
A/N: Not edited

Chapter Nineteen

"What do you mean you think your mum knows?" Casper demanded, munching on a chip that he had stole from James' plate at the table at the canteen they were holding while Hedgehog and Daisy stood in the ridiculously long queue. He wasn't sure where Logan was, he hadn't really seen anyone so far in that day except James, who was only now bringing up this major crisis at hand.

"What do you think I mean?" James replied, exasperated."Probably Maureen let her big, fat mouth run again."

Throughout the whole week his mother had been dropping hints that he knew but he couldn't be sure on whether he was being paranoid.

"Well, why do you think she knows?"

"I don't know, stupid things," James waved his hand, gesturing to said things."Like the other day when I was talking about tomorrow night she said she didn't even need to ask if you were coming or not since we're hardly away from each other and then said she was glad I didn't take up the drums because it would have been such a cliché!" He gave a cry," I don't even know what she was digging at with the whole drummer cliché thing but it made me feel a little insulted and I have no idea why."

Casper sighed, "Are you worried if she knew?"

James thought for a moment. "I would at least like to be your boyfriend for a while before telling the parents. But on the long run, no, I'm not worried because it seems that's she's not against it in any way, just easing the hell out of me and making me suffer."

Casper smirked, "sounds like someone else I know. Quite well in fact."

James glowered at him.

Casper rolled his eyes, "shut the fuck up with your eyes, you know it's true! If you're that irritated by it then talk to her," Casper concluded with a 'duh' tone.

"But what if I'm wrong though and she like faints or kicks me out or something?"

"Pretty sure that you're probably right about your mum, dude." Casper gave a half hearted smile." And even if they tried to kick you out Maureen would have a fit, my mum would adopt you in a heartbeat and Logan would kill to have you as a mansion mate."

James snorted."Mansion mate?"

Casper leaned in, grabbing another chip, swiped in ketchup and flicked it into his mouth."Y,know like flat mate? But because he lives in a mansion and all, and alone, he would-"

"Yeah I got it, thanks," he smiled fondly.

"Hey, you asked."


"Whatever, you dick."

James was about to happily retort with heavy innuendos when Daisy appeared, slamming down her plate of fish and chips and groaning, "I swear to God, if they don't start taking down numbers and actually making the amount of meals even remotely reaching that number so people don't have to wait a million years waiting on a new batch of fish I am going to cut someone open." She looked pointedly at Casper and he gave a bored stare back but his eyes amused with her rant.

"You love me too much," Casper mused," kill James instead." He thumbed.

"Hey!"James protested lightly, shoving Casper who shouldered in return with a wide smile.

"I've decided to kill both of you," Daisy said, stabbing her fork into her chips.

Casper frowned."What's got your curls into knots?"

She shoved the chips, smothered in tomato sauce, into her mouth angrily and spat, "my curls are just fine. Lucy's spikes might have gotten a little flat though."

It took a while for Casper's brain to process who exactly Lucy was."You guys are fighting again?"

Daisy gave a short laugh without humour.

Casper wasn't really surprised. Hedgehog and Daisy were exact opposites and did fight quite a lot but always ended up back into their honeymoon stage that made Casper want to have a personal bucket to throw up in everywhere he went.

"Seriously Dais-" Casper started but stopped as he noticed Hedgehog coming towards them, just water and sandwich in hand. Her spikes really did look a little slumped today. She came to the table and froze. She looked at Daisy hopefully for a moment, gripping her lunch tightly but when Daisy continued to ignore her presence hesitant before she took the seat next to James, the furthest away from Daisy.

Casper didn't even need to look at James to know he was sharing the same wide eyed look Casper had on himself. The group was silent, the hubbub and buzz of the school cafeteria around them as Casper continued to steal James' chips and munch on them silently, trying to ignore the almost overwhelming feeling of Daisy seething next to him, eating her lunch angrily that terrified Casper, he couldn't even think of how Hedgehog felt seeing this. She must've done something real bad.

