Great just my luck. I'd rather get struck by lightning than stay with Jude.

"Oh I- erm" I stutter out looking at Jude for help.

"Jude tell Elena she's staying here it's not safe for her to leave. Your really going to let your girlfriend go out into a storm" she says to him.

"Of course I wouldn't let her leave, Elena babe your staying here I'm not letting you out into that okay" he says pulling into his side. What a good actor.

"Yeah okay that's fine, I just didn't want to disturb you guys" I say to mark and Denise. They shake their heads.

"Don't be silly your Jude's girlfriend you'd never disturb us your always welcome here" she tells me. Mark nods.

"Your family now honey" he says. I smile at them both there both so sweet I want to cry.

"Thank you so much" I say to them.

"You guys go get changed and get dry your both shivering still" Denise says to us both. We both nod and head upstairs, I feel so awkward right now since we're not really talking.

"I can go if you want, I can make an excuse to your parents"I say to Jude as we get into his room. As I hate being somewhere where I'm clearly not wanted.

"Don't be stupid Elena you can't go out in that, I want you to say" he says.

"I mean my parents want you to stay" he quickly says, obviously he doesn't want me to stay.

"Okay" I say not really wanting to talk to him. My teeth start chattering I'm that cold.

"Shit your freezing" he mutters coming closer to me touching my hands and face.

"You need to get out of your wet clothes and have a warm shower" he says to me grabbing a towel out of his closet.

"What about you, you can go first it's your shower" I tell him. He shakes his head.

"I'll be fine, I'll go have it in the other bathroom you use mine". He says.

"Okay, thank you. I have a bag with some clothes in my boot I'll go get it". I tell him. I'm so grateful I put a bag of pjs, toothbrush and underwear in case of an emergency.

"No it's fine,I'll go grab it. You get in the shower" he says.

"Thank you" I say before going into the bathroom.

I'm in the shower for like 20 minutes, I just can't get I feel so warm especially compared to before I was freezing, which is my own fault for being so stubborn and staying outside.

I really don't get Jude he's so bipolar like first he says he wants to take me out, then he starts an argument on the table then again in the car, but now he's being nice he confuses me.

I stay in the shower for another 10 minutes before deciding to get out, I wrap my towel around my body. Great he gives me a tiny towel, it covers my boobs and bum but just about. Shit my clothes are in his room. He's probably still having his shower or something.

I go into his room to grab my bag. As I'm walking into his room Jude turns to my direction great I feel naked right now, he was drying his hair with his towel but as he sees me he drops the towel on the floor. It doesn't help he's shirtless right now and wow he's gorgeous.

"I just came to get my clothes sorry" I tell him as I feel like I'm imposing especially since he doesn't have a shirt on.  He doesn't reply he's just staring at me, which makes me feel a bit self conscious I'm no model like the girls he's probably been with.

"Jude your staring" I tell him, he starts blushing.

"Oh eh I-I'm sorry" he mutters and quickly turns around facing away from me. I laugh.

I grab my bag and go back into the bathroom, I put my deodorant and body lotion on. I pull the pjs out, there not the best considering I should put something warm on. It's long pants and a tank top, it will have to do, it's better than nothing.

I walk back into his room, he's now sat on his bed on his phone. He turns to me and shakes his head. Now what.

"Your meant to keep warm and your wearing that" he points at my tank top. I shrug.

"It's not my fault how was I meant to know to keep warm clothes in my car incase of a storm" I say back he laugh.

He walks to his closet, "choose whatever hoodie you want" he turns to me which shocks me.

"Oh it's fine you don't have to give me your hoodie I'll be fine" I tell him, feeling like he's already done too much.

"It's fine just take it I don't want you to get cold" he says. I walk over to his wardrobe and point out a black one which caught my eye I'm definitely taking this home.

He takes it of the hanger and passes it to me, I put it on and immediately smell his fragrance this smells exactly like Jude. I force myself not the sniff the jumper in front of him otherwise I'll look like a creep.

"Thank you Jude" I tell him. He nods.

"It's okay, shall we go downstairs I think mum wanted to watch a movie" he says.

"Yeah sounds good" I tell him we make our way downstairs. As we enter the living room i see Jobe's  come down as well. He sees me and immediately comes over bringing me into a hug,I hug him back.

