
An Maple county x Backrooms inspiration? i dont know-
what I do know is that I LOVE horrors! 


(Inspiration from a video above, recommended watching from a youtuber Markiplier, also "ClayTown horror" is very cool, too.)


It was pitch black, you were falling... or at least you thought by the way the wind hitted your body. Where were you now? Why were you falling? 

Well it's not like your going to scream, you can't. Your vocal cords won't make any sounds, no matter how hard you tried. All you can do is just fall.

It was like that until your back hitted a cold floor. You, finally making a sound and giving a little "oof" with the impact. 

You turned on your stomach and saw a... light? A light? Wh- Wha- no- how-? What was it doing here? Everything is already complicated engouh and this isnt helping. 

Getting up, slowly and painfuly, you saw a movment out of the corner of your eye.. huh?

Was it another illusion your brain decided to show you..? Oh how you wished it was that.

Just as you got on your feet, did you see it all. It was.. horryfying. 

Before you stood a tall creature, considering you cant call it a human being. It's eyes were replaced with buttons, yet there was something that stared right back at you. It's body- long and slim with abnormaly long limbs, twitching every second. It's feet.. bare, making a sound everytime it took a step towards you. It's hands, with those disturbing long nails owning stains of what looked like dried up blood. It was towering over you.

Should you run? You don't know how fast it is. What you do know, is that you need to act fast. 

Do you make a run for it? Is it worth it? Your stuck here anyways, and death is like the best option.. but then again, it could be long and painful lasting days- if not weeks, months.

The light was shining, making the creatures skin more visible. It was rooting. Loose on it's body with a few holes. It was human skin. But the creature itself wasnt a human.. does that mean there was someone before you? Most importantly.. what did that creature did to them?
