Strucker and the Scepter- Part 2

You're in the same room from when you got there. Everyone left except Steve, who is watching you. "I've heard a lot about you. Don't worry, there are all good things." Your sitting waiting for the information to load. You got bored so you start talking/ annoying Steve. "You should talk more. Maybe then people will like you more. My father never really liked me. Therefore, never really talked to me. But when he did talk to me, it was always about you. About how great you were and how he wished I was more like you at the age of 6. Even up until the day he died, you were better than me." Steve still hasn't said anything. He keeps reading his book. "I have been through hell and back. But yet you're still better than me in every way. Even when you couldn't save... Bucky'' At that point Steve was now standing in front of you. Wanting to hurt you. "Hit a soft spot, Rogers. What are you going to do? Hit me. Come on Rogers, you know you want to."

Nat walks into the room. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, just thought we could have a chat." As you say that Steve starts walking back to his spot on the chair. "Good boy"

"Ok enough of that. Your here to help us-"

You cut Nat off. "No, I'm here so I'm not stuck there. I'm doing this for me, not you."

"You're still here. So just shut up and do what you're here for."

"Feisty. I like that about you. We could become great friends." Just then a beeping sound goes off. You turn around as people walk in. "Sorry, I would love to chat more, but we have people to catch."

"Where do you think you're going?" Tony says stopping me from leaving the room.

"Did you not just hear me? I found this Strucker person you were looking for. Turns out that he's in a place called Sokovia. Oh, and that scepter that Loki had in the battle of New York is there to."

"I mean, where are you going because you are not coming" Tony says still not moving while everyone else leaves to get ready.

"And why do you say that."

"You are too unpredictable."

"I found him so I'm coming."

"No, you're not."

"We don't have time for this. I'll follow your stupid rules, but I'm going" I go to leave, and this time Tony lets me.

*Later in Sokovia* *3rd POV*

The Avengers plus Aurora are fighting. Aurora was forced to stay alongside Nat because they wouldn't let her out of their sight.

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys" Nat said as she shot someone and Y/n shoots people with fireballs and burned them.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise" Clint says after he blows up a tack.

"No shit. Just get me inside and I'll burn the place down" Aurora says making a tree fall down by burning the bottom of it, the tree lands on two people.

"What did we say" Tony says flying around.

"'We get the scepter, Strucker and get out. No burning the building down because it will scare the people of Sokovia and we want to keep them calm' I know. God, you sound like you're older than me" Aurora says well making faces to mimic Tony. Nat laughs at that because she's the only one that sees her doing the faces. Tony just ignores her and keeps trying to find a way in.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact the Cap just said 'Language'?"

*Skip to the part of the fight when Steve is inside. When Clint got hurt and Nat went over to help him, Nat told Aurora to go and help Steve inside. So now Steve and Aurora are inside*

Steve and Aurora beat up two people and walk into a room, there they see Strucker.

"Baron Strucker" Steve says when they see him. "Hydra's number one thug" Aurora's eyes widen when she hears who she has been fighting the whole time, but she doesn't say anything.

"Technically, I'm a thug for S.H.I.E.L.D." Strucker says back.

"Well, then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?"

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated; I hope." Aurora is standing next to Steve but then she hears a noise and turns around. She sees something in a dark room and starts walking towards it while they keep talking.

"I'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation'. How many are there?" Wanda comes out of the room and uses her powers to push Steve down the stairs. Steve comes running up the stairs and say, "We have a second Enhanced Female. Do not engage." He then looks back at Strucker.

"You'll have to be faster than..." He didn't get to finish what he was going to say before Steve knocked him out. "Guys, I got Strucker" He says and then starts looking around because he can't find Aurora. "Aurora" he says but still didn't see anything. He's about to tell the other that he can't find her when Aurora walks out of the room she was in. "Didn't Tony say that you can't be out of sight, that you have to be told by someone" Aurora starts fighting Steve without saying anything. *I'm too tired to write a fight scene, so I'm skipping to the end* Steve finally wins the fight by knocking Aurora out. He picks up Strucker and Aurora and brings them to the jet. When Steve gets there Nat asks Steve what happened to Aurora. "I don't know. She didn't say anything. She just started attacking me"

Tony turns around in his chair at the controls and says, "I knew my sister wouldn't listen. She's a liar" After he Said that he trunks back around and starts up the jet. While Steve and Nat lock up Aurora and Strucker. When they get back to the compound, people take Y/n and Strucker to the rafts. Aurora had to go back to the rafts because she broke the rules.
