
I'm walking to Jude's car as we're going to Trent's party I don't even know why I agreed to come I've already seen Jude today I don't know if I can deal with seeing him again.

I get in his car, " hey" he says. "Hi, lucky me seeing you twice in a day" I say sarcastically, he laughs.

"Yeah yeah, don't get too excited" he replies. I just turn the volume up on whatever he's listening to.

We don't talk the journey to Trent's which I'm glad about cause knowing us we'd probably argue.

"Are you drinking tonight" I ask him since he drove us here.

"Nah, I drove here so I can't drink" he says I nod and then say something I regret.

"You drink, I'll stay sober and drive us home" I say to him. He looks at me shocked to be honest I'm shocked as well that I'm being nice to him.

"Are you sure" he asks and looks at me suspiciously.

"Yeah I don't mind it's your friends party and I don't even want to drink" I say kinda regretting it cause I'm probably going to need some alcohol to deal with Jude, but it's too late now.

"Ok thanks" he says still looking at me weirdly.

"Stop looking at me like I'm plotting to poison your drink" I say to him.

"I wouldn't put it past you, your crazy" he says with a smirk. I shove him and walk ahead into the house.

"Ok you stay sober and I'll drink" I say to him he runs after me.

"Wait wait I was joking, I'm sorry" he says i just laugh at him.

"Jude you came" a voice says, we turn around and see Trent walking towards us.

"Of course bro" Jude says giving him them boy hugs.

"I'm so glad you came elena" he says to me pulling me into a hug. I return the hug and give him a smile.

"Me too, it's nice to see you" I tell him.  After a couple minutes I excuse myself letting them catch up with each other.

I just wander around regretting coming I'm already bored. I go to upstairs to the bathroom and decide to ring Isabelle since I'm missing her and wish she was here to keep me some company.

She immediately answers." Is everything okay, did Jude do something to you at the party " she rushes out I laugh at her concern.

"woah bell I'm fine for once Jude's not done anything, I'm just bored" I say to her. She lets out a sigh of relief.

"I got worried something had happened, go mingle with some hot guys" she says.

"I've got Jude" I say without thinking. She begins cheering.

"Ooo Lena you've got Jude is that right" she say's excitedly.

"No I didn't mean it like that and you know it, I just meant I can't go flirt with boys when he's meant to be my boyfriend" I quickly shut her down.

"Boring " she boos, and switches the call to FaceTime. Now get out the bathroom and go show me some fit guys I'm bored as well" she demands. I laugh and leave the bathroom but don't flip the camera to any guys.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs someone shouts my name, I look around startled wondering who's calling me but there's so many people around.

"Who's calling you is it Jude" Isabelle asks, I ignore her.

"Elena" I hear again and then I see mason, I smile and see him walking towards me. He comes and gives me a hug which I return thankful he's here I've not seen him in a while.

"Hey Jude" a voice interrupts us i roll my eyes she needs to stop mentioning him. I turn the phone towards mason and her smile drops.

"Hey Isabelle not seen you in a while" mason says in a awkward tone.

"Good keep it that way" she says back. I just stand there awkwardly holding the phone.

"Anyways what are you up to today" I change the topic.

"I'm going on a date later" she says with a smile on her face but she's looking at mason while saying this. Before I can say anything mason beats me.

"Who with" he immediately asks and he sounds annoyed. I feel like I'm interrupting something right now.

"Why are you still here, it's none of your business" she tells him, he rolls his eyes.

"Tell me Isabelle" he says in a stern tone.

"Lewis" she says,

"Awh Lewis your neighbour he's so sweet" I ask she nods her head.

"Yeah he's the best" she says, masons scoffs.

"Why are you going on a date with that dickhead" he says to her.

She laughs" yeah you'd know all about being a dickhead wouldn't you"

"What's that supposed to mean" he says.

"You know exactly what I mean" she says back starting to get annoyed. I stand there confused not knowing what's going on.

"why'd you always have to be such a bitch" he says and that pisses her off as well as me.

"Hey hey, calm down guys don't call her a bitch mase" I say. They both roll their eyes

"Fuck of mount" she says and then hangs up the call, and then mason says he's leaving he kisses my cheek and walks off leaving me stood there alone confused. And they expect me to believe nothing happened between them.

I just sit on a stool in the kitchen not knowing what to do, I know some people here but not enough to go up to them a start a conversation. After a couple minutes I see Sasha I wave to her. She comes running over.

"Heyy Elena thank god your here " she says. I laugh and agree.

"I know it's nice to see you, I was getting bored i don't really know many people here" I tell her

"Let me introduce you to some of the other girls" she says and pulls me towards a group of girls.

2 hours later


Most of the girls had gone and then Sasha says she and jack are leaving.

I get up and go to find Jude cause I want to go as well. I can't seem to see him anywhere I even ring him a couple times. I see Trent.

"Hey Trent have you seen Jude anywhere" I ask him. He shakes his head

"nah not for a while, actually we were going to go talk to you but you were talking to mase. Then Jude seemed a bit annoyed and he said he was going to get a drink" he rambled, I nod confused why he was annoyed.