Casper looked across the table at James, seeing Hedgehog play at her food almost timidly and making herself seem as small as possible, Casper tried to convey to James with his eyes that he had to do something or he was going to visibly implode from the awkward that was squeezing him. James shot back a hell no, his eyebrows quipped in a forcible way that made Casper make a face of why the hell not and also moved his hand forward for another chip and silently yelped as James swatted his hand away with a playful frown.

Casper sighed, opening his mouth to say something when Logan approached, flinging his bag onto the table, almost making Casper's forgotten and ignored baked beans fly all over him. The group also made similar noises of protest.

"What's up, you bunch of cunts?" He greeted, a wide smile on his face, totally oblivious.

When no one answered he thumped down on the empty seat next to James across from Daisy, his smile falling, "don't tell me there's actually something up apart from my dick every few hours."

Casper stared at him, his face scrunch up in disgust.

The whole table were doing similar faces he noticed and Logan lifted his hands in defence before flinging them up in dismissal, "fuck you guys, "Logan muttered. "Just got a few more people interested in coming to see us tomorrow night," he said nonchalantly," not that anyone cares."

James instantly grinned, thumping Logan in the back," nice one."

"It's going to be so awesome!" Logan rushed excitedly.

"I know, man," James said just as enthusiastic as Logan," I know."

Casper put his elbows onto the table (almost planting one right into his beans but manoeuvred his elbow slightly over to the side just in time), clasped his hands together and leaned into them with a wide smile."I'm looking forward to hearing Logan singing"

"Glad to know where your priorities lie," James said as Logan went, "I'm a great singer, you little shit."

Casper scoffed playfully at James," you know you're always my first priority, baby."

All of a sudden there was a sharp scrape of a chair and Daisy shot up abruptly, gathering her things in a flash. Hedgehog got up with her, "Daisy-"

"Don't." She hissed," don't follow me." And she stormed away.

The three boys sat absolutely still, not even breathing as Hedgehog sighs and sinks down onto her chair for a beat and then muttering under her breath "fuck this," and got up, almost toppling her chair back as she went after Daisy.

Casper traded a wide eyed glance at James and Logan turn into them with his mouth open in shock. "Did I miss something before I got here?"

Casper's pursed his lips and tucked them in themselves and he leaned back and shrugged, having no idea what could possibly be so bad this time.

For the last two periods Casper didn't see Daisy or Hedgehog, not that he had any classes with them on that day but Casper couldn't help but be a little curious and try and squeeze it out of either of them with his adorable, but totally masculine, charm. He told James as much as they walked home, brushing shoulders a little and bumping one another playfully, and he had scoffed loudly, which earned him a push that almost made James topple off the pavement much to Casper's amusement.

Things were good with them, he had sort of expected the whole monogamous relationship status hovering over them would backfire and ruin the relationship but it was good. He even had to backtrack sometimes and look and James in all his perfect glory, and ridiculously tamed hair and think whoa, I have a boyfriend. Sometimes he would say it out loud and James would blink at him then laugh and kiss him on the head.

He did that a lot, kissing him on his forehead. It gave Casper manly butterflies and his face would break out in a smile but would spew out words saying for James to stop treating him like a child, which he didn't mean and thankfully James knew he was because he never stopped the head kissing. Casper liked the head kissing. Casper liked all kissing when it involved him and James and everything other than kissing involving James and him.

Casper looked at James as they walked down their street, sensing his gaze James turned to meet it, simply just returning the look before he broke out in a fond smile. Yeah, from the looks of it James really liked Casper too.

"Are you going to Logan's again today?" Casper asked, glancing from the ground to James. Every day this week James had been practicing with the band up at Logan's getting reading for their gig. James had been thrumming on excited energy all week and Casper had been thoroughly infected, filled to brim with fizzing bubbles of enthusiasm as he watched James or listened to him over the phone at how the night had went.

