The Deal- Part 5

"I will give you any information you need to take down Hydra and find James, but you will not say anything about seeing, hearing or knowing where I am, you will act like you forgot about me. I will give you my number so if I find anything more, I will let you know. You will only call me if it's about Hydra or it's important. If you do find James and he is still in the control of Hydra, I can help but only by so much. Anything else?" Aurora asks after making the rules of the deal.

"If your Tonys sister, why do you have red hair if he has brown?" Sam asks.

"Really?" Steve looks at Sam.

"I mean she was in the rafts. It can't be died."

"Your right Samuel"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things."

"That did not sound creepy at all."

"To answer your question. When Hydra kidnapped me, they gave me these powers and that made my hair turn red. Don't know how but it did. And that reminds me, if my brother is in trouble, like 'close to death' trouble, call me. He may have put me in the rafts and be a pain in the ass. But he's all I got left in life. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal?" Steve holds out his hand for Y/n to shake.

"I'm not shaking your hand. I may trust you, but I still don't like you. Don't break that trust."

"Got it."

"What I know right now is that Zemo, he made me and James who we became. He's out there looking for us, and to find us he's got to do something big. Like going as big as framing one of us and then the cops or someone else can find us and then he can get to us that way, I don't know. So just get to Zemo before he does something."

"Thank you" Steve says.

"Don't thank me yet. Zemo was one of the best Hydra agent out there. Good luck finding him, last I heard he was in Peru and that was last year. That's why I'm here looking for him and I got nothing yet."

"Anyway, thank you" Steve and Sam got up to leave when Aurora says.

"Hey um Steven"


"Thanks. For... For not saying anything about me being here, and for not judging me for what I've done."

"Like I said, I read your file. I know why you did it."

"That never stopped people from judging before, so thanks."

"Well, you're welcome." And with that they left.

Sorry it's short, next one will be longer. 
