Kazuha headcannons

Currently listening to this playlist
Little rant : 
I'm so clingy. Thats probably why everyone always leaves me. 

Requested (DM)

Whenever your away from him, he cant help but worry every time, it doesnt matter for how long you are gone, he is going to worry to the fullest every time.

Probably has a picture of you that he keeps in his pocket, he always look at it when your away from him.

When the two of you are going somewhere, he always has some sort of physical contact with you, BUT he also respects your opinion about PDA. So he can either hold your pinky to a full side-hug. It depends on you.

Always tells you some stories about the sea and the night sky he heard from his ship-mates.

When you lay your head in his lap, he gently smiles at you and pats your head, will gladly sing to you quietly.

His smile is always wider when he sees you and his eyes soften.