"Yeah," James said," and then early tomorrow until the gig."

The boys stopped in front of the house.

"I'll text you tomorrow then," Casper started to edge away to his door but James reached out and grabbed his blazer. Casper froze, looking to his arm to James.

His green eyes were intense, like they were kissing him all over and held onto Casper's own."Bye," he breathed, sliding his hand down Casper's arm slowly so their fingers brushed.

"B-bye." Casper blubbered out and internally cursed and he saw James smirk before he turned to the direction of his house.


Casper spent the rest of the night with a never ending thrum of excited energy, speaking a smile a minute at the dinner table, hardly able to eat anything. His dad had took a night off and told him to shut up more than once as they put on a family movie, his mother had laughed as Casper didn't listen and continued to list of facts about Natalie Portman throughout Thor. His dad ended up chucking a pillow at him to which his mother screeched about misusing her pillows. The movie ended up going unwatched for the most part but seeing his dad and catching up was worth it.

At one point he had remembered to text Daisy asking her what was up but she never replied. Things must've of been bad as Casper knew she was ignoring him, Daisy never didn't answer her texts straight away and got freaked out when other people didn't do the same.

Casper went to bed early, kissing his mum goodnight and rolling his eyes as his dad made a deal about only getting a hug so gave a pat on his bare head instead affectionately and called him baldy and made a swift escape before his dad could react. He sent a usual goodnight text to James and sleep didn't come until he saw his phone light up with a reply. He went to sleep with a smile.


Casper woke with morning light shining into his window. He glared, he forgot to shut his curtains again and then he remembered what day it was. He all but leapt out of bed, his covers flung back, and clambered for his phone before hurriedly, but conveying, text message to James.

It was seven o'clock in the morning at this point. Casper got up, got washed, ate and sat in front of the TV watching SpongeBob before he got a reply at ten. He spent the rest of the day with his stomach full of nerve knots and oozing with anticipation. Daisy still hadn't text him back but he was sure she would come tonight, she wouldn't miss out James and Logan's first gig for a fight... well he hope she wouldn't.

Casper had been to plenty of gigs before, plenty of concerts too but he'd never known anyone in it. He never had that thrill of seeing someone up on stage and say yeah, that's my friend. I know him. And he felt like that right now, who knows what kind of state he was going to be in later that day, supporting his boyfriend.

His boyfriend. His boyfriend was in a band.

Of course no one would actually know except for him, James and the gang but it was still the truth.

Casper started to get dressed again around four, putting on his black three quarter length trousers, his black converse, a stripy undershirt and a blink 182 t-shirt. He put on his usual eyeliner and styled his hair so his fringe almost completely covered his left eye.

"You're looking nice, dear," His mum said, drinking her afternoon tea in front of the TV as he came downstairs, "going anywhere special?"

"Actually," Casper smiled, "James and Logan's band is having their first gig tonight."

"Oh, that's fantastic! Wish them good luck for me."

"Will do," he nodded, grabbing his keys from the hook on top of the cupboards and his hoodie from the armchair. "Right. I'm off."

"Do you have your phone? Money?"she called.

"Yeah, mum," he replied," I'll see you later alright?" He unlocked the door.

"Wait, Casper, have you had anything to eat?"

"I'll get something in town, love you mum!" He heard a reply as he closed the door. He didn't even get onto the pavement when he gave a shiver and his teeth chattered slightly. Fuck it was cold. He instantly regretted not grabbing a jacket, or putting on full length trousers to keep his calves warm, because what the hell was he thinking? It was winter - more or less - but honestly could not be arsed heading back inside. Still, he cursed himself.

Daisy still wasn't reply to his texts and Hedgehog was hopeless when it came to rely on her with a phone at all. He had messaged Darla and Daniel and they had said they were already in town. So he marched off to the train station to go in by himself.

