Fighting- Part 8

(Only writing what has Aurora in it because *i hope* everyone has seen the movies, so you know what happens when i skip to the parts i put her in it)

"Come on" Steve yells as him, Clint, Wanda, Scott, Sam, Bucky, and Aurora starts running to the jet to get away. As they're running Vision comes and shoots a laser out of the stone on his forehead while he is floating in the air.

"Captain Rogers" Vision says. "I know you believe what you're doing is right." 

Aurora leans into Clint and asks, "Who is that and why is he red?"

"Tell you later" Clint says back.

"But for the collective good" Vision continue to speak as Tony, Nat, Rhodey , Peter, and T'Challa come to stand in front of them. Tony stands there shocked to see his sister there, let alone on Steves side. "you must surrender now."

"What do we do, Cap" Sam asks

"We fight" Everyone on Steves side starts running at the team that stand on Tonys side to fight them. 

"This is gonna end well" Nat said. Then Tony's side starts to run at them to. 

"They're not stopping" Peter looks at Tony.

"Neither are we" Tony said back. They all start fight each other. Steve vs. Tony, T'Challa vs. Bucky, Vision vs. Clint and Aurora, Sam vs. Rhodey, Peter vs. Wanda, and Nat vs. Soctt at first but then they just start fighting who's not on their side. Aurora just sticks with fighting Vision. 

"Hey red floating guy" Aurora said throwing fire at Vision.

"My name is Vision" He said blocking Aurora's fire as best as he can but Aurora's fast.

 "Yeah whatever, I have a question. What the hell are you. I mean you can't be a person, your red and have a stone in your head and it's not just for decoration I see"

"I think it is called an Android"

"So, your basically like some kind of appliance or robot and that rock is your life support. Your like a big toaster and that rock is your on and off.  Ah, that is one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time." They keep fighting.

"We gotta go." Bucky said.

"That guy's probably in Siberia by now." Aurora said throwing fire.

"We gotta draw out the flyers." Steve said looking up. "I'll take Vision, you and Aurora get to the jet"

"I'm not done here yet. James is going to have to go without me." Aurora said hiding behind something so Vision can't see her. "I'll meet you there"

"No, Steve get to the jet!" Sam yells flying around. "Both you and Bucky. The rest of us aren't getting out of here, and I don't think Aurora wants to go"

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this, some of us might have to lose it." Clint said 

"This isn't the real fight, Steve" Sam tells Steve in the coms

"Alright, Sam, what's the play" Steve asks

"I got my brother" Aurora said running to fight Tony.

"We need a diversion, something big" Sam said trying to think.

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half . . . don't come back for me" Soctt says.

"He's gonna tear himself in half" Bucky and Aurora ask at the same time.

"You're sure about this, Scott" Steve asks

"I do it all the time. I mean once . . . in a lab. Then I passed out" He replies back

"Oh than this should be interesting to see" Aurora looks around for her brother. Soctt grows into the size of a building. "Ok, never saw that coming. I guess that's the signal"

After Tony is done tell Peter to stay down he goes to walk away but Aurora stands in front of him. "Hello brother. We need to talk" After Aurora said that she shot fire at him and he got pushed back, not expecting her to shoot fire at him, let alone be in front of him. She kept shooting fire at him to get him away from everyone. Aurora turns off her coms so no one can hear what she is saying so it's just between her and Tony. Once Tony finally steadied himself, he points his arm/blaster at her. 

"What are you doing here"

"I'm here to stop you from making a big mistake" Aurora said, not moving

"I'm not the one making the mistake here"

"Anthony, you know this is wrong"

"You don't get to tell me what's wrong. When back then you did the wrong thing all the time, and you're still doing it."

"Is that what father told you, he was never my biggest fan. I only did one thing wrong, and that was leaving without telling you goodbye to your face"

"Stop your lies"

"Like I said before. I am not a liar. I have never and will never lie to you, no matter what you do or what happens. You can stop this before things get out of hand"

"They already are. Father was right. You can't-". Before Tony could say or do anything else, there was a loud noise and Tony looks behind him and sees Rhodey falling. "Rhodes!" Tony flies after him and away from Aurora.

"I'm sorry this had to happen" Aurora said even though Tony can't hear her. Aurora ran over to the jets. "Steven send me the location. I have to make a quick stop, then I'll be on my way"

"Are you sure" Steve said over the coms as Aurora climbed into a small jet.

"Like Samuel said. The fights not over" and with that Aurora took off.