"Ah my fav Bellingham is here" I say to him, as soon as I say that Mark, Denise and Jude turn to me.

"My bad, I meant fav Bellingham brother" i correct myself. They all laugh except Jude. Jobe wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Your girlfriend likes me more Jude, take that" he mocks Jude, he rolls his eyes at jobe.

"Shut up Jobe, get your own girlfriend stop trying to steal mine" Jude says pulling my away from Jobe into his arms. Denise laughs.

"Are you guys feeling warmer now" she asks us, we both nod.

"A lot better thank you" I say to her.

"I'm glad, we're going to find a movie" mark says him and Denise go sit on the sofa and turn the tv on.

Jobe stares at my hoodie and then smirks at Jude, Jude rolls his eyes to jobe what's going on.

"What am I missing" I ask confused.

"Nothing" Jude quickly says,jobe laughs I'm so confused right now.

"I was just shocked to see you wear that hoodie is all" jobe says, I'm still confused.

"How come is there something wrong with this hoodie" I ask.

"No no, it's Jude favourite hoodie. I've asked him so many times to wear it but he doesn't let me so I was just surprised to see you wear it, he must really love you" Jobe says smiling at us both before going to join his parents on the sofa. I can't believe he let me wear this hoodie if doesn't even let Jobe wear it.

We both just stand there awkwardly not saying anything.

"I didn't know this was your favourite hoodie I can go take it off" I say to him. He shakes his head.

"Nah it's fine keep it" he says before pulling me to the sofa.

We all go back and forth on what movie to watch, me and Denise decide we should watch a romcom, mark doesn't say anything to his wife neither does jobe. Jude groans saying he hates romcoms and he'd rather watch anything else, me and Denise shut him up.

We decide on how to loose a guy in 10 days it's a classic. Before we start the movie Denise and Jude are in the kitchen grabbing snacks, they come in and Jude passes me a mug.

"Here it's hot chocolate, have it will keep you warm" he tells me. I can't believe he made me hot chocolate how sweet.

"You made me hot chocolate" I ask him shocked. He pauses before shaking his head.

"No my mum did she just told me to give it to you" he says, right. I can't help but feel disappointed and a bit dumb for thinking he would make it for me.

"Oh right, I'll make sure to thank her then" I reply he just nods and sits next to me on the sofa. He passes me a blanket I wrap it around me, I then cover Jude with it as well.

"Wow this hot chocolate was so good I definitely need Denise to make it again sometime" I tell Jude. He turns to me and smiles, and has a proud grin. What's he so happy for.

We're half way into the movie and Jobe is loving it, and I know Jude secretly is I can hear him laughing and he's not even been on his phone once. I somehow end up with my head on Jude's chest, he's just so warm I don't want to get of. He looks down at me I think he's about to tell me to get of.

"Oh sorry I'll get up" I quickly say lifting my head.

"No it's fine, we're meant to be in a relationship couples do this, I don't want my family to be suspicious" he says and puts my head back on his chest and wraps his arm around me. I try not let this affect me cause this is all fake but I can't help it. I snuggle more into him might as well take advantage of this.


Tagged @jobebellingham

Liked by: Judebellingham, Isabellelopez and landonorris


I feel someone lifting me.

"She's fallen asleep I'll take her upstairs, night guys love yous" I hear Jude saying. He kisses my forehead and begins to walk away, I get immediate butterflies but he probably did that cause his parents were there.

I open my eyes, as he's walking up the stairs.

"What are you doing" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"You feel asleep I didn't want to wake you" he says.

"Oh thanks, you can put me down now I'm awake"
I tell him feeling bad he's literally carrying me I'm probably really heavy.

"It's fine we're nearly at my room" he says.

"No put me down I'm probably really heavy" I mutter feeling embarrassed. He laughs.

"What you on about your as light as a feather and don't insult me have you seen my muscles" he says. I laugh.

"Something funny, look I can carry you with one arm" he says. I laugh even more.

"Sure you can Jude calm down" I say to him. He lets one arm go of my body. I squeal clinging onto him.

"Jude stop I'll fall" I say. He laugh.

"Told you I'd be able to carry you with one arm" he says and tickles me I giggle.