He always hated going into town by himself, found no comfort or point in it. It just made him seriously insecure and made a thousand scenarios jump through his brain like what if there was a planted bomb or someone decided to jump in front off the train, or the zombie apocalypse disease first starts through spreading on this train or it just topples of the track and takes every passenger with it and he'd be alone. These things did mull in continuous loop over in his brain as he sat staring out of the window watching the world go by, mostly just gray buildings and gray weather and expecting the worst.

Casper ignored the bunch of guys at the end of the carriage who were pointedly looking over at him and laughing but couldn't help but feel a little grateful when a girl, probably one of the guy's girlfriend, hit them all over the arm and told them to shut up. She gave him a smile and he returned it gratefully and turned back to the window.

He'd had to deal with those people all around, even just the stares and looks he could deal with. They didn't appreciate his fashion choice and his lifestyle but they didn't know him, he didn't much appreciate their matching chinos but he didn't call them out on it and he certainly didn't start calling them names trying to justify their choice in clothes, though when they started calling him a faggot the word douchebag and dick came to mind, even thought they were sort of right now, he supposed. He was a faggot and he didn't give two shits, or any shits if he was being honest.

He got off at the centre station, not like he could stay on as this was where the train terminates, and started in the direction for the main street where all the shops were and just stopped. He realised he didn't have a clue where he was going or where anyone was. He called Darla.

"Hello, Casper dearest," she sang over the phone." What is it you acquire of me, my lovely?"

"Darla." he deadpanned. "Where abouts are you guys, I'm in town."

"We're in McDonald's, getting something to eat."

"I'll see you there," Casper ended the call and made his way to them.

The town was in it's usual state of gray, the ground beneath him shiny with rain that forever fell. It was less crowded that it usually was earlier in the day but it was still busy and being a Saturday and all, the day the Fishbowl was open for the unders it was heavily populated with the deemed "emo" society and the occasional goth. Recognising most of them, he gave a wave of acknowledgement and some of them even stopped him to ask if they'd see him later and he in turn would mention James and Logan's gig. They would tell him to congratulate the boys for them as they couldn't go see them. One thing Casper realised, and did himself, was that most of those who actually went to the Fishbowl brought their entry fee for getting into the club, their bus/train fare and food money. No more no less. getting mugged was very consistent and losing more money than you actually needed for the day was a major bummer. So Casper would say he would and they parted ways.

He saw Darla and Daniel even before he entered the building. They had taken the stools at the window and they waved frantically when they spotted him, Darla almost falling off and Daniel having to quickly move to catch her arm and they both started laughing hysterically but silently from where Casper was. He chuckled and entered the building, as soon as the doors opened the sound of Darla's loud, distinctive laugh rang out.

They stayed there until about six, mucking about and throwing some chips at each other much to the workers that was cleaning up at the other table's annoyance.

Darla knew where the bar where the gig was thankfully, as Daniel and Casper didn't have a clue. It was fifteen minutes away from McDonald's: Lost Record, it was called and it looked like one of those classic bar types with big wide glass windows, a style crossing between 80s rock and country. People were in small selected groups outside smoking and chatting loudly.

Casper entered the bar with the gang behind him, there was a girl in booth with two, big, wooden doors on either side, one leading to the bar and the other leading downstairs, Casper assumed that where they were supposed to go. "Uhh... three tickets for the gig tonight?"

She smiled at him, blue eyes kind and helpful," okay dokie, who are you guys here to see?"

"Tortured Paradise," he replied and she nodded, ripping off tickets and saying that they were six pounds each.

"You can enter the bar first to get a drink and wait, the gig doesn't start till seven, or you can just go straight down," she said, handing over the tickets as each of them gave her the money. He said thanks, everyone else doing to same as they decided just to go down, James said he was already in anyway.

