If you died on a mission and they realize they could save you PT 1

1st angst on the list.
Listening to Alien Blues and venting to the wall rn

Also, I think I will give y'all chubby Y/n at the end for some comfort



- When he heard the news he was broken, but what broke him more is the fact that he could protect you
- Locks himself away in his lab
- Works more to get his mind off of you
- His chest ached everytime he sees your favorite flowers
- Flips through his notebook with drawings of you
- Draws you everyday so he doesnt forget you
- Visits your grave everyday
- Whenever its your birthday he goes to your grave and reads you a book
- Goes to your favorite places
- Will blame himself forever

- The person who told him that will be asked if they are joking multiple times
- He just cant belive it
- And the fact that he could save you
- Grabs his hair and bawls his fist
- His eye(s) is(are) wide open and tears start to sting it(them)
- Doesnt come out of his room for 3 days straight
- Cries those whole 3 days
- Visits the Winery much more often
- Drinks the pain away
- Your grave always have fresh flowers

- Why.
- Just... why
- His world just shatered
- He should have been there
- He should have been there to protect you
- Keeps his tears for later
- Talks even less
- His mind always drifts back to you
- Your favorite flowers are on his nightstand
- Keeps your picture with him

- Oh my Godness
- First of all, r.i.p. the people he orders
- Lashes out even more
- He will become more mean and cold to everyone
- Blames himself all the time after your death, as in fact he could have saved you
- Always has a scowl on his face
- Doesnt let anyone else get close to him
- Visits your grave from time to time and cries above it
- Has a picture of you in his room

- His whole world just turned upside-down
- Stares at the person blankly
- What did just leave their mouth?
- You? Dead?
- Doesnt belive it
- Says thats its impossible
- While in fact, he is just too scared to accept the truth
- His eyes look even more dead and blank then before
- Buys you your favorite flowers everyday and brings them to your grave
- Has a picture of you
- Blames himself for not being there

- Ah.. mortals are so fragile
- He knew this would happen, someday
- But the fact that it happened so soon..
- Thinks about how much he could have done with you
- Then it hits him he could have saved you
- He was so foolish for not going with you
- How could he reject your offer
- Guilty is all over him
- Buys stuff that reminds you of him
- Thinks about you a lot

- Its cute how you think death can get you out of this relationship.

- Book guy is devastated, to say the least
- He could have saved you? Oh, that mames it worse!
- He reads a lot of books that you might like
- Probably picked up a habit or two from you
- His chest aches whenever he sees your favorite book/object
- Though he keeps the things you gave him just so he can hug them and cry with them
- Chongyun & Xiangling the mental support team

- Wh..
- Drops his popsicle
- Tears prick his eyes
- Nonono this cant be happening
- He should have went with you
- Its his fault, its his fault, its his fault-
- My boy is having a mental breakdown
- After some days, he is still broken and he tries looking for your presence
- Visiting your grave every so often
- Tells you about his day
- Xingqiu & Xinagling the mental support team

- "Y/n?! Oh my Archons Y/n! Wake up! Wake up please! sob Dont do this to me! This cant be happening.. anwenser me! ANWENSER ME!"
- Is sobbing his soul out
- Holds your body in his
- He was too late to save you
- The monster or person shall die a horrible death
- Is mentlay broken from that day on
- Still calls out your name when he enters your guys apartemnt

- ...
- One question, why are you making me do this?
- Why?
- Razor doesnt understand death that well, but what he does understand is that you have fallen asleep in the middle of the fight and refuse to wake up
- Patches up your deadly wounds and tries to wake you up
- He tried everything to wake you up
- Eventualy asks Lisa about it
- Oh how heartbroken she is herself
- Tells him he will understand later

- He has already lost his friend.
- And now you..
- Sits by your grave everyday when he isnt sailing with Beidou
- It hurts him even more when he realizes he could have saved you
- Apologizes to you for not being there
- Planted your favorite flowers near your grave
- Cries for the next few days
- Keeps your photo with him
