~ A Far Friend (Pt. 2) ~

The house was silent that morning.

The quietness was eerie to his ears, and he had begun to let himself think again.

He was a pretty strange person.

Superstitious and found an interest in things that couldn't be properly explained.

He had seen her one evening as he was walking into the kitchen.
At first, he thought he had been seeing things but upon further inspection, he found barely noticeable trails across the counter.
They had led to the outlet.

He never truly knew what it was, but after awhile he figured it wasn't harmful.
His curiosity grew, though he never attempted to approach her.

Alongside the curiosity, a dread also began to grow.
What if he never found out what she was?
Or did something to hurt her accidentally?

Would he ever be able to meet her while he still lived there?

He would often have people over, but while he had them over he'd worry that she would leave out of fear.

The girl in his walls to far away but yet so close.

He let out a sigh and opened his eyes to stare up at the ceiling. What could he do? She would probably leave the second she knew about his knowledge of her.

Was it really better of as a secret?

Even from a distance, he had begun to notice things of how she acted.

Rather that being leaving a mess behind, or carelessly hiding as though she didn't want to leave.
It wasn't often that he'd actually see the girl but when he did, he couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Was she living alone?
Were there others?
Did she need someone?

After a moment, he stood up and walked to the kitchen, still trapped in thoughts of his strange roommate, if he could even call her that.

As he walked down the hall, he noticed from the corner of his eye her figure slip beneath the back door.

In the moment, he felt a wave of fear.

Was she leaving?
Did she know?
Was she scared of him?

No.. she couldn't leave, right?
He had so much to ask.

Deep inside of his heart, he never wanted her to leave.
He wanted to talk with her, and get to know her.
He wished he could be a friend to her if she was lonely, and a person to rely on if things got tough.
All he ever thought of was her since the day he saw her.

The moments felt like forever as he practically tripped over himself.

He had to stop her somehow.

Even if she didn't like him..
Or would hide and leave when he was around..
It was because of fear..

If only she wasn't afraid.

He gripped the doorknob but hesitated to turn it, a nervousness rising in his chest. Would she even be there anymore? Or would she be farther than ever before?
The fear halted him for a moment more before he finally gained the courage to open the door.

He scanned the grass in front of him.
There wasn't any sign of her..

Until he spotted her walking slowly only a few feet from the porch.

She stopped.
Then turned slowly to the door.

Though she was small, he could see that her expression was one of relief.



[ I wrote this while listening to the playlist at the top ]

Someone commented saying it would be cool to see more of this story, either longer,  a part 2 or seeing it from the guys perspective, and I thought that seeing it from his view was an awesome idea!

What I wrote was based off of my irl events but betwixted into a borrower story.. it was a bit difficult barbecue I haven't ever heard his side of things. Essentially this is what I interpret the way he acts in the real world, only as speculation though.

I really enjoyed writing this :3
I like to call it 'interpretive writing'

(I don't know if that's actually a thing or not but still-)

Hope y'all liked it <3
