Truce -Part 9

Aurora walks into the rafts. She hacked into their system so they wouldn't be able to hear her talk, but they can see her so she has something over her face so that she wouldn't be recognize by anyone.  She goes in front of Clints cell first. When she's in front of his cell, he looks up. "You going back into hiding" Clint asked from where he's sitting.

"No. I got one more thing to do. Then I might try to have the life that you thought I had and then tried to save." He nods at that. "And I don't say this often but, thank you"

"Everyone deserves to have a break once in a while"

"Yeah while, I'll let you know when I finally get one" After Aurora said that she starts walking over to Sams cell. As she's walking over to his cell she passes by Scott's cell. He goes to say something, but she just puts a finger to her lips and winks and keeps walking. She stands in front of Sam's cell.

"You know Tonys going to look for you" Sam said looking at Aurora.

"I know"

"You're not worried."

"No. I think it's time to be there for my brother again, he might need it. But first I have to go stop Zemo. Good luck, and thank you Sam."

"Did you just..." Sam says sliming and pointing at Aurora.

"I'll be in touch" Aurora says smirking a little and walking away.

Aurora gets to the location that Steve set her. She waits by the cast bunker entrance for Steve and Bucky.

"He can't have fir here more than a few hours" Aurora hears Steve say. Then she hears Bucky next.

"Long enough to wake them up"

"Took you long enough" Aurora says when she sees them. Bucky points his gun at her, not knowing she was there, and he holds it there for a second. "Ether shoot me or put it down. Your choice if you want help or not" Bucky slowly lower his gun, still not trusting her. "Good choice. Now lets go"

Steve leads them into the cast bunker with Bucky behind him and Aurora in the back. They travel down into the depths inside a caged elevator, it stops in the bottom of the bunker and the doors slide open. Steve nods to Bucky and heaves up the cage door. Bucky readies his heavy duty machine gun and they walk along a corridor, keeping close to a wall. Aurora looks into an room full of junk then she, Bucky and Steve move on up some stairs but stop mid way at the sound of a loud thud. They all spin around. aiming down at the corridor.

"You ready?" Steve asks them.

"Yeah" Bucky says but Aurora only hums back.

The Double doors part/forced open and in walks in Iron Man. Tony walks towards Aurora, Steve and Bucky and retracts the suit's helmet. "You seem a little defensive" Tony says.

 Aurora puts her hand down that had a fire ball in it, but Bucky keeps his gun up while Steve walks to meet Tony with his shield covering his body. 

 "At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you." Tony says to Bucky

"Then why are you here?" Steve asks

"Could be your story's not so crazy." Tony said looking at Aurora because he knows she's the one that sent him the pictures and the stuff about Zemo. "Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself."

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve lowers his shield. "It's good to see you, Tony"

"You too, Cap." Tony nods to Y/n, not knowing what to say to her. He then looks at Bucky. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop..." Aurora puts her hand on Bucky's gun and lower it. 

The four of them cautiously walk along a corridor. T'Challa in his Black Panther Suit is hiding around a corner, watching them.