The staircase to the underground room was what they used for gigs. It had sort of a secretive, cult feeling to it as they stepped down the spiral staircase. It was dark, the only light coming from the far side where music equipment was place around in formation. There was a curtain to separate the "stage" and the back. In the corner next to the staircase was a little stall with EP's and badges alike with t-shirts hanging by pins on the wall. There was two benches built into the wall on both sides of the long room and just a few people were sitting at them, people that looked like they had just stepped out one of those vintage stores that stunk of old people and must. All of them stared at Casper and Darla and Daniel behind him.

Again it was because they looked different - out of place and Casper got a sick feeling in his stomach as they scrutinised him, showing him that he didn't belong. He was almost so close to just backing up and running back upstairs and then James poked his head out from behind the curtain. Casper was instantly relieved to see him, James was squinting his eyes into the darkness and when he saw Casper he beamed at him and beckoned him forward with a wave of his hand. Casper grinned back and hurried over to him, he heard Darla make a whipped noise behind but he actually couldn't give a fuck.

"Hey," breathed as he came over.

"Hey yourself," James smiled.

"You dyed your hair," Casper said, startled at the jet black hair. It looked good, made his eyes stand out and his skin paler, even under the low lighting he could see that.

"Yeah," mumbled James, putting a hand through it unconsciously.

"Looks good, "he mused, wanting to run his hands through it and fist it but strongly restrained himself. So instead he said," you nervous?" With his hands tightly at his sides.

James cocked his head from side to side, "a bit, but it's gonna be awesome."

Casper's lips twitched, looking at him through his lashes and James stared before looking around behind him. Casper frowned, about to turn around and see what he was looking at when he was yanked behind the curtain and lips were slamming onto his. Casper made a muffled noise of surprise before leaning into it and grinning.

"Casper," James groaned," I can't kiss you properly if you keep smiling."

"Sorry," he laughed," can't help it."

James groaned again but Casper saw him smiling too as he knocked his forehead against his.

"Well, well, well," came a voice heavy with amusement," looks like the lover boys can't keep their hands off each other for more than two seconds."

"Shut up Logan," Casper countered turning to the boy," you're just jealous."

"Yes Casper, that I am. Jealous I never got to you before Jimbo, here." Logan placed his hand on his heart in wounded mockery," why you would ever choose this ugly son a bitch over me I'll never know."

At that James was charging towards Logan and putting him into a soft rugby tackled. Logan came out a huff of laughter and fought back, scrambling and thumbing on each other.

Casper stared after them, in half amusement and incredulous amazement. Honestly they were such children.

"Hey! Will you guys cut it out?" some guy shouted coming round from the curtain, "do you want them to kick us out and forget about the gig?"

Logan and James both leaned into one another, laughing. "Sorry Andrew."

Andrew, Casper knew that name. Sometimes James would mention him when he was talking about their practices. He was their bass player. He had bright blonde hair that was tussled in an effortless way. He wore a denim jacket and, a white shirt that fit him snugly, tight jeans and a pair of black boots. He looked nothing like the guys he normal would hang out with, looked like one of the guys that listened to undiscovered or bands they thought underrated and were righteous about it, saying any other music taste was the wrong one. Casper sort of hated those kind of guys.

Andrew spotted him and he frowned," I'm sorry but no one is allowed back here that isn't part of the acts tonight."

Casper's clenched his fists.

"Whoa, wait Andrew," James put out his hand, edging to Casper," this is Casper, he's with me."

Andrew instantly stopped looking angry and broke out into a smile."Ah, the boyfriend, James never stops talking about you. Nice to finally meet you, Casper." Andrew sort of shuffled in guilty sort of way, "Sorry about that, just kind of freaking out, y'know?"

"He even threw up earlier," Logan chimed in helpfully, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, shut up Logan," Andrew glared.

"Are we telling Logan to shut up again?" a girl appeared," because I would totally love to be part of that."

The girl was tiny and pretty. She was wearing a black dress that stuck out at the skirt, big black biker boots and long, brown hair going down past her waist.

"We all know you love the sound of my voice, Avery."

"Oh yeah," she nodded," totally Logan. Yep. Totally."

