Short Headcannons <3

- C'mon we all know she picked you up at least once
- Raises a toast for you
- Satres from afar too
- You have matching outfits

- Everytime you come back from an adventure the first thing you see at the gate is a worried Jean
- She's there on "accident", and that "accident" happens everytime you come back
- Always checks if you have any injuries
- If you do oh boy-
- Scolding while taking you to Barbra

- Smiles only around you
- Would burn ANYONE alive if they hurt you
- Links your pinkies together in public
- Its different behind closed doors
- If you so happens to be at the bar, weirdly engouh no perverts are hitting on you
- Maybe becouse Diluc is glaring at anyone who even dares to breath the same air as you

- Takes you to the bar quite a lot
- Isn't acctualy drunk
- If you decide to cuddle him, he will fly into the air so you can't really leave unless he wants so
- Witch is probably never
- This man LOVES PDA (Public Display of Affection)
- Will not be afraid to make out with you in the middle of the street
- But it never came to that... yet- *slap*
- Loves to hold your hand
- Always makes sure your safe <3
