bites
- Stared at your lips for a moment
- Kisses you rather softly
- But it still got that passion, y'know

Who suggested it? Both
- Was happy to play a part of this game
- Like Gorou- made medium sized bites
- Had his smile on his face
- When it came to the kiss part (KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE)
- He grabbed the back of your head and just went with it
- Pulled away, still having that smile on his face

Who suggested it? Him
- He was very happy
- Made big bites
- Made a teasing move by stopping right in front of your lips
- The kiss was rather soft though
- Giggled after

Who suggested it? Him, he was stuttering but he did it
- Blushed real hard
- Stared at your lips for a good 10 seconds
- Made small bites which overtime became bigger
- Kissed you quickly
- it was full of love, though

Who suggested it? Him
- Was pretty straightfoward
- Stared into your eyes as he bit the pocky
- Made medium sized bites
- Slowly putted his arms around your waist
- As the kiss time came up he pulled you in
- It was a very passionate kiss

Who suggested it? You
- Was blushy at first but got over it
- Made the first move
- Smiled at you softly before the kiss happened
- The kiss was full of love and very sweet
- Don't get diabetes

Who suggested it? Her
- Had that smirk of hers plastered on her face
- Made big bites
- Grabbed your waist and dipped you while kissing
- Lets say the kiss was full of passion

Who suggested it? You
- Was very calm about this
- Made medium sized bites
- Stared at your face the entire time
- The kiss was heart melting
- I got butterflies writing that

Who suggested it? You
- Was blushing the entire time
- Made medium sized bites
- Enjoyed the food before the kiss
- Kissed you softly and quickly
- Was blushing so hard

Who suggested it? Her
- Very playful
- Teased you for blushing (if you were blushing)
- Stared into your eyes before the kiss
- It was short and meaningful
- <3

Who suggested it? You
- Was so sweet-
- Sweeter than the pocky
- Smiled the entire time
- Kissed your lips lightly
- Smiled even wider after

Who suggested it? You
- Was up for it
- A kiss from you and a snack?
- An absolute win
- Made big bites
- Kissed you with so much passion its hard to describe
- Gave you a little smile

Who suggested it? You
- Another calm one
- Stared into your eyes (soul.)
- Made small bites
- The kiss was short yet sweet