"Stop taking the piss you little bitch," Logan chuckled.

She stuck out her tongue childishly and Logan went after her and crushed her into a hug and she giggled manically as she was spun around.

Avery, the drummer, he hadn't known she was a girl. From the looks of it she was treated like the baby sister as Logan came over and ruffled her hair and she squawked but Casper couldn't help feel a little uneasy and it was stupid really, why did it matter if she was a girl? Guys were just much as threat.

"Hey, Cas," James came up to him, speaking softly," you alright, yeah?"

Casper shook his head," who me? Yeah, I'm fine," he assured, playing off his stupid, totally irrational feelings and pushing them aside."It should be me asking you that."

James shrugged," I think we'll be alright, we practiced enough."

"Yeah, I know," Casper said, looking to the ground," I hardly saw you all week. Of course except for school... but that doesn't count."

James sighed," yeah I know..."then he gave a thoughtful smile, an idea bright in his eyes," tell you what, we'll hang out tomorrow, yeah?"

Casper looked up and him and grinned," yeah alright."

"And who's this little ball of cuteness?" Avery jumped on James' back, peering over at him and sticking out her hand."I'm Avery."

Casper eyed her, not liking how comfortable James took her weight and just let her be, like this was a normal thing to be all over him, but Casper took the hand anyway," Casper."

And then she squealed, jumping off James' back with haste, "Jesus," he heard him mumble but too startled as she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. For a little girl her hold was strong and she managed to get his arms right around him and locking his arms to his sides and he stood there in shock with she trapped him.

"He's beautiful, James," she said as she let go and back away, "nice seeing you finally Casper. Well done." She winked, pointing her fingers like guns and made a clicking with her tongue, skilfully manoeuvring herself over the wires as she walked backwards until she was out of site.

James turned to Casper, his hands in his pockets and eyebrows raised," yeah, that's Avery. She's a bit... different but you get used to her," James defended." Plus, she's an ace drummer, you'll see," he assured. Casper didn't want to doubt it but the girl had look like she couldn't even lift up her own drumsticks never mind play it. Hell, she was even smaller than Daisy and even more lithe. Even when she had him in an iron hold he could feel the lightness, the easily breakable, thin arms, he could have broke out of it easily.

Suddenly she came back," hey guys, I was just told that we're on first and we need to start getting ready."

"Crap," Andrew gulped, "I think I'm going to sick."

"Again," Logan rolled his eyes and made his way over to Avery and flung his arm around her.

"Wish us luck," James beamed, giving Casper one last kiss before following and grabbing Andrew with him who was looking a bit queasy. Casper felt his own stomach turn with nerves and his body start to shake, tremor really.

Casper made his own way back through the curtain and found Darla and Daniel sitting on the left bench in the middle, the people from outside had came in and filled the room along with other. Casper saw some small familiar groups from his school but had never talked to ever in his life. As he walked over to where Darla sat he saw that Daisy and Hedgehog and actually came to although sitting as far apart from each other as possible and Daisy was talking to some girl that looked vaguely familiar.

As Casper got closer Daisy turned round and gave a small smile, "Casper!"

The girl beside Daisy turned and Casper froze. It was Jessica. What the hell was she doing here?

He walked cautiously over to them, saw Daniel in a quiet discussion with Hedgehog and Darla making eyes with a guy with hair that resembled Russell Brand's over at the merch corner who was making the same eyes back.

"How's our boys doing?" Daisy asked when Casper approached.

"Good." he replied, still looking at Jessica who stared right back at him.

"You gotta a problem, Casper?" Jessica smiled.

"What are you doing here?" he responded. He was still on a rocky road about Jessica. James had told him that she knew about their relationship but he still couldn't trust her and how could he? She was beautiful and from what he could remember she was smart and funny too. It was weird because back when she was going out with James they had got on, a mutual understanding and sort of friendship but now she was a threat and Casper hated it.

"James invited me, "she taunted," wanted me to get back in touch with everyone. I've missed you all."

