Delusional Child

(This was originally my first chapter for my oneshots book, but I didn't like it.. so i hope you enjoy it anyways!)

It had been a long day, scavenging, adventuring and avoiding the strange chariots that passed on the gravel road, but it was nearly night and I was getting tired. It was my first time being out in the forest, ya know. I was bound to get tired and lost.
I staggered as I walked in the forest, dodging trees and rocks, losing my footing a few times. Things became hazier and blurry as I felt a headache forming. Shelter. I need shelter so I could sleep.
I shuffled to a clearing in search of a shelter of some sort but tripped over an unseen log and laid on the ground staring at the hazy dots in the sky.
I felt strange, like everything was light and carefree. I giggled at the feeling.
Suddenly I felt a thump on the ground followed by another, and another. They continued, getting louder and louder until they come to a halt.
I blink my eyes open to see a very strange looking blob over me.
"Hello strange blob... Have you come to take me away to... places..." I stuttered, with a strange smile on my face. Was I delusional?
"I'm not a blob, silly girl! I'm a... um... A friend. Yeah, a friend." I heard this voice coming from the blob, and laughed.
"Your a blob of goo... Your silly..." I giggled with a yawn. I felt something touch my side then slide underneath me.
"What is this?" I ponder sitting up as a strong gust of wind trys to push me downward.  I say my hands on the strange leathery soft surface under me and press it slightly.
"Is this your tentacle, Mr. Blob?" I smiled awkwardly and rolled over.
"No silly! That's my hand!" The "friend" laughed. "Now, what were you doing in the forest so late at night?"
"That's a good question..." I slurred my words as I spoke. "I was looking for.... Shelter..."
I glanced around like a weasel then stared at a strange thing on Mr. Blob.
"Shelter..." I murmured using a hand to point at the strange friend man.
"My pocket? Um... Okay. In you go." I felt the rush of wind again as the blob guy lifted his strange tentacle and slid me into his "pocket".
"Try an get some sleep." Mr. Friend suggested as he began moving.
"Okay. Goodnight Mr. Friend." I yawned curling up beside the thumping wall.
Soon enough I had fallen asleep.
It wasn't long til I woke up. I yawned and slowly blinked open my eyes.
Where am i? What happened? I was confused. I could see clearly again and my surroundings were very different than before. There was a giant desk off in the corner and a bookshelf beside that. There was a closet full of clothes and a door that either led out of the room or to a bathroom. The only strange thing about all of this was it was giant sized and I already knew by fact and common horse sense that giants weren't real.
I laughed at myself for a second, thinking about the logic of this being real, then turned to look at the other did of the room to see a giant teenage boy laying down in front of me.
My heart beat rapidly in my chest and my eyes felt like they were going to fall out. Whoever this guy was, he was awake and staring at me with a very strange, soft, confused look.
I nearly screamed as something rubbed against my back but I kept my eyes glued on the strange person in front of me.
"Wh-who are you and-d why did y-you bring me here... I d-don't have a l-leader, if th-that's what you want..." I stutter as I step back a little, bumping the boy's index finger.
"I'm Chance and I brought you here becuase you were nearly unconsious in the middle of a forest. I never said anything about a leader..." The boy mumbled, pushing me forwards a little bit.
I tried to scramble away, but Chance gently pushed me down against the bed to stop my attempts.
"Hey... Calm down. I ain't gonna hurt you. Relax. You need some sleep..." Chance whispered quietly, lifting his hand away.
I hesitantly nodded as I want over everything in my head. If he really was going to hurt me, he probably would have already done it by now and he seems like a pretty nice dude. He had forest green eyes and shaggy brown hair that dangled in front of his eyes a bit. He had a bright smile and a cheerful sincere additude.
I took a risk and decided to trust Chance for a bit, hopefully to see if he was planning something.
I slowly close my eyes and instantly feel my need for sleep, however it was very cold.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with it, I thought to myself, curling into a half circle.
I shivered and thought about the strange but cool things that had happened today. Yes I was terrified, but at the same moment I felt safe. Yeah. I was safe.
After a few moments of silence and shivering, I felt something warm cover me.
I slowly leaked my eyes open to see Chance's hand over me, giving me a small space to warm up. I smiled and yawned again, reaching for his thumb.
I grabbed it then pulled it under my head like a pillow, drifting into sleep.
"Goodnight." Were the last words I heard Chance say before I fell into slumber.
