

Casper and James had ended up joining Logan, lighting up sparklers and drinking champagne and cider Logan brought out after the couple had become reacquainted with each other - that being a heavy make-out session that made Casper want to cry thinking about.

Casper had went him the next morning and been scolded by his mother but by seeing how happy her son was didn't pry him about it or give him too much of a hard time, just happy that he was smiling again.

James was still living with Logan as his dad was still being a stubborn dick and Casper hated that James wasn't just two doors down any more but glad that Logan was letting him stay there, in fact Logan was a little ecstatic to have someone else living with him again.

James had finally charged his phone, found a million texts from everyone dating back to Christmas including his mum and auntie and found messages on his Facebook: one from the girl, Rachel, at the party apologising for coming onto him and that Casper (actually mentioning his name) was very cute an they made a cute couple.

"We're not that obvious are we?" Casper asked in disbelief taking the computer and scrolling down James profile." Eugh James your such a sap. Every status and picture mentions me. What is this: 'amazing day with Cas, got this t-shirt and an amazing memory.' Really? I'm surprised people still think you're straight and single."

And a couple from Dawn saying that she supported him and would love to start becoming as close as before, and should go in Skype sometime because Toby has been crying non-stop since James has left. And then a message in her name from his auntie Mary saying that she still loved him no matter what.

James had cried a little again after reading them and Casper didn't have the heart to tease him about it- not yet anyway.

He was usually always around at Logan's now to spend time with James and spent any night he could there too and was always the first to wake up as usual, James would still call him out for being a creepy sleep watcher every time.

Casper still hasn't told his parents about him and James but James had promised that they'd build up to it and he wouldn't have to be as alone as he had been and Casper couldn't be more grateful.

He also hasn't told James that he loved him, not yet. Even though he was sure James already knew Casper was keeping it safe, for leverage. One day, maybe even soon, Casper was going to attack him with it when he least expected it.

But other than that they were doing good. So good. James was back to his usual sappy, bastard self (Casper didn't question him when he got a little down, and made Casper sit down and actually study for the upcoming exams in their time together instead of doing certain things that Casper would rather be doing, mostly with his lips on James.)

All in all Casper thanked that stupid bloody game of Gay Chicken that started everything and made him man up and face his feelings he had for James Davidson because without it he would still probably be missing out on the greatest thing in his whole life.

A/N: and that's all folks.

Again thank you so much for reading and to he honest this isn't the end to my boys. I'll be posting some one shots from time to time but yeah bye bye Gay Chicken. It's been a blast.
