
I was getting changed when I hear laughing downstairs, a lot of laughing I head downstairs to see who's here. I walk into the kitchen and see the last person I expected to see in my house.

"Elena what are you doing here" I ask her as I'm so confused what she's doing here,because we haven't spoken in over a week since that day she came for dinner at my house, we were meant to meet up a couple days ago but she said to her manager she's not coming so I'm surprised she's here.

"did she not tell you she was coming" my mum asks confused.

"I messaged you in the morning telling you I'm coming over, you must have been asleep" she lie's . I nod my head still confused why she's here.

"Oh I've not been on my phone this morning" I lie as well.

"Your so rude Jude, are you not going to say hello to your girlfriend" she says. Shit I forgot I have to pretend to be her boyfriend.

I go to Elena and kiss her cheek and pull her into me wrapping my arm around her waist. I see a blush spread across her cheeks, cute.

"Hey babe, you okay" I ask her. I can see her trying to stifle a laugh at me calling her babe.

"I'm okay, you free today" she asks leaning into me I don't think she realises but I don't mind.

Yeah, what you guys doing" I ask them.

"I messaged her last night and asked if she would help me today choose furniture for my room, she's such a sweetheart she's come to help me we're going ikea" my mum tells me, I surprised after what happened that day elena still came to help my mum.

"That's nice, have fun" I say. I see Elena smirk.

"Denise do you not think Jude should come with us, since he's free and it can be a nice day out" she says smiling. This bitch, I squeeze her waist which makes me smile even more.

"That's a great idea, come on Jude your coming with us" my mum says, I hold a groan in I don't want to go shopping.

"Oh it's fine, you can have a girls day" I say. But Elena doesn't drop it.

"We're having a girls day on the weekend, so don't worry about that, I want you to come" elena says looking up at me.

"Okay I'll come" I say knowing they won't drop it.

"Great, let me go get my bag, we're gonna have to much fun" my mum says excited.

"I swear your such a bitch sometimes" I say turning to her. She laughs.

"You think you can be a dick to me the other day and I'll let you off" she says. I roll my eyes she's so dramatic. 

I don't know why I made such a big deal about her being at my house last week and getting on with my family, I mean I kind of liked having her at my house she fit in well which I think made me angry cause I hate her so why was I enjoying her being at my house. I don't know what's wrong with me recently.


We've been in ikea for two hours now, I'm sat in the cafe I don't even know where my mum and elena are. I get up to go find then.

I end up finding them in an aisle both laughing, I smile seeing my mum and elena laughing and smiling so much. It's nice there getting along so much. Even though I don't get how my mum likes Elena so much.

"Are you guys done now, can we go" I say going up-to them.

"Calm down we've not been here long" elena says to me. Is this girl serious.

"babe, you've been here two hours" I tell her.

"So, let us shop in peace jude" my mum says, elena nods her head in agreement.

" I didn't even want to come" I groan. Elena laughs, she grabs my hand and pulls me to the next aisle with them.

Another hour goes past and we're still shopping, I can't deal anymore. Elena is still holding my hand dragging me through different aisles, it's like she doesn't realise she's holding my hand. Her and my mum barley even speak to me there having there own conversation I don't get the point of me being here.

We finally go to the till, and I pay for the stuff and put all the stuff in my mums car, I brought my own car cause my mum is going to my grandmas after this.

" Thank you so much for coming today darling I had so much fun with you" my mum says to elena while hugging her.

"Awh your welcome Denise, I had lots of fun as well. Let me know when you want me to help you actually decorate your room and I'll come down" she says to my mum. My mum thanks her and kisses me bye before leaving.

We both get into my car," thanks for helping my mum today you made her day, I know it isn't apart of the agreement" I say to her.

"You don't have to thank me I love your mum she's the best, I'd way rather spend time with her than you" she says I laugh and playfully roll my eyes at her.

I drop her back at her apartment after buying her food which she forced me to do. As I'm driving home I realise this is the first time we've spent time together and not argued.



LIKED BY: Jobebellingham, mollymae

Elenasainz: ikea days are the best days!


User: I just want a proper pic of her and Jude.

Judebellingham: ikea days are the worst!
-elenasainz: drama queen, we had fun.
-judebellingham: more like u and my mum had fun.

denbello: your right we had lots of fun^
-elenasainz: the best time🤍

User: awhh them three went out how cute.

Jobebellingham: where was my invite?
-elenasainz: you had training, otherwise I'd much rather you come then jude.
-judebellingham: trust me jobe your lucky you didn't come, and RUDE!

User: I love them😭😭


I'm lying in bed on the ft to Isabelle,
"So you and jude seem to be getting close" she says. I roll my eyes.

"We are not" I say, she laughs.

"No need to get so defensive, and trust me you guys are starting to warm up to each other" she says smirking. I scoff.

"Ew stop, we hate each other. Now enough about stupid Jude, when you coming London I miss you" I say to her.

"I coming next week" she shouts on the phone I start jumping up and down getting so excited as shes not come London in ages.

"I'm so excited, oo mase is having a party next week we can go it will be fun" I say to her. She fake gags

"Pass, who wants to go to his shit party" she says. I roll my eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened with you and mase" I ask, she shrugs.

"Nothing happened, I just don't like him" she says. I just want to know why they both dislike each other cause I really don't get it. She quickly changes the topic.

As I'm talking to her, I see a message from jude, I go and click on it.

you busy?

Elena :
wow no hello

now are you busy.

Elena :
depends why?

you know my mate trent, he's having a party tonight and he told me to invite you as well.

ugh what is it with you footballers and parties

you coming or not?

fine. only cause Trent's cute

your meant to be my girlfriend, don't call my friend cute.

'FAKE' girlfriend
Trent's cute , Trent's cute, Trent's cute

real mature aren't you, see this is why I hate you.

wow dramatic much, but I wouldn't have it another way BABE!

whatever, just be ready in a bit I'll pick you up.
Elena liked your message.

"What are you smiling at" Isabelle says, I forgot she was on the phone.

"Nothing" I say quickly.

"hmm sure, you were talking to Jude weren't you" she says. I nod my head.

"but I wasn't smiling at him" I say, she just laughs at me.

"Whatever you say, but your not convincing me." She says I just stick my middle finger up and her. She's delusional I do not like Jude in any way.

Authors note:
permission to shout at me granted, sorry for shit updates girlies. dw guys I will 'fingers crossed' be posting regularly. Just spam the comments.
I shall hopefully have the next chapter done tomorrow.
Also who thinks Jude and Elena can go a day without having an argument? We shall have to see in the next chapter!