She smiled at Daisy who smiled weakly back but her eyes shot to Casper with uncertainty.

And then Jessica tapped her tongue against the roof of her mouth and snorted," get your head out of your ass Casper, I'm not trying to steal you're man. For god's sake."

Both Daisy and Casper were taken a back for a second. Casper was suddenly struck with how stupid he was being and broke out in a smile. "Can't help but worry, my man's a catch."

She laughed, "well, you're lucky I let him back in again."

Casper shook his head but before he could retort the music playing from the speakers stopped and the lights dimmed as James appeared with his guitar round his neck followed by Logan and then Andrew. Avery came out at the back, practically jumping out from the black curtain and taking her place behind the drum kit and her sticks in the hair.

The guys took their place and people started moving from the back to the front.

"C'mon," Jessica urged, grabbing his arm and pulling him up to the front of the room so they were right in front of them. Logan grinned and Casper looked to James who waved and smiled before fiddling with his strap a little. Casper hadn't even took in what he was wearing, a simple chequered shirt rolled up to his elbows with a white shirt underneath, a pair of black skinny jeans and black vans. It was weird how they all fit in to one another: Avery, Andrew, Logan and James with their different styles but looking like a band.

"Uh..." Logan spoke out to the microphone, his voice carrying throughout the room, "hello!" Some people answered him followed by laughter." We are Tortured Paradise and this is our very first gig!"

People in the audience cheered and Casper found himself cheering along with them. He saw James grinned over at Logan and then Andrew who winked back.

"So because of that, please be gentle with us," he smiled, and some people laughed. " You ready guys?" he was looking around the band. They all nodded. "We're gonna start off with a favourite of ours, a cover of Weightless by All Time Low."

The audience cheered again and Avery tapped her sticks together and counted down from three and then:

"Manage me, I'm a mess..." Logan sang, his voice clear." Turn a page, I'm a book half unread..."

"Oh my God!" Darla screech from behind Casper, latching onto his shoulder and staring over his shoulder at Logan in awe," he's amazing." Casper couldn't help but agree. His voice still held that tone of Logan's but it was like a complete character change as he sang into the microphone. Casper tore his eyes away from Logan and too James and whoa.

Under the blue stage lighting and the aura of the band Casper had never seen James look hotter. He went from one not to the next effortlessly, his knees moving to the beat and his head jerking and Casper wanted to jump him right then and there.

He looked like he belonged up there, they all did, easily easing into the stage and filling the room. And they were enjoying it, bright smile plastered on their faces and the same on those in the audience, infected and infectious.

Everything was lost after that, Casper could only see James, his sole focus. Sometimes James would look up and catch Casper's eye and Casper would be jumping around to the song along with the crowd and Casper had the satisfaction of knowing that he was the one being looked at, he was all his off stage.


Bleugh, it's finished. Well... sort of. I'll come back and look over it tomorrow but I wanted to upload this before the weekend was over.

Trouble in Haisy paradise, eh~ ohohoho... yeah I have no idea where that came from, I just went with it so that'll need to be cleaned up in the next few chapters or so. I actually can't go back to short chapters anymore I don't know what's happening, I need help!

So I know a few of you wanted that date but that wasn't going to happen this chapter, I just wanted them to get to the gig (and also don't judge me for my lack of knowledge from that, I've only ever went to three and I was more distracted by the eye candy and awesome tunage than getting my observations right). But next chapter you shall get what you want, don't worry!

I am open to any suggestions where to take future chpaters because I am coming to a lot of losses on where to go.

On a more personal note I'm pretty bummed out atm as I am getting kicked out of my Chemistry class bc I suck at it but on the bright side it means I have more time to study my other, more stronger subjects. Still hurts though :'(

Also, I've went through season 2 of The Walking Dead... emotional stuff right there, I'm like drained because of it.

Thank you all so much for reading, commenting and voting !! Take care now :)
