New Life (pt. 2)

"I'm coming!" Matthew called, stuffing some last-minute things into his backpack.
Then, like a nervous child, he fumbled with the doorknob to the front and almost stumbled onto the sidewalk.
Instantly he looked up but was confused seeing that no one and no car were in the driveway.
"Lori? Where? I don't see anyone here.." Matthew asked, knowing that Lori was in the roof, or at least was.
"Back here!" Lori's distant voice exclaimed.
Matthew glanced up to the roof before heaving a sigh and trudging back into the house, heading for the back door.


"Dad... I've missed you so much.." Lori smiled even though a few tears trickled down her cheeks.
"I have too, Lori." Lori's giant father responded, gently rubbing the tears from his daughter's face.
"I.. I think Matthew is gonna be scared of you.." She said quietly. Her father nodded.
"I know.. your mother explained to me that-" Her father started, but was cut off by a door slamming after a slight yelpish/shriek that came from before.
"Uh... Dad... I think I should go talk to him.." Lori stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. Her dad just nodded and offered to help her down.

Meanwhile (again) ~

Matthew opened the door cowardly, not wanting to say something weird to his father, but the second he saw the giant shoe that led up to a giant man, he lost it. With a scared shriek, he bolted back into the house quickly rushing into one of the back rooms.

Millions of thoughts were swarming in his head...

'Where's Lori? Who the heck is that? Why?? That's impossible... Oh my word... I hope Lori is okay... How in the world am I supposed to get Lori-'
"Matthew?! Where are you?" A familiar voice called out.

"L-Lori..?" Matthew rushed out of his room and into the kitchen to be greeted by his younger, guilty stricken sister.

"How..? Are you alright?" He asked, nervously glancing out the kitchen's window. There wasn't anything there, just his quiet backyard.

"Yes..but he wants to talk to you.." Lori muttered looking down at her feet nervously. Matthew eyes slightly widened, unsure of what to say. He knew very well that the creature outside was no threat, but his mind was very clouded. It couldn't have been their dad, that was impossible, but even if it wasn't.. who in the world could it have been..? And why?

 "Who..?" Matthew asked swallowing the nerves and turned his gaze from the window to Lori's bright hazel eyes.  She looked as if she was going to break down right in front of him, but she held herself together as she pointed towards the door.

 "Dad." She said, her voice sounding very monotone and emotionless. She looked towards the door, putting her hand down.

 Matthew glanced at the door as she spoke, his heart racing a little more. He was right...But he didn't know why or even, how.

 "You're saying that.. the g-giant out there is our d-dad..? Are you s-sure..?" He asked, his voice wavering as a weird reality seemed to fall over him. Lori just nodded slowly before embracing her brother in a tight hug.

"I promise that's dad. He won't hurt you.. and while you two talk, I'll get the bags by the door... Okay? She asked, smiling as her brother hugged her back.

 "Okay.. but if anything happens.." Matthew started but trailed off as he heard movement outside. He stood up and set Lori on the floor.

 "Nothing is gonna happen." Lori explained patting her brother on the arm.

 Matthew swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and nodded as he walked to the door. With a shaky hand, he turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door. Barely glancing out the small crack, he didn't see anyone, so he opened the door more until he saw his dad sitting cross-legged against the house.

"Matthew?" His father asked without turning his head. Upon hearing his name, Matthew felt like he was going to explode in a fit of shaking, but he just cleared his throat and approached the man.

"Y-yes, sir..?" He stammered, staring terrified and wide-eyed at his father, the giant.

"You don't need to call me sir, son. I'm your father... I don't mean to give off a frightening appearance to you... For that, I am terribly sorry." Matthew's father stated, his sorrow not very hidden in his tone. Yet, he did not yet look at his son. Instead, he stared off into the distant forest.

"S-scared? I'm n-not scared. Why would I b-be scared..?" Matthew felt foolish as he stuttered, mentally face-palming himself. His father turned his gaze towards him, furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief. Matthew quickly looked away to avoid eye contact and settled at looking at the grass near him.

"I like your spunk Matthew, but you're not fooling anyone. Your mom explained to me your fears already, and I know I'm not helping you get over them like this... I will never bring harm to you. that's a promise." His father spoke gently, yet firm, hoping to get his point across.

Matthew felt himself cringe when he spoke of his mom. Had she really told him..? Embarassing... Soon enough, Matthew lost track of his own surroundings, staring blankly at the ground.

His father watched him intense and his eyes glaze over. With a small smile, he gently reached over to his son and scooped Matthew off of the ground.

Matthew blinked away his thoughts instantly and scrambled backward with a yelp into his father's curled fingers.

"It's okay Matthew. Calm down." He said cooly, gently caressing the boy's head.

  Matthew couldn't help but flinch at his father's touch. It felt wrong, and he didn't like it.

"D-dad..? C-could you p-put me d-down..?" He choked out. Matthew bit his lip as his father looked at him concerned.

"No." He simply shook his head.

Matthew paled instantly, tears threating to escape his eyes.

"B-but why..?" He asked feeling uneasy.

 His father just smiled gently before lifting his son against his chest.

"If I did, I couldn't give you a hug." He stated in a low voice, gently rubbing Matthew's back with a finger.

Matthew just looked around the small area, feeling slightly tense of the new situation. Eventually, he leaned into his father's embrace and let his tears fall slowly. It had been so long..

His father held him close and feeling Matthew's small hands clenching tighter to his shirt, his heart wrenched.

"It's okay Matthew. It's gonna be okay." He murmured, still caressing his son with his thumb.



It's been a while I think, but the main problem about writing this other part was because I had written it on paper.. :3

It took forever to transfer, but I also lost the paper a few time as well... :P

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!

I think I have to many cats on minecraft..
