Need Help- Part 1

*3rd person POV*

Steve, Natasha and Rhodey walk into Tony's lab. "Find anything that might help" Steve asks Tony while he is at his computer.

"No there's nothing, it's like they disappeared" Tony says turning around in his chair

"Tony, it been 2 mouths and we need to find them soon. I think it's time you pay her a visit, we need her" Rhodey said

"No, no, no. We are not asking her. She's there for a reason" Tony says turning back around 

"Do you know who they are talking about" Natasha asks Steve

"Nope" Steve replies

"Tony, she was always good at finding people. She may not be the best to let out, but she's the only shot we got" Rhodey steps closer to Tony

Tony stops what he's doing "fine"

Steve speaks up "who are you talking about"

"You'll see, but first I need to pay a visit to someone I haven't see for a while" Tony says walking out of the room

*Later at the rafts*

Tony walks into the rafts "Hello little bother" Tony turns around to see his sister in a cell on a bed reading "it's been a while"

Tony walks over to the glass "yes it has, 11 years?"

"12" Aurora says setting the book down and walking over to the glass

"How have you been"

"Oh, you know, the same sines the last time you visited me 12 years ago"

"Sorry, I-"

"Anthony, don't say sorry if you don't mean it because we both know you don't"

"I got busy"

"Of course with the Avengers and all"

"How do you know about them"

"I have my ways. So why are you here, I'm pretty sure you didn't come all the way just to say hi"

"We need your help" he say looking down

"Oh, and there it is ladies and gentlemen, the real reason he's here"

"Look it's not like I wanted to come-"

"Oh yeah, cause seeing me is so bad"

"We need your help to track down and catch some people, you were always the best at it tracking"

"And why should I help you when all you've done was help put me in here 14 years ago" (they were 31 and now are 45)

"because I can get you out of here, but of course with some rules"

"what rules"

"well first you have to be around someone at all times and next you can't do anything unless you tell anyone first and they say it's ok and lastly you are not aloud to hurt anyone"

"I would rather stay in here, at least in here I got more privets. Fine I'll do it but under one condition"


"I never have to get sent back here no matter what"

"We can do that. So do we have a deal" 

"I guess so" Tony calls Ross in and they take Aurora out of the call and put cuffs on her

"No funny business" Said ross taking Aurora outside 

"No promises" Aurora said while getting in the helicopter after Tony and they both flow off

*Back at the Tower*

Everyone is in the conference room waiting for Tony "So who do you think Tony is getting" Nat asked Steve

"I really have no clue. But they said she good at tracking people so this might help us"

"How do you think he knows this person"

"They could be-"

"Because I put them where they are now" Tony says as he walks into the room

"Then who are they" Clint asks

"Someone that is very dangerous and can't be trusted" Tony says

"Then why bring them here" Bruse asked

"Because there's no one better at tracking then her, not even I can do what she does" Tony say and turns around upon hear footsteps

*Aurora's POV*

"Oh, come on Anthony don't beat yourself up about it we all still can learn new things, even you" you says walking into the room with the cuffs still on her hands

"Tony, what is she doing here. She was in the rafts" Nat say as her and Clint stand up ready to fight you

"You didn't tell them, did you" you ask Tony

"Tell us what. Tony what are you not telling us" Clint ask him

"Tony, who is this" Steve asks still confused on who the women that just walked in is

"Oh I'm sorry I haven't introduce my self. I'm Anthony's older sister-" your were cut off by Tony

"By 6 minutes. Everyone this is my twin sister. Aurora Stark, or also know as-"

"Hell Fire" Nat finished for Tony

You nods to Nat and Clint "Natasha, nice seeing you again. You to Clint. You must be Steve, lovely too meet you. Buces love your work. Thor, it's a pleasure to meet you" you look at them as you greet them

"Do I know you from somewhere" Thor asks

"No, but I know you. Thor, God of thunder. Bother of Loki, God of mischief. Lovely battle might I add" You look at Buces "How do you stay calm, I never learned how but I would love to know"


"Good to know" You look at Steve "America's golden man, or should I say boy. I have always wonder what it was like waking up 70 years later and knowing everyone that you knew was dead, while almost everyone."

"What is that supposed to mean" Steve ask sitting up

"Oh, I know you found him."

"What. How did you know." He asks now walking over to you

Tony stand in between you two "Steve calm down. She just lying to you, she's always lying just to make drama. She's just mess with you."

"I don't lie" You look at Tony.

"Ok enough with your games. Let's go" Tony said while pulling your arm.

"I'm hungry, can I get something to eat."

"After you find them"

"Fine" You sit down, and you just stare at the computer and do nothing "You know I can't-"

"Just fine them" Nat interrupts you. You just sit there again, do nothing "Well."

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, I can't do anything with the cuffs on so, would you take them off please" You hold up your hands to show the cuffs. Tony takes them off. "Thank you" you start typing away on the computer

"What are you doing" Clint says

"Well, I'm hungry and I have learned that when Anthony says after or later that it doesn't happen, and you never told me what or who I was looking for so-" Steve slaps downs a file on the desk. "Calm down, I already ordered the food. Ok let's see who this creep is" you look at the file "This is going to take a while. Should be fun. Give me 2 hours" 