Trent makes me take some pictures of him clearly drunk then I go to carry on finding Jude.

I walk to the bar area to see if he came to get a drink, I ask the bartender guy if he's seen Jude.

"Hey gorgeous, let me buy you a drink" I hear a voice. I roll my eyes men make me sick.

"No thanks" I say and turn to walk away. But he blocks the way.

"Don't be like that, I know you want a drink with me" he says.

"I don't that's why I'm leaving now can you move I need to find my boyfriend " I say.

"What type of boyfriend leaves a hot girl like you alone" he says coming closer.

"Fuck off and take a hint I don't want you" I tell him which annoys him.

"Bitch you'd be lucky to have me" I laugh which annoys him more. He grips my waist tightly and cages me in between him and the bar.

I look and there's no one around, great just my luck.

"Get the fuck away from me you desperate perv" I tell him trying to push him away.

"She said get the fuck away from her so why you still touching her" a voice says we both turn our heads and see a angry Jude, I've never been happier to see him. I quickly kick him in the balls and push him away.

He groans and Jude punches him, not the best punch I've seen it's very obvious he's drunk. Jude pulls me behind him, he punches him again.

"Don't you fucking touch my girlfriend or any girl again without her consent" he shouts at him and kicks him in the balls. I smile seeing that creep groan on the floor it's what he deserves.

As much as I'm loving see Jude hurt him I pull him back not wanting anyone to see and risk them posting Jude beat him up.

"Leave it now Jude, let's go" I say to him trying to pull him away. But he shakes me off.

"No I'm not done with him, who the fuck does he think he is" he says.

I pull him towards me" please Jude I just want to leave and not see him again" his eyes soften slightly and he nods.

"Okay let's get out of here" he says.

we see Trent as we're leaving, "you guys leaving" he asks.

"yeah man, some creep was messing with Elena he's on the floor near the bar get him out of here" Jude tells Trent.

"Shit are you being serious, I'm so sorry Elena are you okay" he immediately asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just want to get into bed now" I tell him. He nods and gives me a hug.

"I'll see you guys later, Jude take care of her she's a good one" he tells Jude I smile at him.

"I know" Jude says obviously lying to Trent.

"Damn that sobered me up" he says, and grabs a drink and finishes it. I roll my eyes at him.

"Pass me the keys" I tell him, he immediately passes them over. We walk to his car I get in and have to fix the seats cause I'm way shorter than him.

"Wait where am I meant to take you" I ask him, realising if I drop him to his house how will I get home.

He just shrugs and starts messing with the buttons in the car.

"Jude I'm asking you a question, can you stop messing around for one minute" I ask him, I feel like I'm babysitting a child.

"Stop shouting at me" he says. Why did he have to have that drink before we left.

"I didn't shout but I will if you want me to" I say back, he just ignores me and turns the other way.

"Your mean" he says. Drunk jude is so annoying he's acting like a baby. I decide to take him to his house and I'll just get an Uber back to mine.

As I'm driving to his, Jude's pretty quiet until he turns to me.

"Your pretty" he says. I don't take it as a compliment cause I know he's drunk and doesn't mean it.

"Thanks" I say back.

"Your hairs nice as well" he says and starts playing with my hair . I try not let him distract me and carry on driving.

"Why are you ignoring me" he says,

"I'm not I'm just trying to focus on driving" I tell him. He just nods and continues to play with my hair.

We get to his house it takes me 5 minutes to get him out the car, cause he didn't want to get out so I had to literally pull him out the car.

"Come on Jude, let's go inside" I tell him pulling him to door.

"Where's your key" I ask him cause I can't see it on his car keys, he just shrugs i groan.

"Jude can you please just tell me where your house keys are" I practically beg.

"I don't remember, think I left them at home" he says, great. He starts leaning into me so I have to hold him up. I start thinking what to do then I decide to ring jobe I feel bad about waking him up.

I take my phone out and go to call him.

"What you doing" jude asks me looking down at my phone.

"Ringing jobe to open the door" I tell him. He makes a weird face.

"Why do you have his number" he says weirdly.

"Cause he gave it me" I answer back not knowing why he's acting weird.

I ring jobe, it rings a couple times before he answers.

"Hello, you okay Elena" he asks in a groggy voice clearly just woke up.

"Hey jobe, I'm fine, I'm so sorry for waking you up. It's just Jude's drunk and I drove him home but he doesn't have his key could you open the door" I tell him. He lets out a little laugh.

"Of course he is, give me a second I'll come open the door" he says.

"Thanks so much Jobe" I tell him before hanging up.
I see Jude rolling his eyes.

"Now what's wrong with you" I ask him.

"You never speak to me that nicely" he says I laugh.

"Yeah cause Jobes nice to me unlike you" I tell him, he's about to say something but jobe opens the front door.

"Hey guys" he says.

Authors note:

THey guys, yes I've finally updated! So sorry for disappearing I've had so much going on in my life recently that I've not had the time to update but things are better now so I'm going to try regularly updating.
Hope your all okayy, let me know how you like the chapter and what else you want to see
