
LIKED BY: benchilwell,wolfiecindy AND OTHERS

Elenasainz: morning 💤


Username: how do u look this nice in the morning

benchilwell: loving the head band
-elenasainz: I'll get you one Ben

Username: 😍😍

Judebellingham: cute
-elenasainz: thanks bellingham

Username: omg omg I'm obsessed with them

Username: there too cute , they must be together

Isabellelopez: missing this cute face 😭
-elenasainz: come visit me I miss u more


It was around 5:30 and I just got back to my apartment, I had some photo shoots today and a meeting today about a project I'm working on. I have a shower and begin to get ready.
It's 7:35 and I get a message from jude that he's outside, I grab my bag and spray some perfume before heading out to his car.

I get in his car and prepare for silence but he shocks me and says hello.

"Hi" I say back confused

"You look nice" he says now I'm really confused he's never complimented me.

"Wow did the Jude Bellingham just compliment me" I say he laughs.

" don't get used to it" he says back and begins to drive of.

"Wasn't going to" I say, I sneak a glance at him and have to admit he looks really good, I quickly look away before he catches me.

We go inside the restaurant and order our food, we're sat in silence for about 5 minutes so I decide to break the silence.

"Sorry you didn't win the championship " I say to him, he looks up shocked that I'm speaking to him.

"Thanks, still pretty bummed about it but trying to move forwards" he says I nod.

"I can imagine, but when I was watching the game I could see you guys tried your best and that's the most important thing, and hey you won player of the season that's pretty cool" I say to him.

"Yeah that was pretty sick" he says then pauses.

"Did you say you watched my game" he says with a smirk. Shit I didn't mean to say that.

"No" I quickly say.

"Yeah you did, I heard you" he says laughing

"It was on in the background i wasn't even watching it" I say .

"Whatever you say sweetheart" he says still smirking at me , I roll my eyes and his stupid smirk.

Thankfully the food comes, as we're eating he asks me a question.

"How was your two weeks in Spain" he asks me.

I pause and look up at him confused, he has never asked me a question or started a conversation without trying to start an argument.

"it was really nice to see my family and friends, especially Carlos and my dad" I tell him.

"You seem very close with your dad and Carlos" he says. I nod my head

"yess I am, I'm close with all my family, I was just really excited to see Carlos because I rarely see him anymore cause of his job but I'm super proud of him and it was nice to go to his race. My dad is the best I love spending time with him". I say to him then I feel embarrassed that maybe he thinks I'm taking too much, but stop myself I shouldn't care what jude thinks of me.

"That's nice your close with your family, what about your mum" he says.

"I'm close with my mum as well , she's currently on a cruise so I've not seen her for a couple weeks but my parents got divorced when I was younger. My mum got remarried and moved here to London and my dad stayed in Madrid. So I would go back and forth" I tell him.

"That must have been hard" he said.

"Yeah it was quite hard I think cause I was young, I was tired of going back and forth I just wanted to stay in one place. But after a while I got used to it. What about you, are you close with your family" I ask wanting to change the subject as we've been talking about me too much.

"Yeah I'm very close with my parents they've done so much for me, jobes like my best friend as well" he says.

"You seem very close with your mum and awh Jobes the best I love him". I tell him.

"I am, I'm so grateful for everything she's done for me" he says I smile who knew jude could be so sweet.

"Wait when have you met jobe" he said confused.

I laugh" at Masons party, your brought him then got drunk as fuck and ditched him for a girl. So I stayed with him and I was so shocked he was your brother cause he's so nice" I say to him.

"I honestly do not remember this, I'm nice I don't know what your talking about" he said I scoffed

"I take it you also don't remember that same night you knocked your drink all over my dress, didn't apologise and said to Jobe not to speak to me cause I'm a boring bitch" I tell him, he winced that's the night I began to hate Jude more than anything.

"How drunk was I , I don't remember any of this" he says then pauses and laughs a bit

"That's why after Masons party you threw wine on me" he says. I nod

"I'm sorry" he says after a moment I look at him shocked this is very out of character for him.

"wow jude did you just apologise to me never thought I'd see the day" I say to him he laughs.

"First and last time Sainz" he says

The waiter comes and gives the bill, he pays even though I offered to pay, I feel bad when people spend their money on me.

We arrive at my apartment I grab my things and get ready to leave.

"Thanks for the dinner" I say to him, he nods his head.

"No worries" he replies back he sticks his hand out and gives me an awkward handshake. I laugh and get out to go to my apartment.



LIKED BY: sasha_rebecca, landonorris AND OTHERS

Elenasainz: 🥂



LIKED BY; jobebellingham, gioareyna AND OTHERS


Username: he's so beautiful

Username: we all know you were with Elena

gioareyna: looking good!

username: what's going on with him and elena cause why we're they together tonight!!