He carry's me to his room with one hand to prove a point.

"Okay you've proved your point Mr muscles you can put me down now" I tell him. He drops me on the bed.

"Jude" I laugh. He laughs as well. We both look at each other and smile. It feels like we're staring at each other forever before we both look away and awkwardly cough. The atmosphere is now awkward.

"You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the sofa" he points to the tiny sofa in his room. I'm about to say no I'll sleep on the sofa but I stop myself.

"Ok that's fine" I tell him he laughs.

"Wow no, it's fine I'll sleep on the sofa" he says.

"I was going to offer to sleep on the sofa but then I thought after how you spoke to me today I don't feel bad for taking your bed" I tell him. He just laughs.

My phone begins ringing, I look down and see masons contact name. Jude sees it as well he scoffs.

"Why's he ringing" he mutters.

"Cause he's my friend what's your problem" I say getting angry that he's saying something again.

"Well you both clearly together or something" he says.

"What the hell, no we're not. We have been friends for years he's one of my best friends that's it. Why do you care so much" I say. He rolls his eyes.

"I don't care but I just think you were the one who said we can't see others and this is what you do" he says.

"What have I done, I've literally not done anything he's just my friend" I say feeling annoyed. I haven't done anything.

"I saw you at Trent's party" he says, I look at him waiting to him to say more but he doesn't.

"Ok, what did we do at Trent's party, cause I was only with him for like a few minutes and in them few minutes him and Isabelle were arguing then he left" I say feeling so confused.

" I saw the way he was hugging you and kissing your cheek. God knows what happened after I left" he says.

I laugh that's what's getting him so rattled. That reminds me of Trent's words ", actually we were going to go talk to you but you were talking to mase. Then Jude seemed a bit annoyed and he said he was going to get a drink". But it makes no sense we didn't do anything.

"Are you joking, that's it. He literally kissed my cheek when he left which is something he's always done for years. He is literally a brother to me I've never liked him in any way" I say. He looks at me still feeling unsure.

"I shouldn't have to defend myself this much to you, I've not done anything you can't speak to me like this." I say feeling upset.

"You can't really blame me for thinking that, it's not just me I mean all your comments thought it as well " he says. My jaw drops. So he's saying he agrees with the comments calling me a slut and saying I want both guys and that I'm a gold digger. I can't believe him.

"Fuck you Jude your a dick" I say before getting under the covers just wanting to go sleep.

I hear him walking around the room before going to the sofa. I message mason apologising for not answering. I also message Isabelle seeing how she is and how her date went since I've not spoken to her since Trent's party.

I lie there for nearly 40 minutes I can't sleep, I replay Jude's words in my head and the comments I've been getting. Some tears roll down my face I quickly wipe them away. I'm not going to let lies affect me like this.

It starts raining again really heavy and then starts thundering. After a couple minutes it starts lightning and thundering a lot more and louder. Jude abruptly gets of the sofa and goes into his bathroom and splashes his face with water what's with him.

He leaves the bathroom and paces the room. Should I ask what's wrong or not. Before I can stop myself I ask him.

"What's wrong" I ask. He turns his head to me shocked I'm talking to him.

"Nothing I'm fine" he says still pacing the room.

"Jude there's clearly something wrong what is it" I ask I don't even know why I care I should go to sleep and forget about him.

"I guess I kind of don't like storms" he mutters looking embarrassed.

"Don't laugh" he quickly says.

"I wasn't going to" I reply.

"I don't know why since I've been young I really don't like lighting and thunder" he says. To be honest I kind of like the sound of the rain and thunder.

"You can sleep in the bed if you want" i say to him. It slips out my mouth.

"Are you sure, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" he says. I nod.

"It's fine, it's your bed after all just stay on your side" I say.

"Yes ma'am" he says while getting into the bed.

We lie there in silence, before Jude says something.

"Thank you Elena" he says turning to me.

"Just cause I did this doesn't mean I forgot what you said, I don't like you Jude" I say and turn away from him.

"I know and I'm sorry" he sighs.

Authors note;
Another update a few days later who have I become, worked extra had to get another chapter out for you guys and made it longer . Don't be silent readers or I will disappear again:)

Let me know your thoughts and hope your all okay hope you enjoyed! Xx
